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Design Your Life Diary

Getting Lost and Being Found



I’ve cleaning and organizing our studio because that’s often what I end up doing in times when I’m stuck at home (such as the ridiculous amount of time we’ve been snowed in lately). Our house and all of her cupboards, closets and drawers have slowly been organized and sorted since I’ve moved in but never so much as lately. I can’t get enough of discarding the old, jaded and faded and replenishing with all things good and sometimes new. In this spare time I’ve also found extra moments to spend sorting through packages, boxes and files filled with photos, letters, nostalgia and clippings. Things I had forgotten about and things I had chocked up as gone — casualties in the divorce, move and hard reset of my life.

Wendy & I at Midland Antiques

Wendy & I at Midland Antiques

I’ve realized that in finding these fossils of my past life I’ve also found a part of myself that was neglected to the inner and outer war that has been going on since around age 15. Losing yourself teaches you a lot about the hardships and the long journey you have ahead of you to try to find yourself again. It teaches you about the you you always hoped and planned to be, the yous that you left behind and want to find, the yous that you’d prefer to grow apart from for the extent of your waking hours.

In realizing these things exist you find you have changed, your life has changed and quite possibly you have found the person you know you will be. I believe this happens to each of us a bit with every new year, we reflect. However, in my experience, unless a grand change is made resolutions will be forgotten and old habits will resurface.

I lost myself once and I am still looking for myself. Who I wanted to be as a young girl, the things I wanted to do and see, the life I wanted to live. I’d gotten so closed in, I magnified certain aspects of my goals and forgot about others. For instance, I wanted to get married and have a daughter but I forgot I had wanted the most grand love there ever was. I forgot that I didn’t want to just be content, that I wanted to experience pure love for a beautiful man, to experience a love like we hear about in fairytales only more real and passionate. Someone I didn’t want to change but someone whose love changed my life. I didn’t just want to have a child but I wanted to bring a child into a love-filled family of magical wonder, a magnificent home life and many adventures lined neatly with security and stability. With parents who love one another more than anything else, with siblings that give, teach, take and give some more.

by David Cunningham

by David Cunningham

I saw that I wanted to write. I found many old memoir notes and pages of manga dialogue, articles, fairytales and more. I lost the motivation in trying to do anything other than to fix things that were far too broken and then zoning out completely when they appeared impossibly broken.

I saw that my art was a major focus in my life, other than true love and family, and designing everything I do. I saw my plans for paintings, illustrations and web sketches; designs that never made it off the paper and into illustrator because I lost the ambition and self-esteem needed to go.

Now that I am finding myself in so many ways, I figured there were others that have lost important pieces along their journeys as well. Others that might need a little push to gather those pieces strewn along the ground and trudge on through their own adventure of finding their true, superior self. The self they are, were and wanted to be. What have you lost and found along the way?

Happy New Year.


Design Your Life Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Happiness Through Gratitude


This is a new kind of project I’m forcing myself to do. Having a few scheduled posts a week really works wonders for my over-stimulated brain. I cannot mindlessly list topics and ideas forever, brainstorming over great articles and DIY-material until I’m suddenly too drained to write or publish any of it.. silly! As much as I love lists, I’ve recently realized I’m wasting a lot of time on them. And.. as you may or may not know, a new mother’s time is very precious and limited.

So I’m urging myself to again start keeping a gratitude journal which once helped so much with my positive outlook. I had been keeping one for months on my iPhone previously, another in a journal my doctor encouraged me to start.. I must say that although I enjoy journaling and scribbling nonsense, the gratitude thing worked best digitally because it was always on hand. I could attach photos in a flash and rate my days.. sadly when I updated my iPhone OS, however, my restoration went wonky and my gratitude journal -and all of the photos- were deleted. I had a bit of a melt-down -I’m lying, it was a full-on panic attack- .. I was so upset I couldn’t now see the progress I had made.. the once unhealthy things I was so grateful for and the realization of what I should be grateful for.. to which of course my husband reminded me, “You have what you are grateful for right here, it shouldn’t be hard to start a new one. I see the progress you’ve made and deep down you know you’ve made it.”

So, on Mondays I will begin to look back at all of the wonderful (and even not-so-wonderful!) things I should be and am grateful for. It is said that keeping a gratitude journal is very healthy, a great way to be open to all of the amazing things you have in your life that you might not be noticing. It’s also said to lift your spirits in a way that cannot be denied. I agree and I urge you to try it! Even if just for a month.



The sweet taste of a homegrown strawberry that I happened to rescue from the brink of death! We were in the grocery store and the fluorescent lighting must have left the shriveled plants with much to be desired. I instantly usherd one to the register and planted it in new soil and a large pot — now it’s branching out into my yard and attempting to spread sugary-sweet red fruit to all of the rabbits in the area. I did get to taste one berry, one very delicious berry, however when I watered it today I noticed my other three berries had been eaten. We have a cottontail friend roaming around now and again so I’m sure he was the one who experienced the delight of the fresh berries — at least someone enjoyed them!


Every single coo and grunt my daughter makes. And the fact that I unbelievably have a daughter and can talk about her. It’s absolutely a trip and I never could have imagined how wonderful it would be. She’s been in my dreams for quite awhile so I feel very fortunate that she has arrived in my arms and left me with a scar I will never forget. I can’t to experience every new moment with her and I want to remember absolutely every day.


Heart-wrenching memoirs of hardship and survival. I’m a dark, depressing memoir addict. I think it has something to do with being inspired by overcoming one’s past to become an amazing and creative person. Having been through a rough and tumbly past myself and having watched many of those I love fall to the negativity of their own past, it’s very enlightening to see what can be accomplished if you devote your life to overcoming it.


My husband’s new-found appreciation for cooking. Not just because I get to taste all of his experiments, either, but because I am also passionate about cooking up my own creations and it’s double the excitement! We have yet another interest that we share and it’s the best kind of interest — the kind that tastes delicious. He keeps practicing on fresh Tilapia and I keep inhaling it.



Thrifting for vintage, kitschy mugs. Thrifting is not only fun alone, it’s even more fun because of the people you do it with. I often go thrifting with my best friend or husband and we have a blast finding kitschy goodies, vintage magazines and trying on 70s bathrobes. It doesn’t get old! You don’t need a lot of money to have a great time combing through pop-culture memorabilia — just a lot of time and patience. Even a box of old records or postcards can become an exciting giggle fest. No matter what their selection, make sure you look through the mugs and vintage cookbooks — they’ll always provide you with some inexpensive, kitschy fun for your kitsch-en!

What are five things that you’re thankful for this week?


One Lovely Blog Award


Miseducated has been bestowed the One Lovely Blog Award by Rachael from Glass of Win.

Of course I had quite a blast rummaging through new and old blogs alike looking for a great list a favorites that you would enjoy. I’m really excited about this award because it gets bloggers communicating with other bloggers and that’s always a great and positive thing! Hurrah for all of the wonderful ladies out there that are creatively blogging. This one’s for you!

Accept the Award

As acceptance of this award, the following criteria should be met
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to 15 other lovely blogs.
Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Please take me.

Lovely Blogs

1. Thompson Family Blog
2. Twinkiechan
3. Shrinkle
4. PaperCakes Finds
5. Pugly Pixel
6. Print & Pattern
7. Retro Plants
8. Gnome-N-Birdy
9. Liefgeval
10. Pink Bow
11. Bakerella
12. Smile and Wave
13. Vol.25
14. The Pink Couch
15. Polka Dot Robot

Crafts DIY

Recycle your Vintage Scarf into a Necklace


This is a style that I wear all the time and it’s easy easy to make. I’ve loved vintage scarves but for ages I was stumped as to how to wear them without looking like the queen! Finally a brainwave brought me to the knotted scarf necklace …

You will need a patterned scarf of square of fabric, about 30″ (76cm) x 30″ to start!


1. Lay your scarf flat, pattern side down.
2. Fold it in half, so the patterned side is on the outside.
3. Start rolling from the corner …
4. … Until you have a long sausage.
5. Tie three knots – one in the centre, and two either side.
6. Finally, tie at the top, and there you have your necklace.

I’ve used a green paisley scarf for this one, but it works with any pattern, or even a plain silk scarf. I especially love it in a nautical or equestrian print.

I think I’m Miseducated because I don’t wait for beautiful things to come to me, if I have something pictured in my mind, I’ll try and make it. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail but it’s all worth it when you get complimented on your outfit and you can say ‘I made it myself!’

Self Decoration

Blythe Gets Dressed in Dessert 1.4


No matter how busy you are you should always make time to get dressed-up! Today she’s a candy striper and she’s loving our friends that are new to the dessert party, little odd forest and Mod Cloth.


Now what kind of character model can wear clothes similar to human-style? What model inspired millions and millions of people to create, do, go, wear, buy, sew, photograph… ?

If you thought BLYTHE, then that’s right! I decided my own little milky Amelia would be perfect with some miseducated touches.. So here she is, Miss. Educated on her debut and dressed for dessert. Not only does this bubblegum princess make the rainclouds pour star sprinkles but she has the best taste — she just whispers what she would like to wear for today’s theme and I dress her! With the help of many amazing designers and *soon* diy goddesses.

Would you like to see her dressed in your creations next? Or perhaps you’d love to decorate her apartment with your interior goodies? Want to suggest the next theme? Answer all these questions and more in the little white comment box. It’s just waiting for you to feed it puffy pink marshmellow rope letters dusted with pink lemonaid LETTERS.

Past Outfits


Customizing a New Home


CUTiE BookTurning your apartment, house or beach-side bungalow into a home? I’ve moved a lot only recently. After being smothered in a small-town, for way too long, I was ready for new adventures and surroundings. First I lived with a family in my heart*throb, japan. Then we moved around in Indiana’s capital delicious wonderland city Indianapolis, from downtown apartment to east-side apartment. During the summers, I shack up with my lovely best friend in California and always find new places and friends to love. I’ve found amazing people I want to forever keep in my life (there are still many years for us to end up together) and I knew if I explored to find my own paradise in the US I would be truly at peace with my world. (I still plan to visit Japan always until I finally accept a job there -why don’t you???- and live my dreams)

delicate & sweet a balcony for me shoes in a row

So we’re picking up and moving again! This time to a paradise we fell in love with together, Nevada. Now Las Vegas is a kitschy tourist attraction, mind you, but there are always amazing things going on that you can be involved in, it’s not far from L.A. and the sunshine replenishes your body with Vitamin D as well as inspires your mind to produce melatonin.

The most important thing about a new home is what new whimsical world will unfold as I place items around and attempt to customize my surroundings (this gets tough in city apartments!). In case you need a kick start or just a push in a new direction, enjoy the inspiration and let your home drink it up!

Let’s Get Started!

Need some furniture or decor inspiration? Take a look at the resources listed at the end of the article.
Be sure to hit up local thrift stores and flea markets, you could find delectable art-deco, mid-century and antique goodies to paint/ design for your home for a fraction of the cost of most designer deco. One of a kind items are always smile inducers while lounging in your quarters.

With some sanding and a few coats of glossy enamel you can turn a sad, chipped and rusty 60s wall shelf into a new sleek treasure.

paint it~

Starting to see endless possibilities in creating your ultimate wonderland on earth?

Yummy Inspiration & Boutiques

Urban Outfitters: Apartment
Brocade Home
Mason Reve
The Paris Apartment
Espirit Cabane
Jeu de Paumes Books
Three Potato Four
Decor8 Blog

Miseducated Articles

A Spare Roomedy
Apartment Seventy-Seven
Pretty on Penn St
Home in South Korea
Interiors of Amelie
Gwen Stefani’s Chic Space
Lala’s Kitschy Paradise

Visual Splendor

Pretty on Penn St Apartment Tour


A gem hidden downtown was this adorable little city building. Upon entry the antique tile floors, mail room, paneled walls and arched ceilings made way for a lovely place to collect your mail from the original mailboxes.

Inside the hardwood gave way to seats and built-in walls waiting side by side for someone to take a rest and gave up the staircase to the chandelier above. Four of the bottom apartments were 2-story with staircases inside, it happened that ours had a spiral staircase just waiting for Hobbes to run up and down every step. The staircase curled into a small, basement living room and kitchen, above, by the entry door, was a bathroom to the left and a bedroom to the right. The bedroom was complete with vintage, original window facing towards the spiral stairs that lead below. A landing facing built-in shelves and windows with plenty of sill for plants and kitties to sunbathe on. This was my favorite apartment because it was absolutely made for us! Without ample storage it was nearly impossible to grow in the teeny, tiny adorable apartment (we are now with Chihuahua!).
















Self Decoration

1940s Beauty, Fashion and Action Resurrection


Call me crazy, call me zany or simply call me metaphysically inclined. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that in my past lives — I envision two of them, darling — I was a regal sweetheart with a fabulous sense of style.

Oh, and it shouldn’t surprise you that each of my previous cycles on Earth were in equally wonderful eras: Lifetime #1: the European 1750s (I suspect I was a fling of Herr Mozart’s) and Lifetime #2: the legendary American 1940s.

As the title of this article implies, we’re going to focus on the latter, today. And, because I’m ordaining myself as Miseducated’s 40s guru (hey, I lived the life – wink!), I’m going to share with you little ways to incorporate that style into our fresh and fabulous 21st century.

Before we get started, let me say this: Invest in vintage
Kind of a no-brainer. But really, unless you have an air of authenticity about you then you won’t be taken very seriously! Hit up your local flea market, antique store, E-Bay or even Goodwill and you’re bound to find some goodies for a bargain.

1940s resurection

Style Tip #1: Hats and Hair

After you’ve styled your hair appropriately (check out YouTube for some great hair tutorials, like this easy one), literally top everything off with a 40s inspired hat. All sorts of hats were worn back in the day, so it’ll be easy to find a type that suits your fancy! I prefer small hats with a flock of feathers or a tiny, off-to-the-side veil! You’ll be in heaven with all the colors, shapes and sizes there are to choose from!

Style Tip #2: Hot Bod, Hot Dress!

The classic 40s dress is characterized by a cinched waist and flowy bottom half. Polka-dots are a guaranteed hit! Try shopping for some great dresses at Viva La Vintage, Dorotheas Closet Vintage, or Damn Good Vintage. No need to spend tons of money, I’ve found a whollup of pretty numbers on eBay and at Goodwill.

Style Tip #3: Clutch, please!

It’s important to have a purse to carry around, even when you’re prancing in your 40s gear. I mean, really, where else would we keep our lipgoss, cell-phone and identification? A pocket just won’t do! The perfect accessory to your outfit is a sweet little clutch and lucky for you, those are easy to find! Choose a shade that sets the tone you’re after! Roarin’ red? Fabulous! Sparkly sequins? Oh yeah!

Style Tip #4: Such a pretty face!

When it comes to dolling up your face, keep these in mind: luscious, fake lashes will take you far; outline your lips with a pretty shade of red and color them in (be sure to accentuate the “V” on your top lip); wear a rosey-posey blush that’s only subtle enough. Don’t be afraid to have fun with your makeup.

Style Tip #5: Gloves keep your hands clean!

You know they do! They also keep you looking refined, stylish and oh-so 40-licious! I like to keep things pristine with a stark, crisp white. You may be more inclined to roll up a pair of bright yellow duds. Whatever makes you happy is fine by me.

Style Tip #6: Cat-eye glasses

Whether you sport sunglasses or a pair of faux reading glasses, make them snazzy! Try a rhinestone-enhanced, golden cat-eye. Or maybe a subtle black is more your type. Either way, you’ll make a (smart) statement!

Style Tip #7: For the bold: Cigarette holder

I don’t condone smoking (keep your lungs happy, ladies), but a stationary cigarette in a pretty cigarette holder is really kind of drool-worthy. Purchase one for under $5 here and pretend you’re Audrey at the ball.


40s slang to slip into your vocabulary. *
• Flat Tire – A dull witted, insipid, disappointing date.
• Cat’s Meow – Something splendid or stylish
• Heebie-Jeebies – The jitters.
• Ossified – a drunk person.
• Scram – Ask someone to leave immediately.
• Whoopee – To have a good time.

As in: Scram, ossified flat tire! You give me the heebie-jeebies when all I want is a cat’s meow whoopee!

*To be used only when employing 40s-inspired style.

Business Features Visual Splendor

Thrifting and Touring Bloomington, Indiana


If you’ve ever been to Bloomington, Indiana you know there’s no shortage on fun places to explore. It’s absolutely bustling with thrift shops, cute cafes and anything you could ever want to eat. The ever-growing small businesses are always changing for the thousands of college students which attend Indiana University nearby. It’s a great spot to find one-of-a-kind thrifty goodies and delicious food. Whether you’re looking for food to find old favorites in restaurants or to try something new, you’ll more than likely find what you’re looking for in Bloomington.

rosey outlook

follow the leader


My mother grew up in Bloomington and has always had a soft spot for the college town. She loves to see the new changes and reminisce about her old favorite hot spots. Luckily she wanted to take me around to some of her favorite places, recently, and I took my camera along for the ride. Feel free to skip along my steps and enjoy thrifting, international markets and fun for many.

Chow Bar

216 South Indiana Ave

Amazing buffet with delicious Chinese food and tons of bubble tea flavors/options! Better yet, the fortune cookie at the end of this meal is chocolate flavored.

bubble horizon

chow bar

Cactus Flower

322 East Kirkwood Ave # 202

this way

hotrod sinners

rainbow wave

heart string

on sale

step in time

heart sale

hidden away

looking in

see you


jewelery stand

Soma Coffee House

322 East Kirkwood Ave


soma's tv

Vintage Warehouse

401 East Fourth Street

to the shop

array of clothing

Sahara Mart

106 East Second Street

In the market for chocolate? a new teapot or tea cup? Wine? Tea? Go here no matter what market goods you’re looking for because you’ll find it and a whole bunch of other things you always wished existed here.


dressing up

tea crazy

Oriental International Market

408 East 4th St

tasty joy

.. and as I traveled Bloomington, Indiana…

laughing planet

pick your poison

Business Features Self Decoration

Spank! Japanese 80s Revival Fashion


Spank! fashion! It’s a shop promoting the girly, sweet clothes most of us wore in the 80s and reviving and reworking them into new outfits for fun and raving. The shop is owned and opperated Tavuchi and her cute friends. If you’re ever raving in Tokyo, you’ll surely spot Spank! girls frolicking amongst the colour and lights making everyone’s night a little sweeter.



Try this style by pairing frilly mini-skirts and eighties toon nighties. Don’t forget to LAYER, as this is also important. If you view decora (or FRUiTS) fashion you will notice many differing layers. Colour, texture and pattern all differ creating a rainbow of color upon every cutie and toys are used as accessories and more. However instead of the many different decora colour palettes, Spank! uses the soft, feminine pastels of the 80s girl’s fuzzy companions and cartoon favorites.

Spank! Video