DIY Recipes

Get in a Dandelion Daze with Recipes and More


With spring just around the corner, you may find yourself longing for the childhood days of frolicking in flowered fields and making wishes on dandelion puffs. And why not? You may now settle for city parks in place of flowered fields, but you’re never too old or too urban to enjoy a fluffy dandelion.

But did you realize your favorite sunny weed has more uses than just wishful blowing?
Read on and stock up, but don’t worry, the supplies are located in your own backyard.

dandelion days


Yes, dandelions can be eaten. Full of vitamins and minerals, the leaves of the dandelion flower can be tossed in salads or layered into sandwiches for a healthy boost to your meal. However, these greens are best picked before the plant has flowered, otherwise they tend to be bitter in taste.


While your salad uses the leaves, dandelion wine uses the tiny yellow petals to create a unique beverage for your next picnic. Up for the challenge of making your own? Try this unique recipe courtesy of


Dandelions are chocked full of antioxidants, make wonderful diuretics, and act as amazing liver cleansers. Brew a cup of dandelion tea to ease stomach problems and detox your liver after overindulging in that dandelion wine.

Skin care

The juice of the dandelion plant has been used throughout the years to treat skin rashes and ailments. It’s said to have antibacterial properties and can supposedly clear warts and sooth eczema. Meanwhile, dandelion supplements have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. The roots and leaves of the plant in pill form detoxify the blood and can help clear up acne.

Good Luck

Feeling crafty? Weave yourself some sunshine accessories in the form of a dandelion wreath and you’re on your way to a lucky day. Just make sure it’s one you’ve crafted yourself, superstition states that wearing one from a friend can actually take luck from you.

And if all else fails: find a fluffy one, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow.

Crafts DIY

Inexpensive Do-It-Yourself Gifts


This whole economic downturn has left a lot of the country in a sorry mess, but I’m not here to wallow in financial troubles. No way! I view the scarcity of cash as a wonderful excuse to get crafty! And it’s always more fun to craft for someone else which is what inspired me to create this article.

These gifts are easy to make and inexpensive, to boot! You can make them for a loved one “just because” or give it away for a special holiday. The choice is yours.

diy gifts

Hearty Bread and Jam

For you domestic creatures out there, put your skills to use! Everyone loves an edible gift, especially if it’s made by you! Jam/Jelly is a very easy item to make, it just takes a little bit longer than some foods. Bread and jam come in a variety of forms, so choose the best one for your recipient.

Cozy Blanket

Blankets are also very customizable, making them an ideal gift for any time of the year. Try these different types of blankets:

Crocheted – Choose your recipients favorite colors and have at it! They’ll be thrilled with the amount of time and effort you put into their present.

Tied – Buy two different types of fabric that complement each other. Make sure that you get a big enough size that it serves as a blanket. Both fabrics should be the same size. Next, spread the two fabrics on the floor (one on top of another) and cut around the edge. Each cut should be 2-4 inches deep. Next, tie the two fabrics together (double knot). Do this all around the edge of the blankets. Viola!

Customize – (an already made blanket) One of my favorite gifts from a friend was a blanket that she bought inexpensively and did stitch work on. It was thoughtful and unique!

Quilt – You don’t need to necessarily buy quilt material, but you can if you want. Choose several types of fabric that you like and cut them into squares all the same size. Next, sew them all together. Buy another piece of fabric and sew it onto the quilted part of the blanket.

Lovely Soap

I come from a very large family and some of my fondest memories are from the holidays when we would all work together to make presents for extended family members. One of my favorite things to make and give away was soap and other DIY beauty gifts.

The great thing about soap is that it’s practical and customizable. This is an easy soap recipe. (You can make your own from scratch with this recipe from Here’s what you need — You can find all these items at your local craft store.

– Soap Block (available at your local craftstore)
– Soap Molds
– Scented oils (your choice)
– Other items for your soap (eg. Lavender, oatmeal, almonds, cinnamon, chocolate, etc.)

There are step by step instructions on the soap blocks and it’s very difficult to mess up. Melt your soap blocks, add scents and ingredients of your choice and let it sit in greased soap molds until hardened. Remove and place in pretty packages or gift baskets!

* Also get some wonderful ideas for soap from this Miseducated article.

Scrumptious Chocolate Covered Strawberries

First, buy about 5-15 healthy-looking strawberries. When you get home, make sure there aren’t any bad spots (if there are simply cut them away). Choose the prettiest ones and keep the green leaves on top – they look more beautiful that way.

While you’re at the grocery store, pick up some dip-able white chocolate. You can usually find this in the crafts section or near the produce. Also pick up some red food dye.

Melt your chocolate in the microwave in bursts of 15-20 seconds. It doesn’t take long to melt the chocolate so be sure to keep an eye on it.

Set aside some of the white chocolate and then add 2-3 drops of the red food dye to the remaining white chocolate. Dip your washed strawberries into the pink chocolate and place on wax paper. Next, dip the bottom part of a spoon/fork into the white chocolate and drizzle on top of your pink strawberry to add a decorative effect. Place in the refrigerator until they are cooled.

You can mix up the chocolate colors (ie. White dipped, pink drizzle; dark dipped, white drizzle) and place the strawberries in a sweet box. Add a ribbon and a card!

DIY Recipes

Sensational Seaweed and Beauty Recipes


Seaweed is one of the healthiest things out there and it can do wonders for your hair, skin, nails and body. You can often find seaweed in the exotic food section of your grocery store or seaweed products (ie. Kelp, dulse, nori, sea lettuce) at a health food store/online. The following are great DIY beauty recipes that you can prepare and use in the comfort of your own home.


Seaweed Detox Wrap

This recipe cleanses your body of all unnecessary that build up by simply walking around. It also relieves stress, slims and is a lovely treat after a long day at work. Here’s what you need:

8 ounces powdered seaweed (kelp is easiest to find)
1 cup hot warm water
2 plastic sheets (saran wrap works well).

Before you begin, prepare your bathroom for the wrap treatment. I like to lay a blanket down in the bathtub, light a few candles and let hot water run for a while to get that steamy effect (if you run water in the bathtub, lay the blankets down afterward obviously). I’ve also heard of people putting space heaters in the bathroom to keep it warm.

Next, set your plastic sheets out (or sarah wrap) so that it’s ready to go. To prepare the seaweed past, simply pore the powdered seaweed of choice into a medium sized bowl. Next, add a little bit of a water at a time and stir. Do this until you have reached a consistency that is not too thick but still applicable and will stick to your skin.

Apply the mixture to different areas of your body, such as your stomach, arms, legs, feet. Wrap with the plastic sheet or saran wrap and sit in the bathtub under a second blanket. Listen to soothing music or sip on tea for 20 minutes. Next, remove the plastic wrap and soak in the bathtub for 10 minutes or so and rinse all the residue away. Apply lotion as desired and relax for a little while longer.

Lavender and Seaweed Bath Tea

I love this recipe because you can make it in bulk and it serves as the perfect gift. Here’s what you need:

Tea bags (or tea filters)
1/2 cup dried seaweed (kelp, seaweed flakes, nori)
1 cup dried lavender

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, mix the seaweed and lavender until you have an even mixture. Next, divide the mixture up into the tea bags and tie (you may need to purchase string depending on the types of tea bags you purchase). Draw yourself a warm bath, light some candles and drop 2 tea bags into the water. After letting it steep for 5 minutes, hop in and enjoy!

Note: If you can’t find teabags in the tea section or your local craft store, try using pantyhose.


Find a Penpal at the Penpal Café


Penpaling is fun and swapping is extremely fun! Want to penpal but don’t have anyone to write? Why not join our penpal classifieds by listing your own information, you can also grab a penpal here if you don’t want to wait!

Remember, however, to execute caution when contacting new friends and sharing personal information. Most importantly, have fun and make new friends.

Please post your information here if you are interested in gaining penpals and meeting other Miseducated visitors.


Swap List

Tran Hong Nhi | 26 | female | Vietnam | email
Hobbies Waching news, listening to music ( pop, rock , rap, country music..),comic, action or kungfu films, fashion
About Just call me Nhi. I am 26 years old. i am living in Ho chi Minh city of Vietnam. i am single, attractive, friendly,responsible and good hearted. i want to make friends with the ones who have something common with me. i strongly believe that Good freindship is a good background for further relation.
I wish you all best health and success in life.

Bali | 20 | female | Taiwan | email
I am searching for a pen pal in English and Japanese. Nice to meet you!

Lana | 25 | female | Taiwan | email
Hobbies travel, make friends, music, shop,……….
About Hi, My name is Lana^^ I am a 25 year-old girl from Taiwan. I am here for looking for penpals who are really sincerely and can make long-term friendship with me, not just write one or two letters > < I know nowadays people like to use e-mails instead of letters to communicate with each other, especailly e-mails is faster and convenient for people. But I still prefer snail mails,and I really hope I can find people who like it,too. Anyway, I like to write by snail mails,and e-mails toghter. So, if you are interested , just write to me!! I think I am a good penpal^^I ok, see you I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!!

Lisa | 23 | female | England | email
Hobbies penpalling, reading, listening to music, photography, crafts
About Hiya i am looking for female only snail mail pals please email me with an introduction xxx

Natalija | 25 | female | England | email
Hobbies reading,cooking,shopping
About I enjoy reading,writing poetry and prose,listening to the music,taking photos,travelling,cooking and shopping. I am collecting DVDs,CDs,angels,souvenirs from all around the world,hair/scarf pins,badges,autobiography/memoir books. I love chocolate and candies.
I’d love to exchange letters and little packages with fun and cute stuff.Getting to know my pen pals and sharing our thoughts is amazing experience.Age is not restricted,but no males please.I’m looking for a life-long friendship.


Please let us know your name, location, age (18+), hobbies and a bit about yourself to be published here!


Kao-Ani Club: Pixel Your Own!


What is a kao-ani?
An animated face, it’s a cute Japanese emoticon.

How can I make one?
There’s a great tutorial here at this kao-ani fansite, if you’re just getting started!

What about more pixeling techniques?
Check this out for more information about pixeling and great tutorials. It’s a fun hobby to get lost in.

How can I animate my pixels?
Adobe Photoshop CS+ by using layers, it’s easy! How?


1. Create kao-ani that represents you :3
2. Swap with others, link kaos back to owners so swappers may explore through other kao member pages and swap with new friends.
3. Link back here wherever you decide to show off your kaos so that others may join, too!

Member Kaos

These kaos were left here by the members that created them~

amber renee's kao kimi/luna daisy's kao kimi/luna daisy's kao

Show your Luna from Sailor Moon Love


Luna, is a moon cat from the lovely world of Sailor Moon created by Naoko Takeuchi. Magical girls and magical cats light the silvery night sky, saving all from doom by way of rainbow prisms of heart*star*moon shine. This gallery aims to please the moon cat lover in you, that was the reason you watched the show, right?? Myself, I adore Luna in human-form. She has my same hair style except for being purple! Hairballs and everything. You’ll notice she also has double odango atama (meatball head aka Sailor Moon), a little something I like to call heartball head.

Luna Sprites

Show your love for Luna by placing these game sprites on your website. <3


Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (18238 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (26516 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.


Share Your Dreams in the Dreamland Journal


When you go to sleep and fall into a dream you get to play around in the amusement park of your mind. Whether you’re a lucid dreamer or not, you probably remember your dreams occassionally and are reminded of them throughout the day. Why not let them live on for others to enjoy as well? Your dreams are as unique as you are!

I was back at this HOOJ kiddiepark that I used to go to near Los Angeles .. I have no idea where it was now, or what it was called. The coolest thing is it was “kids only” – the parents had a place they had to wait and the kids could just run rampant – it seemed to go on for miles. The BEST thing there was the “Dragon Slide” – this GIANT slide where you slid thru a dragons head and down its tongue .. allll the way down a hillside. I dreamt I was there again and was 9 years old, and I was with some girl named Amanda (I have no idea who this was ..) and we were just running around like crazy, and I was healthy and alive again like I was as a kiddie. It felt simply wonderful. We came to the merry go round and they had closed it down, which made me sad because I love those things .. so Amanda and I broke in thru the chain link fence and rode on it ourselves. I cant express how amazing this dream was – it was just beautiful. Cottoncandy-ish, warm and fuzzy, kitten soft ..

I had a dream, that my boyfriend and I welt to a cliff and laid out a blanket to lay and watch the stars on their nightly treck across the sky.. the whole time we held hands and laughed and smiled, telling jokes and whispering sweet nothings.

Ok, ok. This will sound REEEEALLY weird, but I had a dream that I was lost in a bowl of macaroni & cheese. I was about to be eaten by my cat (who was giant & i was in HIS macaroni bowl) when Tuxedo Mask saved me. Weird, huh?
Shampoo Juliet

Chibichibi was chasing me. And the scary part was, she wasn’t cartoon, she was human. She was the scariest little kid I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine a little one-year-old with huge blue eyes, tiny nose, itty-bitty mouth, and pinky-red hair? (Not to mention she’s shouting “Cheebee cheebee!” in that little voice of hers).

I had a strange dream! I was in the mall and I was fighting some evil, thing! I had powers like SailorMoon, but I was me in regular clothes! And after I had finished killing the thing the manager of the store said I could have anything I wanted in the store! I was in there for days trying to figure out what I wanted! Finally I picked an entire outfit out. And thats all I really remember! I think it was from the snow I had eaten that day, b/c on the news they said not to eat it!! lol!
Kiwi Kitten

I once had a really sweet dream that I was in like this grape place (with Grapde vines) and i was with my friend (Trisha) and we saw this lollpop shop and they had the worlds biggest lollypop there and we brought it.. lol I had that dream 3 times and then it happened (we went to this grape vine place and saw a HUGE lollypop – except we didn’t buy it we brought big ones but not HUGE) heehee that was cool

okaie dokie.. i had a dream that i was going through candyland, and there was gumdrop trees and stuff (kinda like willie wonka, but with more cotton kandy. and then, this boy names jash started chasing me, i was scared to DEATH! when i tried to run, my fee got stuck to the ground with a BUNCH of bubble gum.. i couldn’t move! Then, i fought him, and he fell into a zillion different pieces. Then, he turned into a million little TINY JOSHES! (and he’s pretty darmed tiny!!! All the while, that Song Candyman by aqua was everywhere.. like those crazy movies.. (i forgot ALOT of this dream, it was REALLY scary!

Submit a dream? Log-in and reply or respond below while not logged in if you’d like to submit one anonymously.

Business Features Self Decoration

Spank! Japanese 80s Revival Fashion


Spank! fashion! It’s a shop promoting the girly, sweet clothes most of us wore in the 80s and reviving and reworking them into new outfits for fun and raving. The shop is owned and opperated Tavuchi and her cute friends. If you’re ever raving in Tokyo, you’ll surely spot Spank! girls frolicking amongst the colour and lights making everyone’s night a little sweeter.



Try this style by pairing frilly mini-skirts and eighties toon nighties. Don’t forget to LAYER, as this is also important. If you view decora (or FRUiTS) fashion you will notice many differing layers. Colour, texture and pattern all differ creating a rainbow of color upon every cutie and toys are used as accessories and more. However instead of the many different decora colour palettes, Spank! uses the soft, feminine pastels of the 80s girl’s fuzzy companions and cartoon favorites.

Spank! Video

Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: Psych-Out! a 70s Visual Trip


Take a trip down psychedelic, vintage lane in “Psych Out” a trippy dippy film from the 70s.


flower patch


ashbury x haight


on sale

paper roses


A dark, thick liner paired with a bright, rainbow hue and nude, shimmery lips has always been my makeup regimen. Add glitter and you’re ready for a party.

flower smile

Cheer up a friend and give them a thoughtful gift. Strapped for ideas or cash? Try a single flower, sketch or candy bracelet and channel the love-passing, pay-it-forward smiles of flower children and candy ravers everywhere.


This was so rad, everyone was lounging around while some girls started pulling glittering beads all up and over the staircase. It created glimmering prisms in the hands of everyone as they grabbed more strands to pull and hang. The completion created a spiderweb of starlight.





doorway to dishes


god is alive and well in a sugar cube

“God is alive and well in a sugar cube” (a reference to LSD as it is injected into sugar cubes)


party trip

Don’t ever take drugs in an uncomfortable setting. Especially LSD.

oh, jack

Jack Nicholson, aka Stoney, plays a too-cool hippy and blows off his lovely, tripping Alice.

This movie is absolutely fun and visually stimulating for those who adore the drug and hippy culture of the 60s. It proves a point however as a propaganda film that drugs can be very dangerous when taken in unsafe circumstances and you’ll also watch lovely people deteriorate as they do not follow this guideline.