DIY Scans

Kitschy Scans: Vintage Flower Girl


Today I scanned cute flower girl for you to use to your heart’s content in craft and collage. To download right click the image and load the link in a new window then save the image to your hard drive.

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  • Reply Sarah Coller 11/08/2011 at 11:53 pm

    Adorable, thank you! I downloaded her right away! This pic reminds me of my great-Grammy Irma. She used to let us cut up her magazines and stuff and then she’d have cards with pictures like this one on them and we’d make little scrapbooks of pretty things. My Grammy Irma: the original scrapbooker!! 🙂

    Hope you have a great week,


  • Reply glenda 12/11/2011 at 2:56 am

    hiya,love your blog it has lots of good stuff to see.I am glenda.hugs glenda

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