Le Game

Le Game: Pet Society For Cute Friends


Hob Give me something cute to do and I’m usually pleased, however lately it’s been quite a bit tougher to please myself with anything (winter blues?)! I’ve never found myself to be much of a Facebook user, my social network of choice is Flickr, however Playfish has released an adorably addictive game for me and my friends to get lost in and forget about our worries for a moment or two! Pet Society. This is a Facebook application like no other, it’s an entire world embedded into the site — don’t roll your eyes assuming you’re finding another useless gift application, that’s just not what it is at all!

What is it?

It’s almost like a mixture of all of the best silly, animal games we all love and adore! Postpet, Animal Crossing, even a bit like a Tamagotchi or virtual pet. You get a pet (your design) and although there seems to be a simple selection of designs, I find everyone who plays is creative and all the pets I see look totally unique!

Hob’s Home

924 Rainbow Road
Pet Society

Hob's House!

Disco’s Home

223 Disco Kitten Lane
Pet Society

Disco's House!

Disco The fun doesn’t stop there! Once you design your virtual pet you can save up gold and decorate your home however you like. Live your pack rat life through this and save your home shelves some space. It seems everyone is collecting something and decorating their house to be the best you can visit. Feeling lonely? Leave a friend a gift or a message and they’re likely to respond. You can even go to the cafe if you have no friends and find some new pets to visit. If you happen to visit, give them a hug, have a dance or write a note for them to see. Passing along happiness is as easy as 1-2-3!

Ready to play?

Need some guidance? Don’t forget to check out the Pet Society website and FAQ. If you’re interested in finding friends and trading your collectibles, visit the official forum.

So it’s nice to know Miseducated lifestyles can be virtually lived as well, no? Hope to see you there!

Visual Splendor

Remembering Rainbowlicious and 1990s Web Design


My beautiful, creative best friend and maid of honor happens to also be the queen bee of whimsy online in the late 90s. If you don’t remember her because you aren’t a computer geek artist, then you definately missed out on a piece of bubble gum ball history that you’ll never be able to get back. Because she was so often direct linked, she allowed no direct linking.. so her websites aren’t even on the wayback archive! I had to dig deep into the depths of cat*e//Miseducated rainbow, stuffed old skool folders. This was quite a treat of course because I am a nostalgia whore and cannot relish in the colorful creations that we once lived for enough. (don’t look in my closets, Rainbow Brite dolls are stuffed in there waiting to be loved)

Kimi, the girl who forever has my heart:

From the mouth of the kitten of a different flavor comes some bits and pieces that were on Kimi’s collective from waybackwhen complete with everything cute, sweet and colorfully perfect. Absolutely no one could compete with the queen of the eye candied, pixel perfect palaces. Enjoy these images and descriptions by kimikat herself and immerse yourself in delish 90s web nostalgia.

luna’s luna page

..my very first page, established in january 97, and to my knowledge is the very first sailormoon website made entirely by one of the feline persuasion, that of course being my very talented and MUCH*ly* loved luna daisy =)

not just a sailormoon site, luna’s page includes a cornucopia *hehe!* of kitty information, and tons of interactive activities ^_^ plus a good dose of moonkitty madness!

this page started out on geocities of course and remained there for over 2 years until rescued by the amazingly wonderful cheerbear*chibiness we all call coki!! =) coki has saved me from a ton of popup ads and headaches, and has become a wikked friend as well *waves!!*

i have the most fun with luna’s page and it really is my true love out of them all ^*^ i update it daily for the most part 🙂 you can read more about luna’s page if you’d like to here (link closed).


..this is my (kimikats!) personal page, one that i left neglected for ages and am finally getting around to revamping and resituating 🙂 if you want to see just how messed up i am in the head, this is the perfect place to do just that! ^*^ being messed up in the head is a good thing by the way .. just so you know =)

most might be surprised to find out i’m not some 13 year old playing with mind expanding drugs but am actually in my mid 20’s, i was a preschool teacher at one time, and before that … well i’m not saying *lol* .. though above all, i’m just a twisted lil raver girl from los angeles :))

Diana’s Divine Designs

..my lil free graphics shop, consisting mostly of insane/neon/daisy/sanrio-ish backgrounds and also includes a ‘topsy turvey table tutorial’ 🙂 started on easter day 99, for a couple of reasons; one being just to help out others and spread some of my trippy lil backgrounds around. ive never been sure why, but some people seem to like my loud graphics and the requests for a place like this was overwhelming, with sometimes over 10 mails a day asking for just such a thing!! and secondly, heck, it was easter!! and i simply didnt have any eggs to pass around ^_^

thank you for stopping by to peer into the world of luna*C! =) if anyone actually reads all this, i’ll be one happy kitten! =^*^= and if not, ah well bonnebell, i had fun writing it =) call me easily amused but hey… and if your amused just as easily, then you’ll REALLY enjoy the pages in luna*C to a tee!!
*giggles on her caffeine high and waves!*


Quilting Bee

Everyone’s favorite community in the old skool web days! Swapping patched with friends to build a colorful and unique quilt you were to display on your website in a super special space!


Leave XOXOs for Kimi

Simply post the link to an image/graphic or message you’d like Kimi to have or that you made inspired by her to your reply and submit! It’s that easy! .. and soon we’ll be gazing upon your delicious art~ the very best, most eye-popping gifts will be specially displayed here for the kitty kat queen herself!

ALL gif graphics used in the article are (c) Kimi/kimikat, keep stickypaws clean.
Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: A Woman is a Woman


A Woman is a Woman (Une Femme est une Femme’) is a 1961 French new wave film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. It’s colorful, quirky and adorable in it’s imagery and story. I found the interior shots to be clean, bright and simple, yet quaint and kitshy-cool. Reminds me of the delicious interior eye-candy to be gorged on in each of the Jeu de Paumes books.

The film centers around the relationship of an adorable exotic dancer Angéla (Anna Karina) and her live-in boyfriend, Émile (Jean-Claude Brialy). This films requires little-to-no serious thought, all of the discussions are completely trivialized and cute to watch. For instance they use book titles to argue and debate issues, pointing to titles that communicate the response that they would like to give.

AngĂ©la wants to have a child while Émile does not, all the while Émile’s best friend Alfred (Jean-Paul Belmondo), constantly insists that he is in love with AngĂ©la. It must be that every woman’s biological urge to have (bear, adopt, get a cat or chihuahua instead of) children kicks in at some point in their lives (even if just by passing thought!) no matter how much fun they may be having. *wink*

Have a taste!

a woman is a woman

a woman is a woman

a woman is a woman

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a woman is a woman

Self Decoration

Trendspotting Street Fashion in Seoul


I’m a Seoul lover. I love the flashing neon lights, the festive nightlife spirit, the glossy black Asian hair and the noteworthy combinations of layered clothing adorning every person’s body. Seoul, South Korea, is a fashion mega-center, chock full of flow-y summer dresses, flashy jeans, oversized bags, chic ensembles and a hefty supply of non-prescription glasses added to make an outfit complete.

It’s a place where you can wear whatever your heart desires and only be viewed as that much cooler (so long as it’s not dowdy slacks and mustard-stained tee’s, of course). You can wear 3-inch stiletto’s with cut off sweat pants and look fashion-savvy. Or, you can throw on a rainbow-colored skirt over a pair of lime green jeans and top it off with magenta leggings. And if you’re into sophisticated chic, there’s nothing wrong with a solid dress and sunglasses that take up half your face.

The fashion possibilities are endless in Seoul. Here’s a taste to get your mouth watering. Caution: Devour slowly.

DIY Recipes

Recipes for Chocolate Spa Night


I know I’m not alone when I say that I love every kind of chocolate there is. Chocolate bars, hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, dark chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies…the list of “delicious types of chocolate” is a list that never ceases.

Recently, though, I’ve become slightly obsessed with beauty products that infuse delicious chocolately-goodness! I figured that if the big stores like Philosophy and others are making their own chocolate products, why can’t I? And on that same note, why can’t you?

Here are 3 delectable DIY beauty recipes that use chocolate as their main ingredient.

Scrumptious Chocolate Facial Mask

What’s it for? Moisturizing dry skin
Indulge yourself with this sweet face mask. It serves as a moisturizing agent and leaves your skin ultra soft to the touch. Here’s what you need to gather:

3 tbs. heavy cream
2 tsp. cottage cheese
1/4 cup honey
3 tsp. oatmeal
1/3 cup cocoa powder

Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl and stir until you have a smooth and consistent texture. Get rid of any lumps and bumps!

If you have a blender it would probably be easier to mix the ingredients that way.

Once your mixture is ready to go, tie your hair up and apply it to your face. Let it set for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and follow with a splash of cold water to tighten your pores. Gently pat dry.

Decadent Chocolate Body Scrub

What’s it for? Exfoliating skin
This recipe yields one fierce body polishing agent! And it smells great, too! This is what you need:

1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup canola oil
1/4 cup powdered cocoa
A few drops of chocolate and/or raspberry fragrance oil (optional)
In a large bowl combine all of your ingredients. Mix thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and consistent in texture.

Liberally apply the contents to your body with a washcloth or loofah. Gently massage it into your skin in a circular motion while in the shower. Rinse off and feel refreshed!

*This recipe will yield plenty so there is enough for future uses! Store the remains in an airtight container. It will last for up to 6 months.

Sweet, Sweet Chocolate and Honey Scrub

What’s it for? Exfoliating and moisturizing
This is similar to the above recipe only this one incorporates a little bit of honey (which adds moisture) and uses salt instead of sugar for a less-course mixture! This is great if you are looking for a refreshing scrub-down! This is what you need:

2 cups honey
1/2 cup grape seed oil
6 tbs. unsweetened chocolate
2 cups kosher salt

First, grate your unsweetened chocolate into a medium sized bowl.

In a separate bowl, place your honey and grape seed oil until the two are blended together. Add the chocolate and salt. Mix completely until you have a texture that is smooth and consistent.

Liberally apply the contents to your body with a washcloth or loofah. Gently massage it into your skin in a circular motion while in the shower. Rinse off and feel refreshed!

*This recipe will yield 2 uses. Store the remains in an airtight container.

DIY Recipes

Super Cute Party Ideas and Recipes


Throwing a party always sounds like a good idea when you’ve got a great theme and apt time to invite friends! When planning an adult party with friends the most important thing to remember is keep it fun, keep it going strong (until the party ends). Sometimes when several groups of friends are invited there is an awkward time period where guests don’t feel comfortable talking, make sure to serve drinks, snacks and start a fun group game or a conversation that all parties can participate in. Even if you feel your guests aren’t the crafty type, whip out some diy stations! Have a coloring section with vintage toons to bring back fond memories or a beading station. Sometimes guests simply enjoy doing things with their hands while chatting.

Themes are commonly overlooked by today’s party throwers, after all we don’t have the time of the 50s housewife to focus on every last detail. We can however design one rad party.

Try throwing a..

Craft Party

Set up numerous types of craft stations for making worthwhile goodies. Ask party goers to bring their own doodads and knick*knacks for your stations. (Hint: vintage charm earrings, mosaic frames/mirrors, water coloring desserts)

Holiday Party

For those tapped out on ideas, you could just wait for any ole holiday to roll by and throw a party in honor of it. You can do a Valentine party with pink champagne, karaoke and heart decor; or bunny-shaped mooncakes for the Chinese New Year.

Taffy-Pulling Party

A fun retro party for adults or children. Just throw in some candy-flavored cocktails and have the taffy ready for pulling after everyone arrives and gets introduced.

Saltwater Taffy Recipe
3/4 cup water
2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter
Flavoring and coloring as desired
1 teaspoon salt

Measure 2 cups sugar, l 1/4 cups corn syrup, 3/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon salt into a saucepan and blend well with a wooden spoon. Place over low heat until sugar has dissolved, stirring continuously. Increase the heat and do not stir during the rest of the cooking. Wash the sides of the pan with a brush or fork covered with muslin and dipped in water, using an upward motion. This will prevent the formation of crystals which might cause the candy to sugar. After the syrup boils put in the candy thermometer, and when the thermometer registers 265 degrees, remove candy from heat. Add 2 tablespoons butter and stir very gently. Divide the taffy into three parts; you’ll add different flavors and coloring to each one during the pulling process.

Drive-in Party

Bring snacks, grill-out, set out picnic blankets and lawn chairs and prepare your projector for a private, friends-only outdoor screening. Try a creepy, crawly horror film while camping!

Disco Party

Dressing the part is a must, dig out your soul train collection and project it onto the wall or play it in your tv set, think dark, lights, glitter and mirrors to create a disco fantasyland. Skates can be optional if you don’t have carpet hiding your floors. The only thing better than disco is roller disco.

Costume Party

Theme it over a certain costume, such as a Marie Antoinette Cocktail Party, or allow all costumes.

Tea Party

Have many assorted pots of tea and teacups of all shapes and sizes everywhere, guests should have the option of trying whichever tea they like! Be sure to have sugar cubes and cream available for the sweetie lovers. Scones, cupcakes, tartes and tortes are musts. Do not skimp, break out the strawberries and chocolate. Litter the table with champagne glasses and raspberries and break out the champagne and dessert wine if the tea party continues into the evening.

trois tea

Psychedelic Party

Trippy records, shag rugs, motion lamps and colorful lights. View some vintage cartoons about dreamland and take a walk outside through the neighborhood. Live near any parks or beaches? They might be fun to explore with friends.

Bring-Along-Pets Party

This could be fun or horrible! It all depends on your small ones. Make sure there is ample food and water around, keep it specific to one type of animal such as cats, small dogs or large dogs (would be best in the backyard or at a local dog park).

Funny Hats Party

For those that aren’t ready or willing to commit to a full-costume party. You can also have a 40s Hat Party, a Tacky Brooch party, etc.


Require masks upon entry or make masks upon entry. Use classical music and offer whimsical, fantastic foods such as magical candied apples and Absolut Raspberri Royals.

Absolut Raspberri Royal
1 Part ABSOLUT Raspberri
3 Parts Champagne

Add all ingredients into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with 3 whole raspberries.

Similar Hobby Bring-Along Party

Collect anything that would constitute a fun party? Think Blythe dolls, sweets and cameras!

Mod Party

Keep everything mod and chill. The recipes, music, party wear, everything.

Any theme you select simply do a bit of searching on.. say I’m going to throw a 80s party then I’m going to find a good selection of 80s toons, 80s movies, similar themed-foods, activities, decor, music, etc. Do a bit of research on the topic you chose (a Fairy Tea Party!) and find ideas for food and decor.

The possibilities are absolutely endless.


Who is Blythe, the Collectable Doll from Japan?


Who is Blythe? Blythe is the girl with magic in her eyes~ Kenner produced blythe doll in 1972 and soon stopped because of low sales. Gina Garan, photography genius, released a book of her works in 2000 which sparked much interest. She has aided in Blythe’s reproduction by Takara in 2001 and Blythe is still going strong. Warning Blythe steals hearts wherever she goes.

I found about Blythe many years ago because I have a love for dolls from 60s-70s, but I did not fall in love with her immediately. Instead, I kept a fascination from afar and enjoyed looking at photos of others’ dolls. I bought my first Blythe doll in 2003, Disco Boogie, after that I was hooked and suddenly had 12 dolls.

Official Blythe Links

This is Blythe – Gina Garan
Official Blythe

Original Blythe Commercial

This is Blythe’s debut commercial in the 70s. Sometimes she’s as creepy as she is adorable!

My Girls

most of them
+ Love Mission

Self Decoration

Harajuku Hearts and Street Fashion in Japan


When living in Japan it’s difficult not to notice the much appreciated time and effort that people put into their wardrobes. As you probably know you can find an array of fashion and culture movements throughout Japan. Because this society views team-driven existence, others find release in creating a creative, unique appearance.

If you’re looking for the parade of the Harajuku heartthrobs, you’ll have to visit the park on Sunday when they’re prancing around with their outfits in tow. Enjoy the hearts and take a tip from them, if you go out why not transform your body into a character canvas?

eyes shut

hats off

causing color

mushroom mat

decora cute

shadow squad

up close and purple
DIY Recipes

How to Make Snow Ice Cream


So snow isn’t exactly a delicacy and possibly the snow you’ve seen around is a bit too dirty to shove into your mouth, but if you have had snow ice cream you know what the fuss is about! It has a sweet, creamy, delicate flavor and if you’re craving the ice cream and have no snow, you may simply try finely shaved ice. This recipe is a very old favorite of mine I’ve always made when given an abundance of clean, white snow.

All you need to start a delicious, homemade-tasting snow ice cream is a scoop of snow or shaved ice. Try one cup for a small sundae serving.

Snow Icecream

Snow Ice Cream

1 cup snow or finely shaved ice
1/4 cup milk
1 tbsp sugar
3 drops vanilla
1 drop food coloring (optional)

Mix it nicely until it is an ice cream consistency.
I make this to taste so if it’s too runny, I’ll add a bit more snow. If it’s not sweet enough or too dry, I’ll add more sugar or milk.


Copy and Paste CSS Candy Boxes


Want to know how to make candy CSS borders to use with your tastee backgrounds? Feel free to use these for your website, simply credit Miseducated https://www.miseducated.com so that others can enjoy the candy. :9 Have more fun with palettes at colourlovers.com.

Sunshine Candy

Cheshire Cat

Daisy Gnome

Wizard Wand

Moonlight Moonbounce