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Japan Kawaii Candy Box Giveaway


japan candy box

My readers and friends! How I have missed you while I felt into the abyss of sugar plums and gingerbread decorating! I hope you had a splendid holiday no matter what you did!

I have a little surprise…
Since the last Candy Box giveaway went so swimmingly, and you have asked if there will be another chance, we have another giveaway here for you! The Candy Box folks feel you are the perfect receivers for their surprise crate and there will be more opportunities coming to win cute goods if you miss this win!

Also if you aren’t sure what Candy Box is you can see the review I did previously on the Kawaii Box here and the Candy Box here! I enjoyed it — I liken it to getting a little surprise package from your penpal every month. My daughters loved it as much if not more than I did, it’s a great gift idea for Japanese snack lovers, kawaii lovers, girls, boys, men and women alike!


Business Features Giveaway

Kawaii Box Subscription Club Review & Giveaway


Awhile ago I was invited to review the Kawaii Box which is a super cute subscription box that offers kawaii goods from Japan and elsewhere.

As I’ve said before, subscription boxes are a big thing right now — you can find them for just about anything you have an interest in! I was very excited to hear of one who only offers kawaii goodies. I did a home-stay and studied in Japan for a few months in college and had to purchase 2 more suitcases and a few shipping boxes in order to bring all of my purchases home! I can’t think of a better subscription box for me to review..

..and so please view the video review AND enter in the giveaway (lots of options for more giveaway points!) to win your own gift subscription box for a taste of kawaii delivered right to your mailbox!

Escapeland Giveaway

Happy Birthday CAVEY Giveaway


Remember the feature I did on Holly recently? As I said we’re planning a special Cavey Giveaway especially for you ladies of Miseducated to celebrate the exciting birthday of Cavey! These plushes are so very covetable I wish I could enter in the giveaway! I wish each of you the best of luck!

The Prize

How to Enter

Follow @heycavey and retweet the following before May 26, 2011:

“Happy birthday Cavey! follow @heycavey and RT to win a Cavey plush at Miseducated! #caveycomp”

Send Cavey a Birthday Card

Also, for some extra fun why not make Cavey an extra-special birthday card? Holly will be displaying all birthday cards and Cavey artworks at the birthday party! Send to: Cavey, Po Box 2384, Watford, WD18 1RP, UK by May 26th 2011.

Escapeland Giveaway

Our Very First Etsy Goodie Bag Giveaway WINNER


CONGRATULATIONS to the winner, Kate Barber!

(and a HUGE thank you to everyone who entered)

An ezine about this and other new features was sent to all fans on Facebook, if you would like to receive these rare but important messages and are not a member of Facebook you may also submit your email address.

Stay tuned for another exciting giveaway coming up soon!

[Giveaway Closed: Sep 24th]

Hello and welcome to the second ever Miseducated Giveaway! We plan to have these much more often, it’s been way too long! Check out the details here.

We wanted to especially thank our readers and guests for being so creatively cute and wonderful to us everywhere we go. The truth is giveaways are a great way to find new friends and readers and to expose them to new and seasoned artists. We select our giveaways from our favorite handmade art shops, antique shops and more.

The Prize

You can win a Hello Kitty tote bag filled with handmade and diy goodies from great sellers on Etsy!


1. Sweet Star and Strawberry accessories from Strawberry Latte

On hold for alidahb

2. Limited Edition Miseducated Deericorn pendant

Original DEERICORN Pendant - limited edition-1 Original DEERICORN Pendant - limited edition

3. Victorian Spats by Mademoiselle Mermaid

Victorian Spats with Bows in Oatmeal by Mademoiselle Mermaid-1 Victorian Spats with Bows in Oatmeal by Mademoiselle Mermaid-2

4. Paper glittery macarons by PaperCakes


5. Postcard set by Amber&Co with cupcake pencils

6. Bag o’ kitsch charms, beads and goodies to get your DIY tastebuds wet especially from Miseducated

The Rules

To enter simply leave one comment below, make sure to include a correct email address in case you win. This giveaway expires in a week on Friday, September 24th and the winner will be chosen at random and will be announced on Monday, October 4th. All readers, including international readers, are welcome and encouraged to participate!

Bonus Entries

All entries will be checked for accuracy!
+1 Entry: Become a fan of Miseducated on Facebook and add a comment below announcing you’ve done so.

+1 Entry: Subscribe to our blog by using Google or another reader and let us know by leaving a comment below.

+1 Entry: Link to Miseducated on your blog and comment with the link here.

+1 Entry: Feature this giveaway on your blog (or tell others about it) and let us know here.

If you would like to be featured in a future giveaway, let us know and Miseducated might purchase something from your shop for our next goodie bag!

Thanks so much for all of your support.