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Keeping Up is Hard to Do

Found this tiny cactus at the supermarket, repotted it, put it under a sunlamp and it bloomed, best dollar ever spent!

Every time I start to write a post lately I psych myself out of it. Like one single post is a huge, uncompletable task. My medication seems to make me feel calm and completely, utterly uninspired. I’m very close to konking myself on the head just to knock something loose from my pre-medicated, crazy and endlessly inspired days. I couldn’t be sure I was going to make it through the day but I sure did produce content like no one’s business.

However content can be anything really.. it can be a diary post, a tutorial, a recipe, images, a collection of links, an article, etc. What is your favorite type of content?


Everything is Changing


I’ve been working like crazy lately and unable to respond to many of your messages but I am getting them and I will catch up eventually. Everything’s changing from winter to spring now and it’s caused quite an overload of work. I understand wanting to start anew and get new collections out, whew so much to do and so little time to blog!

Speaking of collections I’m collaborating with one of my dearest friends, Chelsea of Paper*Cakes on a new project that will be out soon~

I miss the days when I could sit and produce several visual blog posts in no time. I feel like all of that drive has to be focused on Colette and work right now and I just cannot find that same inspiration for blogging. That explains all the rambling diary posts.

Did I tell you my schedule totally changed? We all have to get up before dawn now due to my husbands new job. I’m still trying to get motivated in the early morning but so far I’ve just been sketching, working and chugging lots of tea and vanilla coffee. I’ll get the hang of this!

Miseducated is also going through some changes.. I’ve been reorganizing and there’s much more to go so stay tuned.


We Each Have Our Flaws

Kiss the walls.
She got so banged up in the move..

I’m currently in the process of obsessing about my window garden. I’m going to make window boxes to line my balcony and I’ve got the strawberries already growing in my AeroGarden.

I’m also working like crazy on the next Tokyolux line which I already want in my closet.

Colette is squealing in the background, this actually inspires me more than anything else.

Outside I can hear the geese squawking.. we live on the water now. This is a completely new thing for me and I like it. I’ve settled down quite well in this place with the huge, arched windows and sidewalk right to my best friend’s house. How could I not?

Yet still I cannot seem to shake that horrible feeling that permeates my entire body.

… and it’s tough. It’s tough getting help. Tough relinquishing this hold you have on your past. Tough getting through all of the small talk so you can get to the good stuff. I’m getting there and I can feel it.. but because of everything I have blocked out is holding me back. Someday I will have to accept the past and move on.

I just love being embarrassingly honest with you because I know in some ways it pays off. I would rather help you by sharing my own story; together we can conquer anything.


Don’t Live in the Past

Happy Birthday cake :9
My birthday cake.
Package from Audreybug~
Package from Audrey.
Birthday gift from Ben hehe~
Birthday gift from Ben.
This chocolate covered cherry Peep is the best thing I've ever eaten.. today!
Valentine tastiness.

Today I spent a little time roaming around my parent’s home. Isn’t it strange when you’re reminded so vividly of a past that was both horrifying and magical?

I remember laying in my comfortable cloud bed knowing that it would be my last night staying at my parent’s home.. I would be getting married the very next day and then we would be off to Japan to celebrate.

We discussed in group therapy yesterday that really rings true.. it was about being present; forgetting about yesterday and tomorrow. There is only today. Don’t waste it.

A sign at the cemetery where I used to roam and have chats with my deceased grandmother reads, “LOVE.” It’s the best advice I’ve had all day.


Why Can’t Everyday Be Like My Birthday?

jamber tea party

We’re often told to do what we want to do on our birthday. We’re able to enjoy sweets without guilt and to celebrate with friends and family. It’s a relaxing day and I want to take time out though today to enjoy every single thing with my family. I want to remember this day.

Why can’t I do that everyday? Why can’t I just take time out to do what I want and enjoy every moment? That’s my new goal this week, for everyday to feel like a special day. To take time out during the day to do things that I want and to make sure to enjoy them.

1. Eat and really enjoy sweets and coffee.
2. Sit outside on the balcony all snuggled in a fluffy blanket and have cocoa toped in marshmallows.
3. Paint colorful deericorns on tiny canvases.
4. Have tea and dessert at a local coffee shop.
5. Read in the bathtub.
6. Have champagne with friends.
7. Dip strawberries in chocolate.
8. Make and decorate cupcakes.
9. Have a tea party.
10. Have a movie marathon.

Write down a list of things you enjoy doing. Write down things that cheer you up even when you’re feeling blue. This is a great list to refer to when you’re feeling bored, unmotivated or a little overworked. You’ll be surprised how much better just doing a few things on your list will make you feel.

Soon I’m going to create little printable journal pages for you to use when reading these posts — I’m hoping it will encourage you to take part in the lessons that have helped me when in need. What sorts of journal pages would you prefer?


Do You Have the Winter Blues?

Pink, yellow and green oh my!

Please excuse Miseducated for being a little wonky lately.. I’ve been making changes that I feel are best for our growth (no more ugly ads!).
I’m only allowing your ads from now on.
I’m really overly anal about how things look around here, you might not pick that up at first from the rainbow headache you endure upon visiting but it’s true!

We talk about motivation a lot. What KEEPS you motivated? I continually go back to the same old thing, exercise and coffee. It never fails that when I put exercising off I begin to feel lethargic and unmotivated. Exercising produces endorphins which are especially important to those of us with depression and seasonal affective disorder! Let’s also not forget about those of us who are just tired. The winter makes us want to be more dormant, we’re stuck inside (we keep getting snowed in here!) and cozy. It’s cold outside. However if we could just push ourselves to reach a small goal we set for ourselves each day? And slowly raise it?

I haven’t been exercising since I had Colette so I’ve been forcing myself to start. It’s really invigorating… on top of all of the damn coffee and tea I drink everyday.


Where Do You Find Inspiration?


I really wanted to make a big, cheesy collage for this post like I did when I started Miseducated.. remember those days?
I miss those.

Where do you find inspiration when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
I always ask the artists we feature here but I’ve never gotten to ask you!

When I’m feeling overwhelmed and can’t focus I like to flip through my inspiration drawers filled with old photos, papers and all sorts of useless things I’ve collected through the years. Useless to the onlooker that is but quite important to me! My favorite place for my brain to play is old magazines.. I love soaking up the eye-candy in 60s women’s zines most of all. I can’t get enough!

What can you not get enough of? What inspires you?

Day With a Camera Diary

Day With a Camera: Let Them Eat Cake

Making chocolate and cherry iced mini cupcakes for after dinner~ In the kitschen

So here I am after group therapy finding nothing of sustenance to eat for lunch.
(Ok.. I’m being a little picky.)

I’m playing with the idea of calling my husband to bring home food when he gets back.. I want to ask him what I should make, he always has ideas when I’m uninspired.. I look around the kitchen and see it.

There’s nothing to eat … but cake.
I just had to go to the grocery and buy all the ingredients for delicious cherry and chocolate cupcakes last night because I wanted cake.
Now all I have is cake and I can’t seem to eat it.
Let me eat cake.

I eat WAY too many sweets.
How about you?


Reading, Writing and Running Around in Circles


Lately I’ve gotten even more addicted to reading because my best friend got a Kindle (which I have been putting off, I have some kind of strange obsession with paper) and it makes sharing books a snap.

You can loan out books you’ve bought for a couple of weeks, perfect for an addict like me to munch on books with my hungry eyes. I highly recommend it.

Also — if you’re tight on space you don’t have the ton of books looming in the corner. I like to stack my books but now that I have Colette I’m going to have to .. why are bookshelves so scary? Is that my agoraphobia looming in the background? I love bookshelves, tall ones anchored to the wall.. however with the baby they make my nervous. Perhaps the wall-unit shelves.. but wont things topple off one they’re bumped? I suppose they’ll do. The large IKEA expedit will not fit on any of my walls.. we had to part ways. It was a sad day but luckily a friend found use out of it.

This is a Saturday post.. it’s way too wonky to be a weekday post. Don’t you agree? 😉 Mostly I just enjoy making art for posts sometimes.. would posts with art-journaling only be acceptable?