Business Features DIY

Toiluxe: Make Your Toilet Lux


It started with a simple dilemma:

What kind of gift do I give the girl who has everything?

I myself was one of those girls, so I knew what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of another kitschy collectible, retro design coffee table book, funky framed Jesus picture… I loved each and every item, but I was at the point where there was nowhere to PUT anything, and I was not organized or patient enough to deal with seasonally switching things up. I couldn’t bring myself to pack away older items to make space for newer ones, because I had a sentimental attachment to each and every one. They all defined me, defined my lifestyle, defined how I felt when I woke up in the morning. In fact, the only room that reflected who I was the LEAST, was my bathroom, which was fine, because how much time do I spend in there anyway?

Wait a second…

The bathroom…

I went to Home Depot. After much wandering around, lost among contractors and home-improvement-ers, I found it – the wall of toilet seats. The aisle seemed to glow as if I had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. As if I had discovered the meaning of life, or who was buried in Al Capone’s tomb…

It was perfect.

And everything just took off from there.

Making art out of toilet seats is not a quick-fix type of project. It involves sanding, priming, painting, cutting, pasting, gluing, detailing, and SO MUCH WAITING. Every step involves the need for something to dry – whether it be paint, modge-podge, or acrylic resin. I had to learn how to pace myself (my mother always used to say, “You want everything to happen yesterday!”) and it’s true. But I finally discovered my ideal working environment – my living room (at this point I’d like to thank my husband for his unrelenting patience.) I’d work on two seats at a time – switching back and forth while one was in a drying stage – and the television would be tuned to a campy, cheesy horror movie. The only explanation I can come up with for that is that these particular movies are terrible enough where if I was in a working stage (painting, decoupaging, detailing) and my attention was elsewhere, I could easily tear my attention away from the television and not worry that I was missing some crucial element to the story, yet the movies were also amusing enough that they kept me occupied during any drying stages (which could take anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes.)

I have since changed our home office into a small studio (again, thank you, dear husband, for being supportive enough to my craft for agreeing to move your half of the office elsewhere, and for bringing home the 300 pound cabinet you had at work for me to store my seats in a small warehouse environment.) I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to show my work at Boston’s Bazaare Bizarre and Somerville’s ArtBeat in Davis Square. 75% of my business is from custom orders which has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and create designs I never would have thought of. The Toiluxe Nude Collection started via a request from my landlord, for which I will forever be grateful.
My creation process is constant – I live, breathe and dream toilet seats. If I could eat toilet seats, I would probably consider it. Toiluxe has been the most satisfying creative outlet I have had in a long time. To be able to create and touch a piece of art – a piece of art that also provides total functionality – has an entirely different sense of satisfaction from the computer-based graphic design I have always done in the past.

I love what I create. My goal is to bring joy to bathrooms across America, and even beyond.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Home Interior


So we went shopping for some cute, whimsical radiating deliciousness for your home recently and you seemed to have quite a lovely time. I’ve decided to take another shopping trip but wanted to go more hi*design.. incorporating in some afforableness, of course..

Hi*design? That’s high! When you go up, where do you go next?

That’s right! To the moon!

Now let’s shoot to the moon and window shop through the windows to the world wide web with eyes open and mouths drooling, hands grabbing stars along the way.

While landscaping in the blazing sun today with the shrubs and flowers we picked up (by landscaping I mean sticking my hands into the mudded dirt (I just can’t use shovels! I have to use my hands!) and becoming lightly splattered in watery mud) I realized how much I want to really focus on my design intent next time I move into a home, as it will probably be my home for quite some time! I’ve started to grow a little tired of moving for awhile, but since I am the most indecisive person *I’ve* ever met you could ask me again in a year…

The great thing about A HOME is I can renovate and change it anyway I see fit to create my ultimate paradise. Don’t you agree? Home is your palace, whether it’s in an apartment in a lighted city or a cottage by the sea.

Dream your ultimate paradise, what do you adore about places you visit that inspire you? What aura do you want to create in your own home? What feelings and memories would you like your home to evoke? Consider that when selecting colors.. don’t just focus on neutrals, incorporate some extremes into the mix. Give it your own signature.

Some of my favorite stores online have got me twisting in my chair and drooling into my hair! If you like clean lines and bright candy-coated shells then you’ll have a blast around today’s mews. Did I also mention bunnies? Was that a given?

LAMA, Dutch by Design, Brocade Home, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, 2modern

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today Café 1.0 and Fresh Cuteness


Todays inspirations are as random as todays events are. I decided it was finally time to clean this little cave I’ve set up residence in.

Cave, you ask?

Well.. it’s an office room and as I work from home again I find it very hard to *remove* myself from the area thus clutter erupts around me consisting of candy-covered cuteness, sketches, notes, lighters, incense, photos, letters, everything a lady needs by her side, you know. :p *grabs a paper from the stack*

Ahhh yes, here it is! *blows powdered-sugar dust bunny dust off of the paper* Today WE (meaning myself and the cat on my shoulder) are going to give shouts to our sweetest friends online for the wonderfulness that they do.. and we’re going to dig up just the right inspiration to get us motivated to organize our junk!


Window Shopping

Let’s go window shopping at our favorite store, Sanrio Japan!

Hearty Stew

Cuppa Burnin' Love

Bouquet for Cat*e
THIS is a bouquet fit for CAT*E, add a happy (rainbow dyed) rose and you have the best bouquet evereverever in existence.

Kitty Clips Kitty Camp

Kitt-chen Crystal Kitty WareKitty's on the Pot Bathroom fit for KittyCat's on the Kettle

Now for those of you who DON’T understand the Hello Kitty thing… you might be getting a little overloaded with cute but I still would like to skip around the colorful, cuteness of fredflare. They *always* make me drool for something!

Cup o' Love
Have you seen these around here before?
That’s right! They were used the my snow icecream tutorial here at Miseducated, haha.

Golightly Mask Lashes to Sleep
This should be great kitschy-cute inspiration for you diy-ers! <3 5388_D

Time for Icecream
It’s always a good time for ice cream.. so why not let ice cream be your timer?

Tea for Two

Cotton Candy Toothpicks
Cotton candy toothpicks? Perfect Idea!

Cupcake Dental Floss
This is something my best friends and I would die to find while shopping in the dental isle. When I say die what I really mean is, have an excited attack with rushes of happiness.

5-Minute Happiness

I’m planning much more window shopping but the sheer magnitude of my drool-list today is overwhelming.. since the rest is more furniture and interior items, I’ll save it for the next time! Want more? Let me know. .. and if you’ve found any kitschy cute deliciousness don’t forget to show us here! We love hearing about your great finds!

Free Love

Now for some shout outs to amazing dears in my life~
Kumako (my darling soul*sis in Japan), The Paris Apartment Blog, Creature Comforts, Pretty in Bleu, Dormia, A Little Stranger, Papercakes

Have a great blog or website you’d love to show us? You know the drill, plug it!


Happy 35th Anniversary Hello Kitty!


Hello Kitty fan? YES please! So she might not exactly be the most mature idol to have but she sure is the cutest. Hello Kitty has made my world bright since I was born in the 80s (she’s been kicking it since 76′) so it’s about time I devoted a little space in Miseducated to the fantastic feline herself.

I say feline loosely because I really mean the kitty cat, sugar*puff, white marzipan saccharine sweetie and thief of hearts worldwide.

Miseducated wants to take a chance to wish Hello Kitty (and one of the greatest companies ever, Sanrio) and all of her friends a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and all the delightment and rainbow glitter dust in the world! We have dedicated a place and shrine for you, Kitty White. You inspire us to no end and will keep doing so until the end of time!

drawing kitties

Official Kitty

Sanrio Town
Hello Kitty Online
Sanrio USA
Sanrio Japan
35th Anniversary: Hello Kitty Colors
Harmony Land

Kitty Goodies

DIY Crafts
Sanrio Art Center
Seed Bead Kitty Pattern
Kitty Pony Bead Pattern
Keroppi Pony Bead Pattern

Kitty Fanpages

Hello Kitty Fanlisting
Hello Kitty Fan
Sanrio Salon
Twin Star Haven
Pink Sugar Ichigo
KT Sanctuary
Hello Kitty Food Flickr
Hello Kitty Tea Party
Hello Kitty Minutiae

Kitty Mail Free E-Mail
user name

New User? Sign Up Now!


Submit your fanpages, goodies and anniversary gifts for the Miseducated Kitty shrine! Just attach to your comment below.

Stay tuned for more Kitty goodies in the future!


Customizing a New Home


CUTiE BookTurning your apartment, house or beach-side bungalow into a home? I’ve moved a lot only recently. After being smothered in a small-town, for way too long, I was ready for new adventures and surroundings. First I lived with a family in my heart*throb, japan. Then we moved around in Indiana’s capital delicious wonderland city Indianapolis, from downtown apartment to east-side apartment. During the summers, I shack up with my lovely best friend in California and always find new places and friends to love. I’ve found amazing people I want to forever keep in my life (there are still many years for us to end up together) and I knew if I explored to find my own paradise in the US I would be truly at peace with my world. (I still plan to visit Japan always until I finally accept a job there -why don’t you???- and live my dreams)

delicate & sweet a balcony for me shoes in a row

So we’re picking up and moving again! This time to a paradise we fell in love with together, Nevada. Now Las Vegas is a kitschy tourist attraction, mind you, but there are always amazing things going on that you can be involved in, it’s not far from L.A. and the sunshine replenishes your body with Vitamin D as well as inspires your mind to produce melatonin.

The most important thing about a new home is what new whimsical world will unfold as I place items around and attempt to customize my surroundings (this gets tough in city apartments!). In case you need a kick start or just a push in a new direction, enjoy the inspiration and let your home drink it up!

Let’s Get Started!

Need some furniture or decor inspiration? Take a look at the resources listed at the end of the article.
Be sure to hit up local thrift stores and flea markets, you could find delectable art-deco, mid-century and antique goodies to paint/ design for your home for a fraction of the cost of most designer deco. One of a kind items are always smile inducers while lounging in your quarters.

With some sanding and a few coats of glossy enamel you can turn a sad, chipped and rusty 60s wall shelf into a new sleek treasure.

paint it~

Starting to see endless possibilities in creating your ultimate wonderland on earth?

Yummy Inspiration & Boutiques

Urban Outfitters: Apartment
Brocade Home
Mason Reve
The Paris Apartment
Espirit Cabane
Jeu de Paumes Books
Three Potato Four
Decor8 Blog

Miseducated Articles

A Spare Roomedy
Apartment Seventy-Seven
Pretty on Penn St
Home in South Korea
Interiors of Amelie
Gwen Stefani’s Chic Space
Lala’s Kitschy Paradise

Visual Splendor

A Visual Tour of Apartment Seventy-Seven


I happened upon a sweet, little apartment on the east side of Indy one glorious day. My very dear friend of the time and rosey-cheeked sweetie needed someone to take it off her hands while she left the country for a year. I urged her to go, life-changing adventures like that are worth having! So I found my a little 70s mushroom cornucopia nestled in kitty town, Indianapolis. Kitties of all walks of life and colors roam the sidewalks outside, the cobblestone streets provide that only the occasional slow-moving car drive by, they’re adorable to look at but no fun to drive quick on. This yellow brick road of the kitties actually does them a favor by protecting their streets from speeding demons.

Wild, flavorless strawberries peek out of the grass in every kept yard, the plants allowed to freely grow in a woodland flower district. Dark and covered in trees, this little hippy Halloween town has a lot of charm to offer.

The apartment, although a bit too big for me to keep up everyday, was absolutely lovely when arranged just the way I liked it. I had lots of friends ask me if they were in wonderland once inside and my closest friends and i have had the most amazing, special, one-of-a-kind nights and parties in this delectably roomy apartment.

Take a look around for yourself! I always welcome new friends and visitors to explore my world. If you have an apartment/special place you’d like explored, we would love to return the favor! *xoxo* Be careful not to spill tea on the… oh feel free to slosh your tea around everywhere on your imaginary tour!




living in sync

zebra of a different color

owl bookem'


bathroom wall


daisy love

Visual Splendor

Visiting Florida the Kitschy Kingdom


Oh my Florida, pan handle! Nearly surrounded by beaches and golden balls of sunshine on orange trees. The sunshine state is also the kitsch capitol of the world. “Florida is the land of pink flamingos, bathing beauties, palm trees, coconuts, and beaches.”


MIA aka Miami is the city of delicious candy-coated, art deco cafes, shops and hotels on the beach. “Miami is an international city. It’s not only the business capital of the Caribbean Islands, but also a playground for wealthy European, Central American, and South American travelers. Miami attracts more foreign visitors than any other U.S. city.”

Beaches upon beaches!

There are so many fabulous beaches in Florida that you can find something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a tropical getaway or a party beach, you can find the perfect spot on the sand (or rocks/tide pools) for you.

Key West, Florida Keys

Cat circus, cute-neighborly bars on the ocean, cotton-candy coated homes and kitty cat mosaics hidden within even the drugstore’s architecture. A favorite paradise.

“The Florida Keys are famous for harboring such historical luminaries as playwright Tennessee Williams, novelist Ernest Hemingway, and bird-chronicler John James Audubon. In truth, aspiring artists continue to be drawn to the Keys. They come not just for the spectacular sunsets and stunning wildlife but for the free-spirited way of life embodied by the Keys. That spirit is evident at the many festivals and events you will find listed on our cultural calendar. Here you can visit a tiny gallery, take in a community play, enjoy an open-air festival or attend a symphony orchestra. You’ll find that the Keys are rich in cultural opportunities. ” – Florida Keys

Orange Groves

Mmmm! Do you dig the cirtrusy candy-sweet smell or would you prefer just the taste of an orange grove cookie?

Disney World

You get free admission on your birthday and a bit of special treatment, a definite time to book a trip to the happiest most magical rainbowland (besides my home) in the USA.

Coconut Palm Trees

In Miami the fallen coconuts are layed aside with straws stick within their broken shell, sipped dry of their delicious cocomilk (there is a nut inside of the fruit, filled with a layer of white coconut and sweet watery cocomilk) they are left for useless but create a cute visual memento for passersby.

“Coconut Palm is one of the finest Florida Palm Trees. It is native to the Malay Archipelago or the South Pacific. Coconut Palm is also the most recognized palm in the world.” – Florida Palm Trees. Coconuts??

Tropical Wineries

Florida has a rainbow of wines from every delicious tropical flavor you can imagine. Just think, orange, pineapple, coconut and key lime wines (similar to a margarita). Yum! Take a look at the assortment of wineries and visit the ones that sound tastiest!


The 1st Oriental Supermarket is the hot spot in Chinatown, 42,000 sq. ft., live seafood, fresh bakery and BBQ products, groceries, herbs & medicines, you imagine it and they probably have it hand somewhere. Other shops through the district include a CD & DVD store, beauty & facial shop, hair salon, travel agency, mobile phone store, karaoke, employment agency, realty company, advertising & marketing company, etc. available to serve you.hungry or in need of a tasty treat, just step into one of the delicious and inexpensive specialty restaurants to enjoy a cup of Boba Tea, some Taiwanese food, Chinese take-out, or even a cat-shaped sweet roll. (also hosts a number of special events to celebrate the Chinese Festivals)

Antique & Thrift Stores

Prime vintage kitschy deliciousness can be spotted everywhere here. One of these reasons is because it’s such a sunny, relaxing place to retire, many retirees get rid of their and their collected goodies here. Which leaves for absolute popculture art archeology, as Lala might proclaim.

Cute Architecture & Deco Decor

Cute art deco, salt-water taffy colored wonderland in the sunshine.

Florida Lifestyle

The Florida lifestyle is generally more relaxed than other rural areas, take it easy. Island living~

More Favorite Florida Fun

Dylan’s Candy Bar
Bear & Bird Gallery and Boutique
Carnival Cruise Lines
Everglades National Park — plan a picnic!
Universal Studios
Sanrio Stores SE
Sanrio Stores SW

DIY Recipes

Cat and Kitten Recipes for Tea and More


Worried about kitty’s food allergies? ASPCA has the word on those. Make sure you don’t use any ingredients that will harm your krazee kitty!

If you’re having a kitty party and having all the kitties in your neighborhood over, don’t. Kitties prefer having tea parties with their own families and are very territorial, especially when catnip and tuna are involved!

Kitty’s Cookies

1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons of wheat germ
2-4 tablespoons of catnip
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup goat milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of molasses
1 egg

Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350*F.
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, wheat germ and catnip).
Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl (egg, milk, vegetable oil, and molasses.
Mix the wet and dry ingredients together and work it into a dough
Lightly flour the counter or other work surface
Remove a portion of dough and use a rolling pin to uniformly flatten the dough to a thickness between 1/8 of an inch and 1/4 of an inch.
Cut the dough into 1-inch squares using a rolling pizza cutter or a cookie cutter of your choice.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are crisp and lightly browned.
This recipe will make approximately 50 medium-sized cat treats.

Once the treats have cooled, gently remove them and place the cookies into several small freezer bags.

Tuna Surprise Kitty Bonbons

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 can tuna, in oil or 1/2 cup cooked chicken, chopped into small pieces
1 tablespoon vegetable or cod liver oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup water

In large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken). Add the flour, mixing well. Stir in the water, oil and egg, mixing well. Mixture will be sticky.
Shape mixture into 1/2-inch sized balls. Place on greased baking sheets. Press balls to flatten.

Bake at 350*F (175*C) for 10 minutes. Remove treats from oven; let sit 5 minutes and then turn treats over and bake another 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack. Store in an air tight container in refrigerator.

Tuna Pops

Drain liquid from tuna packed in spring water. Freeze liquid in small ice cube trays (cocktail ice cube trays work nicely, fish shaped from IKEA trays? double points!). Give no more than 2 cubes at 1 time as a treat. Reuse your can of drained tuna by placing in it an airtight container and covering with filtered water overnight for a second batch of tuna-pop water.

Catnip Tea

tea ball loaded with catnip
1 cup Water

Put the catnip in a bottle, pour in the water. Put the cap on the bottle,and shake until the catnip tea is green.

Preserving your Cooked Treats

Since these treats are preservative-free, they will not last forever. So to extend their lives, store them inside the freezer in several small freezer bags. As needed remove a bag from the freezer and leave it out for several hours to thaw. Once the treats are thawed, transfer into a Tupperware container for easy access and store the treats inside the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Design Your Life

The Trip of a Lifetime: A Drug User’s Fairytale


I grew up in the 70’s/80’s watching everyone do cocaine. I thought it was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. when I was 8, i lived with my aunt for awhile and her husband would snort big rails of what he called “sugar” and then he’d do nasty things to my cousins (ages 2 and 2 weeks) and break things– there was lots of screaming and crying and my aunt would always beg me to never do drugs EVER!!!!!!

In high school, I fell in love with a heroin addict who killed himself. My best friend was a crystal meth addict. The adverts were everywhere, too, “THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS!” with the egg frying in the pan. My boyfriend fell asleep at the wheel of his mom’s Porsche and crashed into one of those signs with me in the passenger seat. I swore it was a sign from god. I designed myself to stick to my chain smoking and alcohol (I’d been drinking heavily since age 9 and this addiction was BAD ENOUGH).

Then I started going to raves… I got curiouser and curiouser, like Alice in Wonderland. I gave in and tried acid for the first time at 22 years old. It was the most fun I’d EVER HAD!!!

Something else happened at 22. I found out I had an ovarian cyst the size of a PEACH PIT. The cause? Another drug! Ortho novum 777 – the birth control pill that I’d been on for the past 7 years. My body was never the same after.

I’ve never done an ‘illegal’ drug that did the damage that that ‘legal’ one did.

The cancer made me angry and careless. My experimentation became a reckless fascination. I set out to try every single drug in existence and did drugs constantly for the next 10 years.

In 2002 I swore off illegal drugs. My life without all the drug craziness seemed like a dark void. I filled that void with marijuana. I watched a LOT of t.v. and did NOTHING with my life. I stayed with a boyfriend that beat the shit out of me and didn’t care. I was too lazy to leave. Lovely drug but zzzzzzzzz …. watch the motivation kill.

When I finally got off my lazy ass and left the asshole boyfriend, I found myself sober again and severely depressed. The doctor put me on ‘celexa’. this made me go CRAZY. Crazier than I ever went years ago when I experimented with ecstasy, mushrooms, acid and crystal meth.

Needless to say, I have friends that have done meth and acid for years and have LOST THEIR MINDS. One of them saw me driving by once and thought a giant twinkie was driving my car. I didn’t go THIS crazy, thank god.

Several prescription drug combinations later (and MANY side effects along with them, including 20 pounds of weight gain), the depression was gone but the cancer came back, this time in my right fallopian tube.


Sober now for a year, marijuana entered my life again as the miracle drug that helped me get THROUGH that cancer. It was the only way I could SLEEP, EAT .. hell, get THROUGH the day. I WAS IN SO MUCH PAIN. Legalize this drug NOW!!!!! 🙂


Yeah, me too. If this made no sense, It’s because I’m trying to stop smoking pot again and I’m fiending a xanax like you wouldn’t believe. I had too much caffeine today and it’s making my words all jumble together. I could really go for a cigarette, even though I only smoke when I drink, but I can’t have a drink because it counteracts with my xanax. DRUGS ARE EVERYWHERE. ahhhh!!!!!

Am I pro drugs?

Hell yeah!!! Wouldn’t change a thing. My life was f*cked up before them and f*cked up after them, but I LOVE the rainbow trail that they created behind the rollercoaster of my crazy ass life while I was on them!!

Visual Splendor

Pretty on Penn St Apartment Tour


A gem hidden downtown was this adorable little city building. Upon entry the antique tile floors, mail room, paneled walls and arched ceilings made way for a lovely place to collect your mail from the original mailboxes.

Inside the hardwood gave way to seats and built-in walls waiting side by side for someone to take a rest and gave up the staircase to the chandelier above. Four of the bottom apartments were 2-story with staircases inside, it happened that ours had a spiral staircase just waiting for Hobbes to run up and down every step. The staircase curled into a small, basement living room and kitchen, above, by the entry door, was a bathroom to the left and a bedroom to the right. The bedroom was complete with vintage, original window facing towards the spiral stairs that lead below. A landing facing built-in shelves and windows with plenty of sill for plants and kitties to sunbathe on. This was my favorite apartment because it was absolutely made for us! Without ample storage it was nearly impossible to grow in the teeny, tiny adorable apartment (we are now with Chihuahua!).














