Crafts DIY

Sew a Blythe Doll Skirt in Minutes


It’s super easy to sew a simple felt skirt for your Blythe! This is an easy pattern to try, even if you’ve never sewn or embroidered before. Feel free to download a PDF of the printable pattern here.

DIY Blythe Skirt

You Need

1 piece of felt, approximately 6×4 inches
Embroidery floss in 2-3 colors
Small piece of velcro

Step 1

Print and cut out the skirt pattern, use it to cut a piece of felt the same shape.

Step 2

Embroider a design. Even if you’ve never embroidered before, you can
easily make a pretty design with variations on just one simple stitch. Thread your needle, tie a knot in one end and pull the floss through from the backside. Put your needle back down through the felt again, there you have a Straight stitch! You can trace the flower design onto your skirt with fabric transfer paper, but you might find it easier to just stitch it up freehand. The flower is several Straight stitches in a circle, the center of the flower is Satin stitch, several Straight stitches side by side. For the
vine, make several small Straight stitches in a line, one after the other. This is called a Running stitch.

Step 3

Sew one side of the velcro to each end of the skirt, one on the front and one on the back. Dress up your dolly in your cute new creation!

Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: SPUN Snaps from the 90s


SPUN featured quite a few miseducatedly fashionable moments as well as lovely artistic shots nestled within it’s not-so-attractive, but strangely engrossing plot lines. Each snap(shot) seems to engulf the pleasure and pain aspect of drug addiction. It’s a movie about scoring and partaking in the use of, as well as the lifestyle surrounding, crystal meth. Probably not a good watch for the easily offended or sickened but a good watch for the strange movie lover like myself.


The dog was green to indicate he was sick but it otherwise acted like a normal, healthy dog with a miseducated hair treatment.




The Credits:

DIY Recipes

Recipes for Berry Beauty Regimens


Berries are a practical natural source for all sorts of things. For example, most are wonderful treats for your taste buds, many are used to create colors for natural fabric dying and they are also great to apply topically to your body and face!

And who could dismiss the fact that berries make things taste and smell oh-so-sweet! With that said, here are a few recipes that incorporate berries into the ingredient list. These are some of my favorite recipes to date!

berry lovely

Blueberry Honey Lipgloss

Mmm! What a delicious treat for your lips! I don’t know about you, but I’m up for some all-natural blueberry and honey flavored gloss any day! This recipe is great because the deep purple of the blueberries add a light pink tint to your lips and the honey adds softness. What you need:

8-12 fresh blueberries
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. honey (try organic!)
1 capsule of Vitamin E (optional).

Once you’ve gathered your items, wash your blueberries and choose 8-12 average sized berries that look the healthiest! Next, combine the honey and oil in your microwave safe bowl. Make sure that it is mixed well. Extra virgin olive oil is very refined oil and great for your lips, but if you find the scent too strong you can trade it out for a vegetable oil of your taste.

After the honey and oil are mixed thoroughly, add your blueberries and heat in the microwave. Keep a close eye on the contents while they are heating. About ever 20-30 seconds, take the bowl out and stir. Continue to do this until the mixture begins to boil.

With a spoon, crush the berries.. The liquid portion of the mixture should turn to a pinkish color. Continue to mix until the berries are fully crushed. Remove what is left of your berries either by straining or by picking them out. Stir until everything is smooth and consistent.

You can store this fabulous gloss in an already-used lip gloss container or purchase a container at a craft store. Cool, huh?

Strawberry Cream Rouge

I’m totally obsessed with this recipe! Not only are DIY blush recipes hard to come by, but this one looks fabulous, moisturizes your face and is super easy to make. You’ll be shocked into happiness with this baby! Before you begin, gather these items:

2-4 strawberries (you’ll want 1/2 cup chopped)
1/4 cup of beet powder
1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

First, select 2-4 strawberries that look the healthiest! Wash them and cut off any blemishes. Gently dry them off and chop into small pieces. You should have 1/2cups worth. Next, combine the strawberries with the beet powder and olive oil in a blender. Blend on medium until everything is smooth and consistent.

You can store this creamy blush in an already-used container or you may purchase one from a craft store. To apply, dab a small amount on the apples of your cheek and blend in. You’ll be a glowing, strawberry-lovin’ diva!

So Berry Bright Mask

The scents from this face mask will leave your mouth watering. Feel free to drink a glass of champagne with this recipe! Here’s the ingredient list:

1/2 cup almonds
1/2 medium sized cucumber
3 strawberries
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. plain yogurt

Combine all the ingredients into a blender and blend on medium setting for 2-3 minutes. Depending on your blender you may need to blend a bit longer. Make sure that the mixture relatively smooth and consistent (the almonds will make it a bit rough, though).

Cleanse your face with your normal face wash and pat dry. Apply this mixture to your face and let it set for 10-15 minutes (or until it is dry). Once you’re ready to rinse, do so with warm water. Splash cool water on your face to tighten pores and then gently pat dry. Take a look in the mirror – that’s one berry fabulous chic!

DIY Recipes

Rainbow Gelatin Cake Recipe


Creamy, delicious color topped with color upon color, reach the moon if you must! This cake is absolute fantasy land in a kitchen. If you take the rainbow challenge, please show us how it goes! The only thing better than eating rainbows is gazing upon them~

Rainbow Jello Cake

Feel free to print this for your recipe book/box and keep it close by for celebrations of the colorful sort.


Miseducated Competition Sponsored by RE-MENT


Grand Prize Winner

Miseducated/RE-MENT Contest Winner

“I don’t have space for a dollhouse, so I can set up the “Studio” on the kitchen table and play for an afternoon, dreaming up new combinations, mix and match items, and take notes for my eventual future dream dollhouse. I am NOT too old to play with dolls!”

Runner Up

Miseducated/RE-MENT Contest Winner

“I live in a small apartment and my bedroom has become my studio to work on my design. My favorite furniture (my teak dresser) is now used to store sugar creatures and my bed (covered in plastic) is used for air brushing. I like getting the quiet, relaxing bedroom vibe while working although I would not say no to a large, spacious studio where I can make more mess.”

The Contest

re-ment contest
This contest is sponsored by Miseducated and RE-MENT Japan, featuring prizes from their new series ‘Flirty Pink.’ This series does not go on sale until December 15, the winner will receive a ‘Flirty Pink’ limited edition blind box of rare archived products hand selected by the RE-MENT company. This contest is only open to registered members.

To enter
1. Send 2-3 photos of your own miseducated space that you enjoy imagining in. What special space makes you smile? Radiates your personality? Strays from conventional mores into a new kind of room?
2. 1-3 sentences about why this room is miseducated (strays from conventional mores and speaks especially to you).
3. 1-3 sentences about why you like RE-MENT and RE-MENT’s miniature series (include your favorite series if possible).
4. Your Name, Age, Location and URL (if any).
5. Email to: [email protected]

All entries must be received before December 15th. Winners will be announced December 20th (date restrictions are due to the release Japan, this is a Japan only release). The grand prize winner will receive a limited blind box from RE-MENT of the new ‘Flirty Pink’ series. Runner up will receive a random selection of a RE-MENT blind box series and limited edition postcards.

RE-MENT also has official Flirty Pink cell phone wallpapers free for fans.


Take the Pledge to Buy Handmade


To learn a new recipe or diy project, just explore around the DIY pages of Miseducated and within the links section above for some of our favorites!

I’m sure many of you crafty girls have your own shops so please post your shops and urls here! If you have your own idea for a project you’d love to share, simply email us at [email protected] as always! We love to hear from you.

Why buy handmade?

Buying Handmade makes for better gift-giving.
The giver of a handmade gift has avoided the parking lots and long lines of the big chain stores in favor of something more meaningful. If the giver has purchased the gift, s/he feels the satisfaction of supporting an artist or crafter directly. The recipient of the handmade gift receives something that is one-of-a-kind, and made with care and attention that can
be seen and touched. It is the result of skill and craftsmanship that is absent in the world of large-scale manufacturing.

Buying handmade is better for people.
The ascendancy of chain store culture and global manufacturing has left us dressing, furnishing, and decorating alike. We are encouraged to be consumers, not producers, of our own culture. Our ties to the local and human sources of our goods have been lost. Buying handmade helps us reconnect.

Buying handmade is better for the environment.
The accumulating environmental effects of mass production are a major cause of global warming and the poisoning of our air, water and soil. Every item you make or purchase from a small-scale independent artist or crafter strikes a small blow to the forces of mass production.

Learn more and take the pledge at

Visual Splendor

A Little Apartment in South Korea Tour


Miseducated loves to see inside the walls of cozy apartment. How is it decorated? What unique features does it have? A person’s home says so much about them, that’s why Miseducated girls come from unique little nooks all over the world.

Now, let’s go on an official tour of Wendy Gould’s apartment in South Korea.

Want to give a tour of your home or your favorite place? Contact Miseducated and we’ll take a look and let you know if we’re interested in featuring your spot!


DIY Interior Ideas for Your Spare Room


Those of us who are fortunate to have a spare bedroom know that figuring out what to do with it can be tricky. More often than not, this room is a sight for sore eyes – full of random “keepsakes” and loads of junk. Either that or it’s a combination of an office and work out area (that just so happens to have a bed in it).

spare rooms

Here are a few ideas to help jump start your thinking process. See if any catch your eye!

An at-home Gym

How many times have you intended to work out after/before work but didn’t end up making it to the gym? Well, a home-gym is a great way to motivate you to work out. After all, it’s hard to get up early enough to drive to the gym and the last thing you want to do after a long day at work is head off to your local work-out facility.

An at-home gym is convenient for many reasons and you’re more likely to use the machinery if you’ve got a nice room designated for such activity!

A quiet/relaxation room

This room should whisper “serene” every time you walk inside it. Paint the walls a muted color that’s easy on the eyes. Fill it will soft, plush furniture, candles and lots of books or drawing/painting supplies. An indoor water fountain would be a great addition, too. Allow yourself to melt away in this sacred space with books, crafts, meditation and even sleep.

A toy room for children

If you have children who frequent your house, this is a great idea. Paint the walls a cheery color and even add some bright/child-like decals on the wall. I remember my grandmother’s playroom had several dresses filled with dress-up clothes, jewelry and accessories. Add a few books shelves and lots of stuffed animals/games. Another benefit of having a special room for children to play in (aside from you playing in the room and pretending you are a kid again) is that the mess stays there. Also, everything has its place so it’s easier to tidy up when they are finished playing.

spare room

A bar lounge

Turn your spare room into a bar/lounge, especially if you like entertaining company! It’s completely utilitarian and inspires you to invite guests, too! Make sure you have seating (be it around a table or casual lounge chairs/sofas) and plenty of sturdy tables to place drinks and food. Create a room that allows people to move freely, schmooze and relax. Avoid placing a TV in this room as it’s not conducive to conversation!

A gaming room

This is targeted to the gentlemen reading, but even a woman can enjoy a game room! Add a pool table, air hockey or a foosball table as your main feature and then add other games, too. Be sure to include a nice table for playing board games! You could go retro with arcade games or old Nintendo or you could jump into the future with more up-to-date gaming consoles (like the Wii). This is great for entertaining and sure to be a hit with friends and family.

A movie room

Whether you’re a movie buff or simply like to watch movies, go all out with this one! If you have the means, purchase a nice television and surround sound system. Add (really) comfortable sofas or chairs that are great for movie-watching and a few tables to set food/drinks. As for decoration, you could go with a genre theme. For example, a 40s theme with lots of movie posters, quotes, etc.

A library

This is great for those of us who always have our nose in a book! It’s also nice for those who wish their nose was in a book more often! Make this room one that you can relax in. Soft colors, plush seating and great lighting. Then, add lots and lots of bookshelves and fill those babies with books! You can even organize the books however you like: by genre, by author, etc. One thing that may be interesting for decoration is framed book covers or pictures of your favorite authors!

DIY Recipes

The Mushroom Forest Tales and Recipes


Mushroomaholic? Yes please. I’m an absolute mushroom lover from both a visual and a taste stance. I still enjoy walks in the woods looking for tasty morels. (it wasn’t long before I cooked and ate the one you see above) I come from a family/culture that appreciates the earth and that mushrooms are possibly the tastiest gift of all. If you happen to spot some mushrooms along your trails, please post your own mushroom photos and collections for the MUSHROOM GALLERY (coming soon!).

Enjoy these vintage Moonlight Mushroom scans about a mushroom garden in Pennsylvania for some smiles and recipes. What a cute thrift store score!

100% moonlight

moonlight mushrooms

hors d'oeuvre

Remember never to eat a mushroom you have found in the wild unless you are experienced in mushroom identification!

DIY Recipes

Holiday Cocktail Recipes to Warm Your Winter


Isn’t it nice how a fabulous cocktail sets the entire mood of a party? After all, when you have a good-looking and great-tasting drink in your hand, your mood is generally soarin’ high!

Listed below are seven simple (and inexpensive) holiday cocktails that you can make without breaking the bank.

holiday cocktails

Cranberry Christmas

This delicious and fruity cocktail is the perfect shade of crimson. Here’s what you need:

1/2 ounce Cointreau
1/2 ounce cranberry juice
1 teaspoon lime juice (squeeze it fresh for the best taste)
1 oz vodka

Combine all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker, add ice and shake. Serve in a frosted martini glass (just place it in the freezer for a few hours). To garnish, add a few cranberries – they’ll float!

Peppermint Delight

The holiday’s are always nicer with a hint of mint. Try this lovely and refreshing mix at your next holiday bash:

1.5 ounces creme de cacao
1 ounce half/half (try lowfat milk if you’re on a diet)
1 ounce peppermint schnapps

Place in a cocktail shaker with ice and mix well. Strain and place into a beautiful glass of your choice. To garnish, add a short peppermint stick!

Let it Snow

This intoxicating mixture is an interesting wake up call for your taste buds.

2 ounces pear Shnapps
1 ounce half/half (or milk)
a dash of cinnamon

Place the Schnapps and cream into a cocktail shaker with ice. Mix thoroughly and strain into a fabulous glass. You can also try this drink blended. Simply combine the Schnapps and cream with ice and blend until smooth. Sprinkle the cinnamon on top!

Scotch Reindeer Sour

This drink is especially fab for the gentlemen on hand. Serve this in an old fashioned, short glass and hand it over with a coy eye!

1 1/2 ounces whisky (try the Canadian kind!)
1 1/2 ounces orange juice
1 teaspoon of grenadine
1 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Combine all the ingredients into a shaker or blender. Pour into your glass and add a lemon slice to garnish!

White Christmas

This silky drink is better than any dream you could conjure! Not to mention, it’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1 ounce amaretto
1 ounce half/half
1 ounce vodka

Mix this lovely trio in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a cherry or nutmeg.

Mr. Grinch

Maybe this drink won’t steal all your presents, but it sure knows how to steal hearts!

2 ounces Midori
1/2 ounce fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp sugar syrup (try Karo)

Mix all three ingredients into a shaker and strain into a chilled martini glass. This green drink looks fabulous with a cherry garnish!

Hot Mint Chocolate

This is my all-time favorite, so of course I’ve saved the best for last! This drink is great for low-key parties or snuggling up with your loved one(s).

5 to 6 ounces of hot chocolate (hot!)
1 ounce peppermint schnapps

Pour the schnapps into a mug or glass that is heat-safe. Add your hot chocolate and stir well. To garnish, add crushed candy cane around the rim of your glass or simply add a candy cane stick.