Goldiloks and I met awhile ago through this website. She raved about whimsy, color and all of the things we love here at Miseducated and we instantly became pals.
She’s been creating art since she can imagine and has been making her career revolve around it. She’s a prime example of why you have to keep doing what you believe in. Your dreams just may come true!
How long have you been painting?
Painting, all my life but I guess to narrow it down, around 2004 I started taking it seriously. Back then I was more into street art but slowly worked my way into using different mediums.
What is your favorite piece or set you’ve made?
Hamburger Playland. It’s a Junkyard Window piece I created for my daughter… I love it becuz… I dont know.. It represents everything I think a kid’s imagination should be filled with…. lots of pretty colors, whimsical characters and smiling things.
What inspires you most?
Pretty things. Clever things. Anything that make me feel good. If I see something that makes me smile, or want to be around it, It’s usually something that inspires me. Makes me want to create. which is a huge cycle, becuz of course, once you create something, it inspires you to produce more.
If you were having the worst writer’s block ever what is a sure fire way to help you out of it? What works for you?
HA! When I figure this one out, I’ll let ya know! No, really.. when I get into a blank space, I usually fill it with inspirational stuff like recipes I want to try, Japanese fashion magazine clippings, love notes my husband writes me, or pretty pictures. New ideas always come when I fill my little space with new stuff.
JUST DO IT! And DO YOU! No one ever succeeded in life by just WANTING to be successful.
How would you encourage other artists staring out to get online, in galleries, in craft shows?
JUST DO IT! And DO YOU! No one ever succeeded in life by just WANTING to be successful. Branch out, find people in your niche and dont be shy!! Introduce yourself becuz you never know, that person could be the person to open doors for you, or vice versa. Its all about networking, working towards a goal, but most importantly… DOING YOU.
Are you miseducated and why?
I believe so! I’ve never been the type to be put in a box, and never will. I’m a creative soul, love anything cute and whimsical….so I guess that makes me miseducated!
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