
I’m Having an Off Day


Today is definitely an off day.
You know how sometimes you wake up and feel a little uncomfortable?
I’m trying not to focus on it but I feel it creeping up behind me like an ugly monster while I’m working..
On off days I’m really uninspired and unmotivated. Yuck!

Bob Marley lullabies are blasting for Colette to nap to and they’re slowly lifting me up.
Taking time out to awaken your senses always helps relieve those ‘off’ feelings.
Listen to the sounds around you and slowly rub a scented lotion into your hands or take a slow drink of your tea.

Maybe it’s something in the air?
The air smells different.
The season is new.
Yet I still feel stuck in a sort of winter limbo.
I want to lay out, wear tights and take photographs in the sunshine.
Yet I only go out when I need to.

I’m battling with my art.
I’m struggling with blogging.
I don’t know if I should close Miseducated.
Or continue to push myself to blog when I dread it more everyday.
What’s the problem?
Why does it feel like such a chore?
Everything feels like a chore.

They’re changing my medication to something new.
I’m tired of trying to find the right combination.
I’m tired of being a shadow of my old self with medication.
Why should I be embarrassed when some of the most amazing people have the disorders that I do?
Chemistry of the mind.

I’ll probably never post this because, as my best friend knows, I get horrid anxiety when I post anything personal here.
That’s not what this blog is. Is it?

How do you curb your off days?

Crafts DIY

Acid Wash Your Own Clothes


This started as a bit of an accident you see.. my husband unknowingly bought me a bleach cleaner recently. I’ve since accidentally bleached my new shirt and the carpet both while obsessively trying to clean our apartment. I got ready to trash the shirt and immediately wondered if there was some way I could salvage it…

All you need is a t-shirt (some other color besides white) and all-purpose spray-on bleach (or if you’re planning ahead use clorox in a spray-bottle).

First lay your t-shirt face up in the bath tub and give it a quick spray (with the bleach) all over; make sure to get some larger drops as well.

Turn the t-shirt over and spray the back in the same fashion.

If you’re dipping it to give it a fade.. pour the bleach into a bucket, dip and hang on the shower curtain to dry.

It will take an hour or so to dry and fully change color but you should see it begin to change immediately.

Now feel free to leave it this way or dye it but make sure you do wash it before wearing it!
Try this on other shirts, jeans and jean shorts for an 80s flashback look.

The damage.

Thanks to The Ragged Priest.
Visual Splendor

It’s time to go back to California.


I know this is months late.. but I figured I’d finally post this long, rambling blog.

So it’s time to take another trip to LA. To inhale the orange groves, fresh air and to fawn over the hot pink mountains burning from the sunset in the distance.

I love California, I should, I was going to move there immediately prior to becoming pregnant with my good luck charm, Colette. I’ve found (which I never thought would happen!) a very peaceful and lovely home in Indianapolis so for now California and I will meet up only occasionally for events and business trips.

One of my favorite little inland suburbs to stay in is Redlands. It’s about an hour drive from LA and is one of the cutest towns I’ve ever seen. My friends in LA complain about the drive… but I often stay there because one of my best friends calls it her home and I just cannot say no to a relaxing day of sunbathing and evening strolls.

Rainbows and sunshine fill the rooms, lighting up maneki nekos as though you had arrived to the cutest Cat Doll Shop in Japan. Speaking of the Cat Doll Shop, I would trek to Akiabara just for the shock of cuteness and my oh-so-annoying squeals of excitement. (My husband prefers I do not squeal when I am overtaken by cuteness which I remind him must be a symptom of my OCD because I simply cannot deny myself the pleasure of exclaiming over absolute, full body rush, cuteness.)

I met up with Stephanie of DollyBeast and off we went to Melrose to thrift shop for some finishing touches for our Sanrio outfits. It was rather hard to say no to the many puffy, pink and polkadot 80s prom dresses. I have to miss out on the 80s prom because I’m a mommy and I cannot stay gone longer than a weekend.. physically. I constantly have withdrawal for the sweet little family I have. It must be that insatiable sweet tooth. 😉

So off we go for shopping for ooh-ing, awe-ing and what-the-fuck-ing along Melrose. Stephanie and I are both huge foodies, if you can imagine that, although I’m ATTEMPTING a diet currently which I am SURE was not impressing to the bacon queen. <3 So she takes me to MILK knowing that the food would take me to a higher place. Did I mention they have macaron icecream sandwiches? Isn’t that your dream? Our readers are always telling me how much they appreciate all of the macaron articles and want more more more!

I still regret NOT eating one but I was starting to feel a bit sick (of course, I didn’t realize until later that I had actually forgotton to take my medicine) and anxious but I brushed it off.. I strongly did not partake in the icecream aside from Stephanie’s delicious Thai Tea milkshake. Thai tea and thai coffee make me very happy, it’s the only time I enjoy my coffee and tea NOT BLACK. (I’m boring, coffee is my drug and I love the bitter taste.)

After walking along Melrose and finding a special store Kimi and I always loved was changing it’s style we got a little tired and decided to head to Jamie of Japan L.A.’s apartment to prepare for the oh-so-amazing Sanrio VIP Party. We were joined by her precious kitties and Chibi (Persian) really enjoyed my Strawberry King costume to the fullest..

Chibi has his own wardrobe, a banana split costume that Stephanie just had to show me knowing I love cats and nonsense. Chibi was a great model and so we had a photoshoot with the banana split costume and with my scepter that he loved. He could not stop trying to climb into my bag so I assume Hobbes must smell quite interesting! What’s better that all of your friends being cat people?

(I heard all of you dog people exclaim: ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN THAT.)

So we proceeded to deck ourselves out in Sanrio cuteness and prepare for Liz (whom most of you know as Miss Kika) and her husband Nara’s arrival.

After too much giggling and eyeing each other’s costumes we were off to the Sanrio VIP Party to indulge in our shared obsession. Sanrio.


We’re On Our Way


It’s been quite a busy week and there’s still so much to do before this weekend. I’m excited to tell you that I have fashion tutorials and possibly even some video tutorials coming for you very soon! I’ve also been working on several collaborations and I cannot wait to show you the results. Some great artist interviews are on the way with Kim Ripley of stoopidgerl and pop surrealist painter Camilla D’Errico. Wee! We also have a great load of new sponsors ready to support Miseducated in the coming months. (Email us if you’re interested in more information about advertising here.)

This is the Bunny Queen in her palace.

Lately I’ve been up to a lot whole lot of working and mothering. I’m just trying to catch up and keep my head above the water. I’ve also been doing a whole lot of loving, which is obviously really important. Don’t forget to tell everyone you love that you care because there’s nothing like giving and receiving love. Especially right now.

Trying to keep positive and actually getting the apartment organized and clean.. I have company coming soon and I need to do a top to bottom spring (summer!) cleaning. I’m so looking forward to it! Now if I could just start and end somewhere besides the litterbox… I can’t seem to get past it. Keeping up with everyone’s (Colette’s, Hobbes’s, Wanwan’s) poop schedules all day long is daunting!

Have you been keeping cool?

Diary Portfolio

Sunshine, Painting and Friendship


Lately things have been a bit crazy for me! Hard to get caught up and still keep my office/house as clean and organized as I would like to.. I always say I’m going to do better when things settle down but they never settle down. I’m going to have to become a workaholic and blog everyday whether I feel like it or not!

Today I was taking some photos of my new paintings and someone wanted to jump in the shot. He always wants to be exactly in the middle of whatever I’m doing, haha. (Sorry to those of you who saw this on my portfolio already!!)

this is in progress~

This coming month is going to be a big one for girly fun. I can’t wait! Do you have big plans for the summer?


Cats Are a Girl’s Best Friend: My Story


I have a small confession to make – When I arrive at my boyfriend’s house, my main priority is not a kiss and a cuddle with him. My main priority is his ginger cat, Greg. I will sit and question the household about Greg’s day. How is he coping with the heat? How much sleep has he had? And – most importantly – is he around for a cuddle? My boyfriend will sit in the wings, patiently waiting his turn.

I’ve not always been so generous with my feelings for cats. In fact, I used to hate them. They would stroll into our garden, stare at me, hiss and declare their hatred of me. Terrified, I would flee in hysterics. Convinced I was a dog in a former life, I accepted cats and I would never live happily together in this world. But this was before an old ginger cat called Sandy made an appearance in my home. Senile, narcissistic and solely focused around food, I realised that cats were actually incredibly comical. And that was the start of my love affair.

This love affair has slowly spiralled (some say into madness – I beg to differ.) I reckon I’ve come to the conclusion that cats and I understand each other very well: we both appreciate the wonders of comfort, the freedom of just doing what we fancy, when we fancy, and welcome cuddles. Cats truly are inspirational creatures. You could be having a bad day at work with someone shouting in your face and you could think “You know what? I have a cat at home that’s infinitely nicer than you, and softer to stroke.” They also offer a sympathetic ear to any of your problems (read: they don’t judge you as they don’t understand a word you say).

So I’m unashamedly a crazy cat lady in the making.  I’ve done a 180 degree turn. Cats make me incredibly happy, and I’m only slightly hesitant to admit they are often a lot less hassle than humans!

Let’s pass it on over to you – why do cats have a special place in your heart?

Mull it over whilst gazing into the eyes of Greg –


30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 10


I was surfing the internet looking for a new project and found this.. a 30 Day Photo Challenge on Facebook. This reminds me of the old LiveJournal days when we would give each other photo assignments (I loved those days!) so this is right up my alley.

I noticed that some photo assignments are impossible to complete without using a photo you didn’t take which I’m not sure I like.. I’d like to alter the list but that would throw off the whole challenge. Perhaps we’ll start our own photo challenge after this one is complete? I have some good ideas I’d love to share with you.

So since it’s a new month I thought it would be a great idea to try this challenge, although you can start it anytime!

Are you in?

30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 01 – A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 – A picture of you and the person (cat ^^) you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 – A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 – A picture of your night
Day 05 – A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 – A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 – A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 – A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 – A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 – A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Day 11 – A picture of something you hate
Day 12 – A picture of something you love
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 – A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 – A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 – A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 – A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 – A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 – A picture and a letter
Day 20 – A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
Day 21 – A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 – A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 – A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 – A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 – A picture of your day
Day 26 – A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 – A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 – A picture of something you’re afraid of
Day 29 – A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 – A picture of someone you miss
Day 31 – A picture of yourself

Day 01

Day 02

Day 03

Day 04

Day 05

Day 06

Day 07

Day 08

Day 09

Day 10

I don’t feel like writing an article


Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve let myself go. I haven’t been exercising, laying out or taking care of my skin. So I’ve decided to put my foot down. I’ve decided that I will now do all of those things and more. And I will write. I will make progress.

I haven’t been making progress here for awhile now. I could run away from work all day, spend it basking in the beautiful vitality of my always cheerful child. Spend it baking in the sun alongside my best friend. Spend it separating my toes and painting each one of my toenails a different color.

I’ve also been considering shutting down my blog or at least seriously changing things. I’m not inspired to write here because every single post has to be an article with some sort of purpose other than just writing and communicating about whimsical nonsense I encounter which is what I originally intended this blog to be anyway. Things always change. I usually resist it but lately I find it exciting. I need some change.

What do you think?

Design Your Life

Five Reasons Why You Should Keep Blogging


So you’re blogging and you’ve reached the point every blogger reaches: Should I continue this blog? Before you close down shop and try something else go through the following five reasons below and ask yourself, am I helping anyone? Am I passionate about writing blog posts?

1. You’re the only one who can effectively blog your one-of-a-kind niche. Whether you have a fashion blog and there are hundreds of fashion blogs, yours is different. You have a different view, idea and purpose — all of which are valid points for blogging. Your content is exceptional and you’re the only one who’s going to release it.

2. You let others peek into the glorious world that is your own. Take photos, draw pictures, get people hooked into viewing things through your lenses.

3. You have to get better. Rome wasn’t built in a day, was it? How many times have you heard this? You have to start somewhere and that somewhere is pretty damn exceptional. So your layout isn’t what you dreamed and your first post didn’t get many comments, keep going. You can only improve.

4. You haven’t finished the task you set out to do. Why did you create your blog? What is the purpose behind marketing yourself and your business? With a set goal in mind you can effectively see if you’ve achieved it or not. Be sure your goals are trackable as well.

5. You’re simply experiencing writers block. Can’t seem to churn out the same expressive and inspiring content you were producing when you started your blog? Bring on guest authors, try mind-mapping and update past posts with new, valuable information.

Design Your Life

What To Do When Confronted By An Elephant


Every now and again you come across a situation in your life that blows your hair back, your skirt up or … just blows. For example: you find out the person you’re seriously considering spending the rest of your life with isn’t interested in a long term relationship with you.  Or you discover one evening, quite by accident, that your husband prefers blondes…who are hung like a horse. Or you learn that your new girlfriend is really a man, or that your movie star/Governor husband has impregnated your housekeeper and has been paying her hush money (out of your pocket) for the last decade.

While most of us have developed various coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with such blustery situations, including confrontation, therapy, drinking heavily, freaking out, leaving and divorce, the pink elephant is quite a different animal! For those who aren’t so familiar with this unwelcome visitor, the pink elephant is commonly referred to as “… an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.” (Wikipedia) You see, in most cases when confronted with certain truths we know what to do, or at least have some vague idea and are compelled to take action because some line has been crossed and all people involved implicitly agree and act accordingly. Whereas when the pink elephant appears…it just hangs there like the house guest who never leaves.

Some examples might be: your roommate keeps eating all your food and never admits it or offers to pay, but you don’t say anything because you can’t afford to live there without them so you carry on as if nothing’s wrong, him shamelessly eating his way through your house and home and you cringing every time you see him secretly wanting to scream: “STOP EATING MY FOOD, YOU FOOD STEALER, LEECH, COUCH POTATO, MOOCHER!” Or maybe your boyfriend drinks too much, too often and embarrasses and scares you, but you don’t say anything because he says he can’t live without you and…you are financially dependent on him and afraid to be alone so you muddle through growing more and more emotionally distant, eventually having angry or passive obligatory sex because now you can’t stand when he touches you, yet you don’t have the courage or resources to say no, so you don’t.

Or maybe your closest relative, the one you have spent every birthday and holiday with for most of your life, has just embezzled money from his boss (who you know intimately) and neither one of you says anything to the other partly because you are in shock, you can’t believe they would ever do such a thing, and partly because you don’t even know what to say. Really…what does one say in such circumstances? Weeks and months pass while you tell yourself they will come around, make things right…right? Then after months of no one saying anything, a family function presents itself and out of what feels like the complete blue they send you an invitation as though nothing’s happened and sign the card “love and miss you”… and you think What the?

Or maybe someone owes you money and said they would pay you, yet every time you see them they don’t mention it and well, because you’re a polite person and don’t want to seem rude or desperate or (fill in the blank) you suck it up and tell yourself, if they don’t mention it next time you will say something except in between now and next time you realize this isn’t the first time this has happened and that this person always seems to borrow money and not pay you back, and further has some convenient, tear-jerking story about why they can’t. So naturally you, being the loving, understanding person you are, wouldn’t ask someone who is down and out to pay you back when they are going through hard times…except you notice when you see them next they tell you about the trip they just took or the new jacket they just bought or show you their new cell phone and you think…What the…?

So, what do you do when you don’t know what to do? When clearly something is amiss and no one is saying anything about it? The great thing about the pink elephant phenomenon is that it disappears almost completely as soon as one person has the courage to speak it. Literally poof…gone. The challenge is, more often than not as I illustrated, it feels like so much is at stake so we put it off. The problem in that scenario is obvious: the elephant remains or in some cases, grows proportionately. So before you buy a voodoo doll or go postal or, worse, try to make the elephant your pet, here are a few suggestions I recommend when you find yourself faced with the pink beast:

How important is it? What’s the relative importance of this issue on a scale of paper-cut to open-heart surgery? If it’s really an ego issue or a matter of pride or some other such nonsense, then you may want to deal with that rather than make a bigger issue out of something when there is no need. On the other hand, if you decide it’s a major deal at least you have taken the first step to putting the situation in some perspective.

What have you really got to lose? There is an expression, “You can’t lose what you never had.” So why not take a real honest look and see what it is you’re really dealing with here. You may want to consult an expert, pray, see a therapist or talk openly with a friend. See if you can’t get some clarity and objective about the situation and see what’s truly at stake. Never underestimate the power of support nor the power of the Divine illumination!!

Take the high road! They call the high road the road less traveled for a reason; namely because it’s not always easy to say what needs to be said or do the right thing. Don’t let that stop you. As my mother always says, “This isn’t a dress rehearsal, bring you’re A game,” and in the end you will know in your heart you were true to yourself!

Trust yourself, above all…you know the answer. The truth is always right there inside you, sometimes it just takes a while to get our courage up to do what we know we have to! On that you can always rely!