Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today Vol 4.19.10


So there are a quite of a few things I cannot get enough of, things I enjoy that make the days a little more magical and aesthetically tasty. In honor of these wondrous things decorating the world I’ve started a new ‘Favorite Things’ post — so expect to see follow up posts with more more more.

Favorite things are things I’ve loved for awhile and that are very special to me in some silly or not-so-silly way. What are a few of your favorite things?

Boopsiedaisy Bunka Dolls

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{ Photos and dolls by Boopsiedaisy }

Sidewalk Chalk

sidewalking it

Irregular Choice

in her shoes

.. and yes I had to wear the Blythe heels in my wedding along with a Hello Kitty tiara because both characters mean so much to me. Ha! I definitely recommend putting your own spin on any event that you’re involved in. .. and yes, even if your spin is of the cute and colorful sort (especially then)!

Small Cacti


Tea Parties

with wine…

trois tea

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  • Reply PetSugar 04/19/2010 at 10:48 am

    Have you seen Boopsie Daisy the seller on etsy??? You will never be happier!!!

  • Reply Amber Renée 04/19/2010 at 12:33 pm

    Yes, haha – didn’t you see the boopsie dolls? Missy is one of my good friends, she’s such a sweetie and weaves a decadent world of cuteness! I’m using some of her prints for Colette’s room along with some dollies she made. <3

  • Reply PetSugar 04/19/2010 at 4:19 pm

    ah! sorry! i thought those dolls were called boopsie daisy dolls! and that boopsie daisy the photographer was just naming herself after them lol. sorry!

    • Reply Amber Renée 04/19/2010 at 4:26 pm

      Haha! There’s no need to apologize! She also makes these dolls though- aren’t they amazing?? 😉

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