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Positive Energy Project

Positive Energy Project

In the Stars: Friendship Horoscopes 2018


I decided I’d publish my horoscopes here as well as where I usually do! So pour a cup of tea this evening and revel in the stars with your cat snuggled on your lap (because honestly isn’t that the best way to read anything??).

I left them light so there’s still lots of room for you to interject your own intuition into the forecast! xox


This year you will do best to focus on relationship fulfillment. First, contemplate if there is any tension within your friendships. You will experience great relief to resolve these issues and your friendships will be much stronger because of it!


This year is all about self development, Taurus! There are some exciting things in store for you. Even some new feelings arising in a friendship, complicating your social life. It may be a little off putting for your other friends but trust your instincts!


Yes indeed you are the social butterfly of your group but sometimes is good to spend some one-on-one time with a single friend. You’ll both get a lot out of it and it’s time to let your closest confidants know how much you care.


For you, 2018 will be filled with change. Don’t be overwhelmed though because your best buddies will have your back and you’ll find refuge in their support.


Don’t daydream too much, Leo. You’ll need to be there for your inner circle this year, they’ll rely on your insights. Don’t feel overwhelmed if a lot of your closest friends are running to you now, you seem to be spot on this month and you’ll also be getting a lot of clarity out of the exchanges.


Get ready to multi-task as your career/classes and your friends will both be pulling you from both ends! It will be good for you to spend some alone time this month and reflect on ways you can support your friends while still taking care of your own needs.


2018 is going to be a very generous year for you, Libra. As you clear away some past resentments within your friendships you will have stronger, more fulfilling connections within your relationships.


It’s important for you to figure out how to find a balance between your time with your friends and your work. If you neglect either of these you will experience a lot of stress and your vinas will make other arrangements. Don’t feel left out — just spend some quality time with them! It’s the perfect weekend to pop open some champagne and binge Netflix.


You can overcome your stress this year with a few much-needed changes! You may find yourself snapping at your friends and coworkers alike — you’re feeling frazzled and it’s time to take a much needed vacation. Even a weekend spa will do the trick! Call your best pals and prepare a nice face steam.


Your big plans are looking very promising this year, Capricorn. Your creative thinking is on the rise and your budding new friendships are excited to get together for new adventures. You may even have a secret admirer!


I know you’re feeling a hankering to be more independent this year and it may just become an issue within your friendships. This reevaluation will take quite a lot of your time this month. Remember that emotional independence will do you well and your relationships and love interests will surprisingly become more fulfilling and intimate!


Your bffs are in the forefront of your mind this year, Pisces! Open-mindedness is best within your circle of friends but also make time for yourself. Even better, you’ll thrive in the other areas of your life when you incorporate your social circles.

Design Your Life DIY Positive Energy Project

Positive Energy Project: Selecting, Cleansing & Charging Crystals


how to care for crystals

Selecting Your Crystal

  • Identify your purpose.
  • Look for a few crystal varieties that seem aligned in the area your purpose lies in.
  • Look at crystals and pick one that feels right to you or attracts you the most visually.

If you’re in-tune with your intuition and emotions pay attention to how you feel (happy, excited, drawn to it), if I’m instantly imagining the crystal on my nightstand or sitting on my mantel then I’m likely to get it.

amethyst crystal grid

Cleansing Your Crystal

Crystals are a mineral that absorb energy and hold onto it until cleansed. I like to cleanse my crystals when I get them especially because who knows what or who touched them and got absorbed and if I want to welcome that into my home.

I have read and heard a lot from people advised to do just about everything in regards to cleaning them so be sure to chose the method that makes sense to you.

For instance I really prefer sitting my crystals in a clear jar of salt water in the sun or moon light for a day or two but some crystals, minerals and pearls are too sensitive for such a treatment. If that’s so then I will light sage and hold them in the smoke for a few minutes, best outdoors, while letting it billow out and away. Be sure to sage yourself a bit afterwards.

A good salt water solution is about 20% sea salt and the rest water. If you have actual salt water then that is best! When you’re done soaking them, pour the water outside into the earth.

crystal grid ocean sandy beach

Charging Crystals

I charge my crystals in sunlight and moonlight. I sit them on a window sill at either time and let them charge for a day.

Sunlight re-charges crystals with ultraviolet light. When crystals are harvested from the earth they are removed from the energy they were nurtured in. The crystals have been taking energy and nutrients from the God and the universe via the ground providing nutrients to develop into a crystal. They now need to absorb energies for renewal. The full spectrum of light restores the crystal’s depleted energies. The moonlight offers and even broader spectrum of energy, especially a new or full moon.

angels aura crystal

Activating Your Crystal

Sometimes, a crystal can be asleep in a sense and not know it is going to be used for healing or meditative purposes. Making a spiritual connection with the crystal helps to awaken its consciousness. You can activate your crystal by holding it, praying while holding it, meditating on your higher dreams and aspirations while holding it, rolling it in incense, communicating that it is yours for comfort.

Because each crystal absorbs energy (like a magnet, just touch one) they can absorb new instruction. Sometimes the crystal gets filled up with unconscious instructions from people handling the crystal, unaware they are projecting energy thought forms that are picked up and stored (alas the cleaning when purchasing/finding). When we add our own energy and prayers the crystal will then resonate with that amplifying, broadcasting, and projecting the new set of energy patterns to ourselves, others and our environment (I most often use them to just enhance my environment or hold while meditating/praying).

The way I do this is the same way I cook, which is also a meditative, prayerful and reflective state for me in connection with God and the universe. I think about love, the things I love and value, affirmations to myself and my family (and even the world) and I imagine infusing these things into the food, crystal, candle, whatever it is I am working with. Then I feel the energy of that love and healing, the energy of my higher self, emit through the crystal, the smoke, the meal when we eat. Most often I visualize healing, protection from God and love as these are the things I most appreciate in our lives.

crystal grid

Where to Buy Crystals

There are usually stores that carry minerals, crystals or New Age-y materials in cities. We have a few here. However you can also find them on ebay and other online boutiques.

crystal cactus The Playful Soul Broadripple
DIY Positive Energy Project

Positive Energy Project: How to Sage Your Home


“Every life transition has its “zero hour,” that moment when everything that came before it is different from everything that comes after.” ~ Holly Rossi

Sage Cleansing Ritual

1. Make or purchase a dried sage smudge stick (many dried sprigs of sage tied together into a small bundle) and also obtain an abalone shell to hold it over while it burns so you do not drop ash or embers as you go around your home.

2. Open every door and window in your home, including the closets, drawers, cabinets and pantries.

3. Light the stick and softly blow out the flame to allow the embers to smoke (like incense).

4. Walk around the room waving the smoking sage stick into every corner, along walls, around windows, in cabinets and closets and along ceiling lines. You may need to relight several times to keep it smoking. As you do, imagine the smoke absorbing all negativity, toxicity, left-over energies from others who occupied your home once before and anything else you want to dispel. Watch the smoke dissipate and float out the windows while imagining the negative energies flowing out of your space to make room for positive energy. Say a prayer of cleansing as you do this.

“I cleanse this space of all impurities, negative energies, bad vibrations and anything else that does not suit or support the people that live here now. Infuse this home with the love of my higher power and of the universe.”

5. After you’ve blessed every room, give yourself a sage shower by cupping your hands over the smoke and brushing it over your face and body. Visualize any residual negativity floating out of your body, out of your home and into oblivion.

6. Extinguish the stick in water and store it for the next use or – if your stick is almost gone – bury it in your yard for added protection from negative energy.