I went on another Japanese magazine rampage.. I do this once a year usually during the summer when I start to really miss summer in Japan.
I’ve decided that while looking at the magazines, when I see something especially Miseducated I’ll clip it out for you to see.
The magazines I collect from are CUTiE, Kera, Zipper, Spoon and assorted fashion features.
That is so cute!
i really want love mama! do you know if you can order it off the internet anywhere??
😈 😈
Hmmm.. I can send you scans or you could look on ebay? Do you have any Japanese shops around where you live? They occasionally have fashion magazines and you could always inquire about ordering more!
We have shops but they only sell food. I’ll take a look on ebay!
I can send you some scans to wet your appetite if you don’t find any! 😀 😮
wow, these are inspiring! have you heard of syrup? i’ve only seen covers online and it looks really good. 😀
katrina: i can’t find that one anywhere nor do i remember it specifically. i may remember seeing it — was it a zakka book? show me the magazine cover and i may be able to find it! 🙂