Design Your Life

You Can’t Make Everyone Happy


So don’t even try.
Trying to will only affect you in a negative way.

You Spin Me

This is for all of you out there that get hung up on anxiety like I sometimes do. You just have to take a breath and move on, you have to keep doing what you know you should be doing.

No matter what you do and how amazing it may be, not everyone will like it. There will always be someone who doesn’t like what you do. You can’t make everyone happy. No matter how sweet, out-going and approachable you are, some people are not going to get along with you.

So forget about them. Don’t sweat it. If you try to make everyone happy you’re going to find out down the road eventually that you cannot and that you could instead of been making yourself and those who mean a lot to you happy.

So if you are doing something you love, keep doing it. Passion pays off. If I would have stopped what I was doing at the first NO I got I wouldn’t be living the life I love now. I wouldn’t be doing the things I love to do on and offline, living where I want to live, with whom I want to live with.

“You have to forget about what other people say, when you’re supposed to die, or when you’re supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.”
~ Jimi Hendrix


Simple Combinations That Make Life Great


Hello! I’ve been missing you so much, just writing to you makes my week so much more enjoyable! In fact I’ve written quite a few articles that I know many of you are waiting for.. and they’ll be here soon!

Where have you been? Where is my story? Can I join the staff? Will you support my work? ♥ My full-time job is designing goodies for clients on and offline — and now that we’re nearing the holidays work has went insane. As I’ve said before, I wish I could devote a lot more, if not most, of my time to Miseducated and helping new artists — but it’s not in the cards right now. I am however continually working in the background to ensure our success, the miseducated women’s voice will only get stronger.

That being said I love and am responding to many of your submissions!

I am very much in the works of preparing articles from great new and current contributors.. I know you’ll love so many of these! I’ve met many great current artists that I cannot wait to feature and I have recently heard from many new artists who are dying for the chance to have center stage soon! Lots and lots of deliciousness headed your way.

Deer Haus

So for some nonsensical escapeland fun I’ll tell you about a little something that I enjoy, combinations. Combinations of what? Interests, experiences, etc.

So do you have examples?


Some of my favorite combinations through the years, some common and some not.
dubstep & driving
coca-cola & icecream sundae
warcraft & royksopp
neopets & rice krispee treats
strawberry body shop cocoa butter & several week-long ‘hot bitch vacations’
coffee & dessert
hot dog on a stick & limeade
electro & dancing
strawberries & brie
coconut & the ocean beach
cheech & chong
driving & singing
fruity hooka & a group of friends
kitties & bunnies
glitter & makeup
miseducated & cereal
art/design & music

Surely you have some random or commonly known combinations that you prefer?


<a href="">one &#038; two</a>
On your blog or website, simply type your favorite combination and link it here. ^*^ Others may question our sanity upon further investigation.. or join our side of tasty complementary combinations!
.. What?

You are also encouraged to leave as many of your favorite combinations here as you want — I can’t wait to see them!

Visual Splendor

Hello Kitty’s Home in Puroland, Japan


in front of you stands a mansion Where is Kitty*Chan’s -that’s Hello Kitty’s for those outside of Japan- house anyway? Is it up in the rainbows or something? Yes, her non-cartoon home is nestled safely in Puroland, a place in the rainbow at the end of a brick road. Hello Kitty’s house is a one of a kind treat, everything in the home is cute, stylish and kittied, from her steering wheel to her bathtub! I couldn’t help wish that Kitty and I could hang out after the tour and check out her favorite interior shops (or get to making some perfect one of a kind furniture!) so I could kitty my whole home, too. Can you imagine a kitty fridge to store your treats in?

Kitty is a bit flaunting of her image in her home, sure, every inch is dripping with sweet Kitty coated icing, sparkling and bright. The fountain in her entryway pulled droplets of water up and down, the droplets seemingly appeared in thin air~

Her car had me panting quite a little bit as well, I cannot imagine that outings they have in it! Cruising through the bunny*laden orange groves? Along the sweet, candy sprinkled with palm trees sparkling beach? Well, it seems it was for looks only but perfect just the same. After all I’m not a big car person so it really got me craving a Kitty*car or at least a Kitty-shaped steering wheel.

queen kitty surveying the land

let's go inside!

bubble fountain


hello mod kitty

kitty sky lights

magic mirror

it's in the mosaic

bath time

the garden gate

More Information

Japanese | English

Design Your Life

Learn to See People for Who They Really Are

on melrose

I’d like to travel, for a moment, back to the time when I was five years old. I remember my mother shushing me for trying to talk to a stranger. I didn’t understand what the big deal was. She said that “we don’t talk to strangers,” and that “it’s rude to ask people personal questions!” This made no sense to me at all – if you never talk to strangers, how are you supposed to make any friends or get to know anyone? Obviously I wanted to avoid a spanking, so I did as I was told, but even the threat of corporal punishment couldn’t quell that insatiable desire inside me to talk to people and get to know them. Now, of course, it’s part of my work as a relationship expert, but what I’d like to do today is pass on to you the skill of really getting to know people, including yourself.

Going back to my childhood for a moment, I used to make mud pies quite frequently. I’d put them on my neighbors’ doorsteps and wait to see how they reacted. In my head, this was a way of testing the waters to see who was friendly and who wasn’t. If someone accepted the pie and the humor that came along with it, then for me they were safe, friendly, and open. If they didn’t see the humor, then I would use that as a sign to steer clear. I didn’t cry about it or beg them to like the pie or call them or stalk them or promise to change the pie into something they’d like better… I just moved on to another doorstep and tried not to take it personally. My pies weren’t to everyone’s taste, and that was fine. No big deal.

So I’m asking you now to make the leap forward with me and apply this to your own life. How many of us currently play a much more neurotic version of the mud pie game, giving too many pies to people who don’t want them, and causing unnecessary suffering by not listening to our intuition when it tells us the response to the pie isn’t a positive one?

Learning to see people for who they really are – and who they aren’t – is not just a matter of learning a few clever tricks that will give you insight into the opposite sex, and that’s not what I’m trying to do here. Instead, I want to give you the power tool of all power tools for your relationship tool belt – the knowledge of how to inner-view for success!

The difficult part about “learning to see people for who they really are” isn’t the people out there – it’s learning who YOU really are and what you really want. If you look at great relationships and think that could never happen to you, I want you to know that you are wrong! Great relationships ARE possible for you! You just have to put in some initial legwork getting to know yourself, and setting up a plan that will not only help you succeed in finding someone compatible for you, but that will also greatly increase your chances at having a great relationship.

Remember that getting older does not necessarily mean getting wiser. Many of us make the same mistakes over and over again. But the basics of a great relationship are easy to learn, no matter how many times you’ve gotten it wrong. When we want to explore a spark we feel for someone, we offer up the adult version of a mud pie: a friendly introduction, a smile, or a flirty glance. Then it’s the intuition’s turn to measure the response we get from that, and decide either to back away, or take another step forward into a conversation. After that next step, then the intuition does its magic again, and again it’s up to us to read the signs and choose which way to go. My goal for you is this: once you have a comfortable knowledge of who you are and what you want, then you can learn to take your passion for connecting with someone, and use it wisely, to make sure your time and energy are spent on the positive road to your next great relationship!

Event Features Visual Splendor

See You at Small Gift, Big Smile in LA!

Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 4.39.04 PM

So if you know anything about the creator of Miseducated you know that she is absolutely obsessed with cuteness of all kinds. Especially the kind she grew up with, the kind that wove a magical world for her to live in when she wanted to leave the real world behind. THAT’S RIGHT, I’M TALKING ABOUT SANRIO.


My love for Sanrio knows no boundries.
I have a Sanrio domain and blog that none of you even know about! LOL!
I had to go to Japan and devote a lot of my time to Puroland, Hello Kitty and other Sanrio cuteness.
I spend all of my spare money on Sanrio.
My home has no Sanrio boundries.. (my husband just deals with it, LOL)
Now that I have a daughter I spend my spare money buying her cute Sanrio goodies.

Sanrio is celebrating their 50th anniversary at Small Gift in Los Angeles as well as other places around the USA with the Small Gift Mobile Pop-Up Shop Tour October – December 2010.

See me at both the Sanrio VIP Party (on the 11th) and the Sanrio Nerd Party (on the 13th) and don’t be too shy to say hello! If you can’t make it, stay tuned for reports on all of the cuteness!

Right now myself and a few friends are planning some VERY EXCITING and CUTE outfits, all Sanrio theme of course. We’re dressing as characters and I cannot wait to show you.

Learn more here at the official website.

Design Your Life

Dear Motivation, Stop Hiding From Me

rainbow bunny

So this new place is just perfect for writing and when I get my studio set back up I’ll be in business again.. but until then I cannot get myself motivated.

Motivation. A scary thing. Where do you find it when you have none?

It’s not hiding under your bed with green tentacles just waiting to grab you when you least expect it.

If you’re anything like me you assume that when you get things as they should be it will hit you in the face. You’ll be kicking your feet up to watch the water and all of a sudden you’ve gotten a stroke of creativity like no other!

It does happen. As creative people we come to adore when it happens. If we’re prepared we even take advantage of it.

… but what do we do when we have no motivation? No stroke of creativity?

We’ve discussed ways to get creative when creativity feels impossible.. but we haven’t discussed motivation as well as I would have liked to.

I struggle with motivation so I assume maybe others do too. The wonderful thing about the internet is that we can connect with others all over the world that are experiencing similar difficulties that we are. No one is expected to go through anything alone. We are very social creatures and we crave a connection with others (so that our bodies may produce dopamine and make us naturally happy).

I have depression, as I’ve said before, and one of the most destructive aspects of depression is the way it paralyzes your willpower. (David D. Burns)

There are many reasons why this is so but only you can really understand. Think about your undone task and write down words that come to mind. Write a journal or blog entry about it. See what the underlying reasons are that you’re putting off getting things done. Reasons can range from overwhelming yourself, undervaluing rewards and even fear of success! Or how about perfectionism? That is one myself and many of my friends struggle with most.

Try to pinpoint your discomfort so that you can work to resolve it. Be strong and carry out your goals. No one else will do them justice.

One of my guilty pleasures is a book called Feeling Good by David D. Burns, M.D. This is a valuable tool in learning to improve your emotional health. I like to read it when I get really frustrated and forget how to use the tools to remain focused. It helps my mind unstick sometimes when a worry wont stop. I highly recommend it!

However, as we said before, depression is actually a chemical imbalance in your brain so if you lack motivation because of depression you should first get help! Even if you’re too scared to talk to your family about going to a psychologist for some strange reason (my parents had a stigma about it) you can always tell your family doctor first. They can then refer you to a psychologist and many times they’ll start you on a small dose of an anti-depressant to see how you do. Sometimes these pills give you an absolute moment of clarity in which you understand every particle of your disorder and how to live without it.

The trick is to train your brain to be positive. To be able to change your life and the way you feel everyday.

So get motivated (no matter who you are) and do something new.

packaging :)
80s Escapeland

1980s Toy Box: Poochie by Mattel


It’s time again for another of those absolutely pointless posts that allow me to relish in the visual deliciousness of popular icons from my childhood.

I’m planning a whole slew of updated posts filled with nonsense information about the adorable icons of our past. If you lived in the 80s as a kid you’ll probably enjoy it as well.

Our first feature is Poochie. I had the cartoons and stationary.. it makes my heart go to a special place when I see things I loved as a child. Everything is colorful, cute and so very magical. I love feeling like that. Like anything is possible!

How does your childhood nostalgia make you feel?

Who is Poochie?


In the early 1980s Poochie was introduced by Mattel. She’s the cute poodle with hot pink hair and purple sunglasses who worked as an advice columnist whenever her owner was away. Sounds like an early blogger with a flare for fashion to me~

Although she was once very popular in North America she had her greatest marketing success in Italy and other parts of Europe. It’s very common to see Poochie items and ad prints in Italian!

Poochie, is it really you?
Sitting at the top knowing what to do
Poochie, now I understand–
how you’re always there with a helping hand.

Oh boy, it’s not so far away
I know you’ll be there come one day

Poochie is it really you…

Poochie Television Special

Poochie Commercials

Event Features Visual Splendor

The Barbie Fashion Experience in Indianapolis


So I took a trip to the Barbie Fashion Experience which is a current exhibit at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

I brought my nephew along to the museum but he opted to skip the Barbie part. I reminded him that males are also designers but he was much more interested in the dinosaur exhibit. So interested that we had to see it twice. 😉

Not only did the exhibit feature Barbie displays (through the years) and one of a kind fashions crafted for her by designers such as Betsey Johnson and Nicole Miller, BUT it inspired children to create their own Barbie fashions.

Each station had miniature mannequins arranged in front of each chair for fashion designing in a flash. Children were everywhere, surrounded by their parents, as they created Barbie’s next new look.

Way to go, Mattel!
Your exhibit made my day because it inspired and excited so many little minds! 😉

coffee talk

hella hippie

betsey johnson

green barbie by betsey johnson

bathing suit

crystal barbie


the fashion experience


barbie window

pinkalicious in our size


Design Your Life

Getting Magnified With Nubby Twiglet


Visualize what you want out of life, big or small and work hard. Stay focused. It’s never supposed to be easy.

what i wore nubby twiglet fashion style outfit


Nubby! There are all kinds of creative people around the globe, but many of them find real difficulty in pinning down exactly what it is they would like to make a living doing. How did you take the plunge and commit to graphic design, and what advice would you give to people still ‘working it out’?


It’s completely normal to experiment before committing to a career. I would start by asking yourself what you’re truly passionate about. What do you enjoy doing most in your free time? What’s the one thing that you’re willing to stay up late and do, no matter how tired you get?

In school, my two strongest subjects were always Art and English. I loved ripping up fashion magazines and making collages, playing with sheets of rub-on letters and flipping through old advertising and poster books. I knew that fine art is really subjective and that it wasn’t going to be an easy way to make a living right away. Graphic design combined my love of art and type with one of my other passions; advertising. The thing is, once your passion becomes a job, it’s not all about fun and leisure anymore. There’s a level of professionalism that goes into it and at the end of the day, there are certain things you have to do to ensure that you get paid. Even when you’re working for yourself, the money has to come from somewhere.

If you’re unsure of what you want to do, reach out to teachers, mentors and career counsellors. Take some classes for fun. The more things you try, the easier it is to realize what you DON’T want to do. When I was in college years ago, I did filing in offices, stuffed invoices into envelopes and worked retail. All of these jobs built character and made me appreciate the career that I have now.


You seem to have been incredibly practical in the pursuit of what many would consider an impractical or ‘risky’ career choice, is that how you see it? Did you face any naysayers along the way and, if so, how did you deal with that?


I always felt that any career in art or design was really risky and that’s probably because my parents always worked traditional office jobs, doing sales. That’s one of the main reasons I went to school first for business. My mom encouraged me because she knew I had the potential and in a way, I think she wanted me to have something to ‘fall back on.’ After I completed that degree though, I just didn’t feel fulfilled. I had already started to do freelance design work but felt like I wasn’t as proficient or knowledgeable as I wanted to be. I had a lot of people around me who just didn’t get it…I was supposedly done with school and trying to go back for something completely different.

At 25, I didn’t want to waste another four years in school and this is why I chose to do a two year, limited entry graphic design program. I’d always dreamed of working at an ad agency and what I soon realized is that the combination of marketing and design backgrounds meshed perfectly for my career path. Listen to your instincts – there are always going to be naysayers. But, it’s your life. You know best.

magazine typofiles typography


Your work seems like so much more than a 9-5 for you, it is clear from your blog how intertwined your job, lifestyle, fashion sense and even home decor are! How important do you think it is to blur the lines between work, life and play in terms of career fulfillment?


A career in design doesn’t necessarily have a starting and stopping point. Inspiration will hit you at completely random times and I think that as a designer, it’s a natural progression for your interests at that moment to seep into your outfit choices, home decor, blogging topics, etc. I’ve always strived to have a seamless line between my work, life, and blog. It’s definitely tricky because I am the face of my brand and my personality is interconnected heavily with my work.

I don’t think it’s necessary to blur the lines between your work, life and play – if anything, it’s probably a relief for most people to break away at the end of the day. I’ve done things differently because it makes sense in my life, but I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone. It has to feel like a natural progression.

week in pictures


You’ve mentioned both your brand and your personality and how key they are in your career, how important do you think a ‘personal brand’ is for a career in the creative industries? What advice would you give to someone looking to brand themselves within their market – where should they start?


Most of the time, a person’s work speaks for itself but in a flooded market, often what makes someone stand apart is their personality and ability to potentially relate to their customers. There are so many designers out there – the personal connection you make with your customers is going to be the defining factor that keeps them coming back. I’ve always said that it doesn’t matter how good you are if nobody knows how to find you. Branding yourself in a recognizable, uncluttered manner will help you get remembered. Start by building an online presence through various social media platforms and showcase your work on your own domain, whether that’s a website or a blog. Reach out to people you admire – often, they’ll help you along and even show you the ropes, no questions asked. A simple logo that will mature with your work is also helpful. And, always have business cards handy! Some people think they’re extinct, but I promise you, there will be times where they pay off. You never know who you’re going to meet!


It looks like you’ve learnt a great deal about yourself and your field through your career so far, what one piece of advice would you liked to have given yourself, say, 5 years ago? And, conversely, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?


I would have told myself that it was possible to work at an ad agency and that it wasn’t a pipe dream to run my own business full time. And, I definitely would have gotten started on my personal blog much sooner. It’s so easy now to look back and see things differently, but the reality is, life happens and we tend to just do the best we can at any particular time without knowing if the outcome is going to be what we hoped for.

And, five years from now… wow, that is a long time away! Five years ago, I hadn’t gone to school for design yet. I was finishing my business degree and had just returned home from a two month stay in New York. I hadn’t done my first solo art show yet. I was working at a shoe store and living with four boy roommates. My life was completely different! So, five years from now, I’m not exactly sure what I will be doing. I hope to be working at a fashion magazine (Elle!) in New York, working as an art director at an agency or running an agency with my brother. Though, he loves working at Nike, so he might be too cool to spend his days with me! I also want to write a how-to guide about marketing for designers and do workshops on what it takes to be a freelancer and how to build a portfolio. Oh, and I want to travel a lot. I guess I have a vague idea then…but life is meant to be lived. Setting anything in stone feels too rigid – I am just soaking up new experiences, trying to stay in the present and enjoying my life right now.

what i wore nubby twiglet pantone notebook design


You seem to have done things totally your own way, do you consider yourself Miseducated? If so, what makes you Miseducated and what final advice would you give to readers embarking on their own Miseducated careers?


Since Miseducated is about embracing a unique, unconventional existence, I would say yes! Though I tend to make plans, set goals and keep a schedule, beyond that, I try to live the best life possible and to do things my way. You’re only going to live once so it’s important to stay true to your values and ethics – at the end of the day, you have to answer to YOU. That’s it. Do what makes you happy. When I was younger, I tried to fit into ideals, to do what I thought would make me happy by society’s standards. I quickly realized that wearing corporate casual attire, working at a mainstream office and living in the suburbs was not for me. I went to school for business because it seemed more practical. But, I wasn’t fulfilled so I went back for a design degree. Visualize what you want out of life, big or small and work hard. Stay focused. It’s never supposed to be easy. The things that you do that feel impossible and test your will do add character. If people tell you that something can’t be done, work even harder to prove them wrong. It’s up to you to create the life that you want.


Moving Time and Living Out of Boxes

happy birthday

Remember all those times I complained of not having my own office anymore? Of everything being transitional and having our stuff in boxes and in storage? Well we finally settled down into our new home. It took so much work to get here and I’m excited to get to share it with Colette!

I’m unpacking all of my favorite things. Things I forgot even existed.

Which reminds me of the purpose of this post, to remind you that you also own things you don’t even know exist.

Living without all of my things for over a year (I had my clothes and computer of course!) really helped me pinpoint my hoarding problem. I found I had packed and moved boxes upon boxes of stuff, most of which I didn’t need, to our new apartment. Not that my house was cluttered.. as you can see from the previous articles featuring my first apartments.. but I’ve always had too much to display! So what’s the point?

It really forced me to take a look at everything as I unpacked items one by one.. it made me really appreciate the things I had missed and realized I should donate a lot of the things I had forgotten about.. in getting rid of your excess items you can focus on your favorites OR things that really matter!

most of them

I’ve been clearing and storing.. I have this silly stack of vintage and kitschy cookbooks that I can’t seem to part with but I had to move to the closet because I felt the amount of books was getting a little overwhelming.. I’ve found that rather than collect a lot of something you like to display.. it’s best to display your favorites and possibly part with the rest (unless it’s your hobby, like Blythe is mine).

I like to have people over a lot and I’d rather them see things that really matter to me and my environment rather than a cluttered collection of dusty maneki nekos. Perhaps some of my favorites from Japan and a cute family photo? I have a thing for jars of candy.

Today is the day to get your life in order. To sort, shelve and box. To donate and to reuse. Look around and notice the clutter, notice if there’s anything that you’re not attached to. Make room for favorite things, clear spaces for new treasures.

If I can do it, you can do it.

Fear of Fear

I had originally planned to include photos of every home I’ve ever lived in but of course my computer crashed upon arriving in our new home. Did I say how anxious I am because I’m unable to work or access client files?

I thought you should know, however, that I’ve finally moved into my new office and work will ensue very soon. There is SO MUCH I’ve missed and so much I appreciate now. Most of all you.