DIY Recipes

Citrus Spa Recipes for Your Skin


Citrus has wonderful affects when applied topically. That’s why fruits like lemons, grapefruits, limes, oranges, etc. are often seen in DIY beauty recipes. Citrus has naturally detoxifying effects when applied to the skin and it also serves as an astringent/toner and antiseptic. The following are three original and delicious DIY Beauty recipes that incorporate citrus*y fruits into the ingredients!


Grapefruit Toning Facial Mask

This recipe is especially great for those with oily/combination skin. The citrus juices from the grapefruit exfoliates and eliminates extra oil that may accrue over the days time. Oh, and it smells great, too! Here’s what you need to gather:

1 tsp. Grapefruit juice
2 teaspoons honey
6 ounces plain yogurt
8-10 almonds
1 tablespoon rice

Once you’ve got everything together, combine the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high for 1-2 minutes. If you notice that there are large chunks of almonds left then blend again. It may help to crush the almonds pre-blending!

Wash your face with your normal cleanser and pat dry. Apply a generous amount of the mixture to your face and spread it evenly. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes or until it has hardened. Rinse with warm water. Make sure you remove everything – you don’t want yogurt residue on your face! Splash your face with cold water to tighten pores and then gently pat dry.

Cream Cheese / Orange Facial Spread

I love this recipe because if you have any left over it makes a perfect spread for a toasted bagel! It’s a refreshing, creamy blend of goodness that does wonders to your face. Here’s what you need:

1 small-medium sized orange
½ teaspoon lemon juice
1 tsp. honey
2 ounces cream cheese (soft)

In a small to medium sized bowl, combine your cream cheese and honey. Blend thoroughly so that the honey is evening dispersed throughout the cream cheese.

Next, cut your lemon in have and squeeze out ½ teaspoon of juice. Be careful of the seeds! Peel your orange so that you are left with a skinless fruit! Take 2 slices of the orange (you can peel them apart easily) and take off the thin layer of “skin.” Add the lemon juice and peeled orange slices to your cream cheese and mix/mash until you have a smooth and consistent texture.

Your spread is now ready to spread! Apply a thin layer of the concoction to your face and let it set for 15 minutes until it is hardened. Rinse with warm water. Follow up with a few cold splashes (to tighten pores) and gently pat dry!

Pineapple Papaya Acne Treatment

Again, this one is good enough to devour! Papaya is a powerhouse of nutrients and enzymes that work to heal the skin. It does wonders for acne-prone skin. The citrus*y pineapple is a gentle exfoliator and the honey/yogurt work together to moisturize. Round up these ingredients before you begin:

1 cup fresh pineapple (avoid cans)
¼ cup fresh papaya
2 grapes
½ tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon yogurt

After you’ve prepared your pineapple and papaya, take 2 grapes and peel the skin off. In a small to medium sized bowl, mix all of your fruits together, mashing them well so that you have an evenly combined mixture of delicious looking fruit. Try to not to eat any!

Next add to your bowl the honey and yogurt. Mix well and let it set for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. This gives the papaya and pineapple juices time to seep into the mixture.

While you’re waiting, cleanse your face with your normal face wash and pat dry. Next, apply the mixture to your face focusing on those areas where acne is most troublesome (T-zone, chin, etc). Let the mixture set on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and gently pat dry. This also works well on other acne-prone parts of your body.

Business Features Visual Splendor

Tea for Two at the Indianapolis Propylaem


As a former tea room employee (hey, high school counts), I searched high and low for the best tea rooms in Indianapolis shortly after moving there to attend school. While there were very few tea rooms in the area, I found a few that were spectacular. One of those is the Propylaeum located just minutes from downtown Indianapolis on Delaware Street (in Indianapolis’ Old North Side).

the tea room!

tea for two!


This hidden gem is fit for any royalty, but don’t feel pressured to dress to the max or spend a lot of money. It’s menu, prepared by Chef Mike, is tiny, but that means that what they do serve is extra delicious. The items listed are also inexpensive. One of my favorite things to order is a hot cup of tea and strawberry shortcake paired with delicious and creamy vanilla ice cream.

strawberry delight~

The best part about this establishment is that it is housed in a to-die-for facility. It’s an old and beautifully detailed Victorian mansion that was founded in 1888 by May Wright Sewall. It was originally a social and culture center for Indianapolis women and is currently the oldest private club owned and operated by women. It’s name -Propylaeum – is a greek word that means “a gateway to culture” and that’s the philosophy of this lovely tea room.

adventure for two!

After lunch, take a tour of the large mansion and discover what’s hidden in all its nooks and crannies! You’ll find a number of private bedrooms that are rented out nightly to those visiting Indianapolis. Each room is uniquely decorated and sure to inspire feelings of “old time” and good cheer!

tea for two!

Address 1410 North Delaware Street; Indianapolis, IN 46202
Please Ring 317.638.7881 (call for reservations)
Hours Monday through Friday 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: White Oleander and DIY Inspiration


I had the luck of watching one of my favorites recently and decided to take photos of more delicious mise-en-scenes to oogle at later and to show you. This movie was originally a novel by Janet Fitch and was later -after being turned into a screen play- directed by Peter Kosminsky. Although movies from books are commonly *sniffle* trash this one was quite good and had more than a few visual gems for me to appreciate. I believe it should not remain unsaid that the lovely Alison Lohman is absolutely perfection on screen here, either, just as much perfection as Michelle Pfeiffer is (in the movie) and still just beginning to sparkle into a star. It is about how toxic a mother and daughter relationship can sometimes be.


the kitchen

electric daisy

painting butterflies
*hint* make your own lovely goodies and sell them at a local market stall 😮

market stall


suitcase art

Suitcase your Memories

movie inspiration
The character’s suitcase art was really interesting to me as well, they were almost like collages and memory jars as an art form within old suitcases. Why not try to find a cheap, old suitcase at your local thrift store and create a very large sort of locket of a favorite memory or time in your life? Add scraps from it, sketches, drawings, everything you don’t want to lose. Decorate it with colors, patterns, words, letters, paintings, textures.. open it and put these special items on display whenever you’re feeling nostalgic rather than keeping them tucked into a jewelry box and rarely admired.

Crafts DIY

Cute as a Button Earrings You Can Make


Most of us have seen button stud earrings, and maybe even the cluster button earrings. Either way, here’s a new twist on the popular trend. I call them Swivel Stacked Button Earrings. They are extremely easy to make, and can be done using all kinds of variations, colors, and different kinds of beads.

button my earrings

What you’ll need

Flat Headpins (preferably the long ones)
Buttons in assorted colors and sizes (you could also experiment with different shapes for unique looks)
Various beads (small ones are used to keep buttons on headpin, while others can be used for decorative purposes)
French Hook Earrings
Wire Trimmers
Needle Nose Pliers

Step 1

Since most buttons have too large of a whole, you’ll need to first put a small bead on the headpin to keep buttons from sliding off.

Step 2

Take your buttons and put them on in any order you want. You can vary from size or colors depending on the look you want. At this point, you can also add various beads if you choose.

Step 3

Once you’ve got your earrings looking the way you want, it’s time to attach the headpin to a French hook earring. Assuming you have quite a bit of length left on your headpin, this is where you can trim off any excess. Be sure to leave enough length to make a loop to attach your earring hook. Now you will use your needle nose pliers to loop the excess of the pin (like a jump ring) so the earring hook is attached. Make sure you close your loop tight enough so they don’t slip off your earrings.

If all went well, you should now have a funky pair of dangling earrings!

Design Your Life

On Being Miseducated for Life


Sure, why not. So the word LIFE is a little loaded, or scary, or both. A lifestyle and way of living… that’s really a bizarre thing for women to grasp sometimes. When you wake up a little hungover and your mascara has smeared across your pillow, is that a lifestyle? We’re not all mothers, homemakers, students, wives, career-driven, party girls, crafty mavens, so why accept Miseducated so freely into our life and mantras? Well don’t unless you feel you’re a little conventionally different, your lifestyle is a little odd but that’s what makes it rad.

There is no necessary reason to sprinkle the table as well as your cocoa. There is no need for a tiny, pink lamp that releases such a faint fairy glow so that you can hardly see your hand in front of your face at night. These are the lovely pieces that nestle within your life, they add a sense of nostalgia, whimsy and they make you smile.

Now, some tips for making your life and your home a little bit more Miseducated whilst in the lifestyle battle of deciding what you’ll do once you actually have clean laundry…

Miseducating your Life Tips

When you finish making your cocoa, whether pink or not, top with a few sprinkles. Add more happy hues into your world where they are sparse. Colors affect your mood but it doesn’t mean a little more here and there isn’t perfectly acceptable. I’m telling you it is.

Before bed and after a bubble bath or shower, grab some of your favorite scented lotion and rub it all over your body excluding your face! Keep a bottle in your night stand for just this purpose. While you sleep your body sweats and leaves the scent behind, your bedsheets however will smell like your favorite delicious lotion when you jump in next!

When choosing home decor don’t stick with safe, muted colors. Choose your favorite colors, choose bases you feel comfortable with, such as black and white or chocolate brown, and add accents of your favorites everywhere. Each and every table, shelf and desk are stylized scenes you have created, feel free to nestle glass bottles of your colors and candles, knick knacks. Hit the antique shops or your local thrift store for some unique, inexpensive finds.

Hide tiny positive fortunes (from fortune cookies, of course!), pictures and notes in numerous, unexpected places around your home. You’ll find these and smile later.

Remember, your creativity can only be expressed by you. Stay tuned for more nonsensical tips in the future.

Business Features Visual Splendor

Life is a Cup of Cake in Seoul


I just love meandering along the streets of Seoul, South Korea — especially when I’m in Itaewon. Seoul is currently ranked as the second largest city in the world (next to Tokyo) and the Itaewon district is a colorful hub of culture and lights! It boasts restaurants and shoppes with owners from around the world and walking the streets is like walking through a global tunnel!

life is a cupcake!

Well, the other weekend I was in this magical place and quite randomly happened upon a lovely cupcake shop called “Life is Just a Cup of Cake.” Needless to say, that’s pretty much the cutest name I’ve ever heard of. Of course I had to venture in to check it out. The exterior was positively darling and lured me right inside.

Like most Korean stores and shops it was tiny, but perhaps a bit bigger than I expected it to be. Two women were sitting at a very tiny table drinking tea and enjoying tasty home-baked cupcakes. To the left there was a tiny room with teapots on display and another, larger sized table, with a group of cute Korean women huddled around pleasing their taste buds.

The owner was Korean but spoke English very well. She asked if we were visiting and was happy to hear we were Korean residents. After snapping a few shots and weighing my options, I chose a charming, “Earl Grey” flavored cupcake speckled with the perfect amount of shiny silver beads (edible, of course!). I devoured it later and am happy to inform you that it tasted very tea-like and was a scrumptious afternoon treat.

Where is it?: If you’re in the Seoul area, get off the subway at the Itaewon station. Take exit 2 and walk straight — you’ll see a side street on your left and the shop stands out like a cherry on a mound of frosting!
Please Ring: 02-794-2908 or 010-4617-2908

Design Your Life

The Flower Child and Rainbow Candy Rave Culture


The mod youth culture of the early 1960s used the word rave to describe any wild party in general. People who were quite commonly seen in attendance to the parties were sometimes called ravers. However specifically speaking of the rave culture and how it started, the terms rave and rave party have been used since the late 1980s worldwide to describe dance parties. This subculture was inspired by the acid house movement. DJs and other performers play electronic music of a wide range including happy hardcore, trance and jungle at these parties.

candy rave

The rave attendees go to dance, socialize, use drugs and have fun in an uninhibited way with like minded people. Attendees also commonly partake in the use, distribution or sale of club drugs such as MDMA, LSD, cocaine, amphetamines and, most recently, ketamine.

Candy ravers can primarily trace their style of fashion to the late 1980s culture and the “Summer of Love” in the United Kingdom. Fashion in clubs at the time were primarily day-glo colored attire, smiley face clothing, beads and whistles.

In the US this loud, colorful and inviting style was used to locate the drug dealer at rave parties. This cute attire however caught on and the candy ravers formed a community of Peace Love Unity and Respect. The lifestyle and mantra lives on throughout old skool and new ravers alike. The candy rave scene has died out a bit since it’s abundance in the mid 90s and early 00s but raves can still be found if you look around and the fashion has evolved and lives on. It has been said that the style is similar to the decora style of Harajuku in Tokyo, Japan. Each style has a completely different community and mantra; it’s kind of like saying hippies and beatniks are the same. Candy ravers continue to adore the color, fun and happiness and unity of an adoration for the cuter, more colorful things in life.

Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: Tales from the Crypt


I recently had the fun of re-watching the 1973 movie edition of Tales from the Crypt. An absolute design gem in my opinion, you can find lovely mise-en-scenes in most old films (especially in Hitchock’s). Try watching some of your favorite old films for inspiration when designing anything. You’ll find as many tacky, funny goodies as you will absolutely sensational ones. Mind not the knives, terror-stricken faces and gore — as my grandmother LaVera once said, murder is necessary to tell a story.

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt
All horror films should contain tea parties nestled within their gore!
Many Miseducated ladies are known to have fright fests
so why not get a little tea party motivation simultaneously?

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt
I’m really digging the modular stereo with rainbow tuning.

tales from the crypt

tales from the crypt

Design Your Life

How to Travel Happy and Care Free


Traveling is Doable- Even On a Budget!

Miseducated girls know that one of the best parts of life is getting out of your every day cycle and exploring what the world has to offer. Unfortunately, leaving your abode and venturing out into the unknown can be a little pricey. Never fear, though, there are plenty of ways you can cut down on the cost of traveling, whether your plans involve a simple (but awesome) road trip or venturing across national territories.

Pack your own food

Airplane food is mega expensive so it’s advised that you avoid it at all costs. Pack yourself enough for 1-2 meals and carry it onto the plane with you. You’ll use up food in your refrigerator (it will go bad anyway!) and save quite a bit of money. Also pack snacks (I promise you’ll get hungry later) for the plane ride and if you have room, enough for the duration of your vacation.

Eat breakfast at your hostel/hotel

Many hotels and hostels offer a free, continental breakfast. Take advantage of this! Don’t feel guilty taking a few rolls or fruits for the road – often times food is thrown out because hotels/hostels make more than what they need.

Don’t eat out for every meal

Don’t get me wrong – going out to eat is one of my all time favorite ways to spend money, but it can get very expensive. Buy your meals like a local would by going to the grocery store. This is especially great if you’re abroad. Many markets and grocery stores are set up different to your own and you’re sure to find some peculiar items!

travel now!

Book at the right time

This goes for plane tickets and hotels. When booking, try your very best to avoid booking during peak season. That would be holidays, the summer and other random events (like the Super bowl, for instance). Not only will you save money, but you’re more likely to find yourself in overwhelmingly crowded tourist destinations. Also, many airlines offer drastically reduced ticket prices for last-minute bookings. This is because the airplane wants to fill their plane to full capacity.

Stay at a hostel (or with a friend!)

Don’t let the movie, “Hostel,” scare you. Hostels used to be more of a European thing, but they are quite popular all over the world, including the United States. Hostels are great because they are drastically cheaper (any where from $10-30 a night), you meet people from all over the world and they come in a variety of shapes and forms. There are upgraded hostels that are very similar to hotels, so if sleeping with 4-10 other people in the same room bothers you, keep that option in mind. Also, hostels provide lots of excursion activities. Check out for hostel reviews and locations.

Avoid booking on weekends

If it’s possible for your schedule, book on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The most popular days to fly are Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The most popular days to stay at a hotel are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You will notice quite a difference in the prices if you do this.

Go to free events

You can often find discounted days and times for various events you have in mind. For example, some museums offer free (or cheaper) admission on certain days that are normally slow. Also, visit parks and other landmarks that don’t require an entry fee. Ask your hotel/hostel attendant and locals for advice. Also do research online before you leave.

Shop around and spend wisely

Depending on where you vacation, you can find a lot of great deals. Avoid malls, where items are often mass produced and over priced. You can find some really unique keep sakes and trinkets (often hand made by artisans themselves) by going to street markets and vendors. If you’re vacationing in a big city that does not have markets like these, save money by window shopping just like you would at home!

If you’re driving…

The biggest way for you to save money is to cut the cost of gas prices. How do you do that? Make sure that your tires are in great shape. Have the rotated and fill them with air if necessary. Also, change your oil. The $30 you spend doing this could save you much much more in the end. Also, don’t forget to pack a lot of your own food. This is especially easy for you!

Exchange Rates

Use your debit card to get money out of ATM’s/pay for items if you are traveling abroad. Since the payment is electronic, you will get the best exchange rate. Also, it’s much safer to travel with a debit or credit card because if it’s stolen you can report it’s missing right away. When cash is gone, it’s gone. Also, I have found that travelers checks are often not accepted and are more of a hassle than anything.

Lastly, exchange money before you go abroad and never at the airport. It’s much more expensive at the airport and you’ll save money if you exchange elsewhere.

Good luck and happy adventures!


Introduce Yourself to the Miseducated Community


Several members voiced opinion on ways of opening communication so we decided to give everyone a chance to introduce themselves as well as provide a little insight into their world which may be used in future swaps or features. To introduce yourself to the community simply reply with some fun information about yourself and open some dialogue!

All Miseducated guests and visitors are important to us and we want them to have a great, chill time! Just escape through the rainbow atmosphere of nonsense, whimsy, creativity and fun~ Take a break from work, grab some tea and incense and let’s enjoy life together.


We might already know your name, but we’d love an introduction!

Random fact

Why not?

Three Hobbies

Or one. Or two. Or 27.

Feel free to leave a bit of info about why you’re here and how you happened to enjoy your stay if you’d like. Feel (more than) free to communicate with others here also because that’s the way the Miseducated community grows!