Occasionally I receive notes, photos, feedback or testimonials from clients and visitors that leaves my heart leaking icing at the seams! I’m so thankful that such sweetness and wonderfulness can be found in this world wide web! Myself and Miseducated are so thankful you’ve decided to give us a taste of your precious gratitude. I just had to dedicate a spot to you~
Please view my Press Page or shop reviews on Etsy for more information and feel free to contact me to send your own.
Thank You

Amber Renee leaves my mind brimming over with skull numbing awe. Without a doubt, she is one of the most beautiful, brilliant & intriguing minds of our time. Her heart is full of warmth & goodness, her photos are full of life & secret meanings & quite frankly, just knowing her has altered the way I look at the world. I long for the day when someone like Amber Renee is not a rarity among mankind. What a brighter, better planet we would inhabit if only all those living on it lived & loved the way she does. One of those people I can’t get enough of. Just such a sweet natured soul & angel among us… Amber Renee is elegant, classy, awake, aware, fun-loving, & loaded with heart! I would trust this girl with my life – and take a bullet for her, too! Thank you, Amber Renee, for being you.
Sugary Soul

Francesca Lia Block herself could not have dreamed into existence a girl with a soul more sugary! This girl has wings, I am convinced! Just a breath of the absolute freshest, purest air, THAT is Amber Renee and knowing her makes me feel sixteen years old again, high as a kite & free as a bird! I know I could spend the rest of my life on Earth searching the seas & skies & never stumble upon a more enchanting female creature! Thank you stars for bestowing upon me SUCH an angelic new friend! Amber Renee, you are a jewel! I love you so!

I would be beyond delighted to be a part of your zine in even the teeniest tiniest way. Are you kidding me? Of course, of course! My head is whirling around like a carnival ride at the mere idea of being attached to anything you are affiliated with, my dear!
We Love Miseducated

I love your work and even shared it with all the girls on my design team… they all love it!
Thank You for Creating Miseducated
I just wanted to send an email about how much Miseducated has turned my life around and made me be happy in life again. I was extremely depressed for a good two years. It was a horrible feeling and I felt like I couldn’t shake it off but I came across Miseducated and it brought my happiness back! I felt my whimsy come back after reading through the DIY projects and the blogs full of cuteness and bright candy colors. I am also really inspired after reading the art journaling and artist trading card articles. I’m even making my boyfriend and artist trading card for Valentine’s day. ? And I’m making an art journal, have collected some interesting magazine clippings and have my planner with Gil Evans pin-up girl paintings from 2011. So thank you for creating Miseducated and spreading the whimsy and happiness to others!
Thank You

I love Miseducated – you have opened up a new door for me and I am grateful!
We Love Miseducated.com

We at PETA love what you and Miseducated.com represent and look forward to working together!
Always an Inspiration
Hi! I remember visiting your website from early 2000 or so. I used to make those cutely designed & colorful websites when I was younger. I’m so glad I found your website again. I enjoy the content/blog. It’s also very nostalgic for me! Your websites have always been an inspiration! I just thought you should know. Take care!~
Hi my name is Dianna and wanted to write you a lil note to say your website made me smile very much.
Always On Trend

Amber has a fantastic flair for color and whimsy in her design. She is an excellent source of beauty and fashion based inspiration and is always “on trend”. Her selection of colors is amazing. Very sweet and easy to work with! I recommend her highly!
You’ve been a inspiration to me.
For a while, I was considering who I was going to put as my “hero” for part of an assignment that was steadily approaching. I now know, who I want to make it about. You’ve been a inspiration to me in many ways, from your artwork and web designing skills to your ability to bring so many talented people together. It all amazes me and I hope that I can do such things when I grow older (I’m still a junior in high school, oi!). I’m happy you’re though that rut, and I’m so glad you persevered.
This brings so much depth to you and the site, and you’re very brave for making this. I’m a bit scatterbrained today, but hopefully you understand what I’m trying to say.
It’s a Monday morning, you know..
Your story is so inspirational.
I just wanted to let you know how much sharing your story means. I am all teary-eyed and a bit goosebumpy right now because everything you have said brings me so much hope. I too suffer from severe depression and have managed to keep myself from drowning in it, but only just, these past couple of years. I went back to University to do a Masters degree and quickly discovered it wasn’t for me so am now at the cross-road trying to figure out where I want to go.
Your story is so inspirational. I only hope that one day I can find something that not only feeds my inner self but inspires the people around me just like you have.
Thank you so much for sharing and for making me believe that maybe one day I too can have the life I dream of.