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Design Your Life

Five Things I Learned By Being a Mother


I think it’s impossible to prepare for motherhood. No matter how prepared you think you are the actual experience is completely different.

There are many bits of advice I was given about motherhood, the most common one being that “kids change everything.” That is the best advice anyone can give you.. kids do change everything.. but you can’t really grasp how until you experience it. Now I’m going to give you a little advice I learned from the experience.

1. Life makes sense.

I’m not sure when this realization happens or if it happens for everyone, but the meaning of life seems to change completely upon meeting your child. Things that were once important seem foolish and things that seemed lame are now all the rage. You’ll feel that you have a new purpose, possibly much more prevalent than anything you had interest in before.

2. Your body will never be the same.

Your body has changed during pregnancy in very many ways and luckily most of these changes are only temporary.. however you will notice the permanent changes during your child’s first year. One obvious one for me is my cesarian scar but that’s not all I’m talking about.. my stomach looks and feels completely different.

3. Your house will no longer be the picture-perfect scene you once painstakingly designed it to be.

This is a tough one for me because I have a bit of an obsession with my environment and how it must look. It’s hard to have a swinging’ 60s lounge with baby furniture, toys, bottles, blankets and socks peeking around every corner. However these items are special to a very sweet someone that makes your home much more filled with love than it ever was before! 😉

4. Your goals will change.

All of a sudden what was most important to you must take a back-burner to what is now most important to you. Where you wanted to live, what you planned to do.. all of these things change. You’ll begin to prefer a life that is most comfortable for your child rather than yourself.

5. Your needs come last.

Your baby’s needs come first. It sounds pretty obvious but it’s a pretty tough realization that your needs may be pushed to the wayside while tending to your baby. I began to realize I no longer had to worry only about my nails, hair, teeth, feet, skin, clothes, shoes, but I was also concerned just as much with caring for someone elses’s.

Although it sounds scary.. it’s a change that happens gradually throughout your pregnancy and into new motherhood. One day you’ll realize your life is not about you anymore.. it’s about someone very loud and impatient. Your heart.

Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Blossoms and Fondue


I’m thankful for so many things this crazy week but if I had to choose just five…

♥ Fondue

One of my absolute favorite types of food that I very rarely get to enjoy. For my birthday my best friend took me to a delicious restaurant, The Melting Pot, where we had coffee liqueur and creme brulee fondue for a select time. There were cakes, strawberries and a plate full of sweets for us to plummet into the creamy-crackly, velvety white chocolate bliss. I wish I could share our dessert with each and every one of you, I’ll never forget it.

♥ Tiny Cactus

As you know these are one of my favorite things, I talk about them enough. When I lived in Japan the cactus displays left me permanently obsessed so I always make sure to check supermarket cactuses here. On a late night adventure with Pajamie I spotted a tiny cactus tray and grabbed one with a closed bud on top. Upon bringing it home I repotted it in cactus soil and placed it under a sunlamp. It bloomed immediately and continues to bloom each and every morning. Such a small reminder of the wonderful and beautiful world we live in.

Found this tiny cactus at the supermarket, repotted it, put it under a sunlamp and it bloomed, best dollar ever spent!

♥ Painting

Lately I’ve taken up painting again to help relax and calm my nerves. I, already anxious, drink a lot of coffee throughout the day as I work then end up in a shaky mess when the day is through.. I’ve been stealing short breaks into my bedroom to paint macarons and rainbows and it’s been making me feel so much better. I missed painting after about a year.. I want to get back into creating art with my hands more, I’ve been getting a little rusty.

Urban deericorn~

♥ Web Design

Many people hear around that I do web design on the side and I find fun little projects to complete during the weeks for new artists and indie businesses. It’s really getting to be a great way to meet new talented artists, even when I don’t have time to be hired for a design job I’m able to find new and interesting designers to feature here at Miseducated. You’ll be excited to hear about some new features coming in the future..

♥ Colette

Of course, the number one thing I’m thankful for in the whole wide world is my princess, Colette. Everyday she learns something new, she’s in such a fun stage. She’s standing, crawling and learning to be mobile.. she’s finding wonder and excitement at every turn. I cannot stop being inspired by her. She changed my life as far as my work and inspiration goes, being pregnant kicked me into gear and being reminded of how special she is daily continues to give me so much to work for. I’m so lucky I get to spend everyday with her!

Ah Colette looks so cute all bundled up!!

What made last week magical for you? ♥

Magazine Clips Visual Splendor

Japanese Magazine Clippings: Happy and Free


I’m starting off Wednesday with another Japanese Magazine Clipping Inspiration Board. I’m really loving the 80s-kiddie style they’re bringing back in Japan (as well as Fairy-Kei!) — it’s really exciting for a candy girl like me.

I used to only want to have had kids if I could have them in the late 70s/80s (haha) because everything is so magical then. Don’t you agree?

I’m also so glad they’re re-releasing all the 80s character designs in Japan again, too! It’s like they took a page from the 90s-Miseducated book.. 80s nostalgia & rainbows obsession.





Design Your Life Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Feeling Wonky


Hello, candylanders! Fear not for I did not and could not forget you. *majorsensoryoverload* My time is much more precious with baby girl around, I feel she deserves every waking moment and I seem to have no problem at all giving them to her!

hair bun
I’ve started a new artist project and have been scanning my old sketch/inspiration book.


Life always changes.. and the past sometimes seems amazing when you try to reminiscence about it.. but in reality you had problems then too. When you’re thinking about how wonderful things used to be you’re probably only focusing on the negatives now.. what what about the positives? I have to say I love changes because although I think I hate them and would want to be a child of the 80s forever — they’re amazing. Life changes all the time and you just have to enjoy each and every part… You only live them once!

You're my Candy Bunny
A print I made for Colette before she was born.

Japanese Fashion Magazines

So I’ve been away from all of my goodies (aka: loot) for quite awhile now.. it’s all still boxed and labeled nicely in storage until we move. I miss it so much! I’m probably going to do an *obsessedwithjunk* post when we move and photo-shoot everything I always took for granted!

I again remember why I miss Japan and the life I had there.. so amazing and filled with health, good food and happiness. The magazines take me back to a time when I surrounded myself with everything adorable, bright and colorful so that I wouldn’t focus on the bad. I tried to focus on cute things that made me feel happy (my Hello Kitty and Sanrio goodies go back to 1981!) and squeal. Japan makes that world of cute lifestyle real to me, I feel so at peace and home when I’m sleeping there.

On a really materialistic note I miss the stores, clothes, magazines and food a lot, too. These magazines are like rainbow soup for my candy-lovers soul.


I love sketching once more. When I started painting again recently for a show I found my sketching skills as shaky as ever and I decided to start perfecting them again for this artist feature I’m participating in. I cannot WAIT to show you because I have some great ideas!
😉 I’m doing a sort of a scrapbook in my notebooks as well.

Cotton Candy

I think that with a name like fairy floss this candy pretty much speaks for itself. It’s sweet and flavored (if you’re lucky) sugar melted and dried by a cooling fan. Usually it’s melt-on-your-fingers pink and lick-your-lips blue. I had to go to the local fair recently to snag a monster-sized bag, no questions asked!


The little family I have makes me happiest of all. If I didn’t have them I would be a lot crazier than I am now! 😉 Ben has always been amazing to me and Colette makes me smile more than I ever thought I could! Everyday with them is the best day.

Old inspiration sketch.
Magazine Clips Visual Splendor

Japanese Magazine Clippings: Cute and Collected


I went on another Japanese magazine rampage.. I do this once a year usually during the summer when I start to really miss summer in Japan.

I’ve decided that while looking at the magazines, when I see something especially Miseducated I’ll clip it out for you to see.

The magazines I collect from are CUTiE, Kera, Zipper, Spoon and assorted fashion features.

Did you know there’s a new Japanese magazine called I LOVE MAMA? I’m in love!




Design Your Life

Living in Love and Health


So it’s been awhile but we’re all pulling through! I had an emergency cesarian (my uterus wouldn’t stretch anymore!) and because of the early delivery my baby girl had to spend over a week in the children’s hospital. Seeing the amazing work that these doctors and nurses do was a very enlightening experience. Not only did I learn about caring for her from the best of the best, but these wonderful people were always making sure my Colette Fawn was getting healthier everyday. I am so thankful for absolutely every person involved in my delivery and in our recoveries. Without the amazing support we certainly wouldn’t have pulled through so bravely.

she's got me

.. and with that I’ve been assessing just how healthy (or unhealthy) my life has been in the past and making all sorts of changes (that’s right, I am a junk food addict).

Remember that it’s never to late to change who you are. No matter where you’ve been or where you’re going — you can change. Don’t ever let anyone judge you or tell you what kind of person you are — only you can know that. Be happy with yourself and only then will you find true happiness. Those of you who are asking for advice on dealing with this sort of thing, I can only tell you to be sure of yourself and to trust yourself. When you are happy with the person you are, you will live a much more positive life.

How to Stop Worrying: Self-Help Strategies for Anxiety Relief If you’re an anxiety queen like myself, this resource should help put you at ease and move you in a new direction towards recovery!

Are Bloggers Getting Stressed? Now this is something to read and think about as written by Lauren of A Typical Atypical for Independent Fashion Bloggers.

You’re Cut Off! What really matters in life? If you’ve yet to discover I think this show is amazing for that very reason! I don’t like judging people at all and it’s a huge pet-peeve of mine.. but Gia with the (adorable) one year old daughter makes me quite sad — she really missed out on some amazing experiences raising her child due to her laziness!

Tea ‘healthier’ than water ala BBC news — now that’s my kind of news.

“Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it’s got two things going for it.” , says public health nutritionist Dr. Carrie Ruxton.


Still Miseducated and Becoming a Mommy


Hello everyone!
So sorry for the lack of updates lately, I bet you’ve been wondering where we are! We still have lots of DIY goodies (summer DIY!) coming, new articles and of course our super special giveaway is still in the works for you. You’ll be able to join in shortly!

Just so you know I’ve had my baby — she was premature but she’s doing pretty well. Learning to eat and breathe at the same time! She’s staying in a children’s hospital, which is TORTURE, but we’re hoping she’ll be home in a week or less! We visit her all day everyday which explains for the lack of updates around here — but I have not forgot about Miseducated (you’re still one of my top priorities!).

If you’d like to stay updated you can follow me on twitter or join the Miseducated fanclub on Facebook. We’ll keep you posted!

Stay tuned for many more rainbows in the future! Thank you for understanding!



Your Hostess Has Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole


My pride! My joy! Miseducated, I have missed blogging inspirations and hearing from you. I’d never leave weekdays without posts unless life has taken me for ransom.

It just so happened this weekend that my never-ending morning sickness had finally gotten ahold of me. I was dehydrated and having cramps and contractions — how scared was I!

It’s 2 months early, Colette still has quite awhile to bake in my stomach.

So I was rushed to the hospital and ordered to stay while they pumped me full of fluids and monitored my little stomach dweller.

The bad news is I had to stay.. the good news is all the time spent monitoring Colette paid off because she’s *very* active and healthy for her age! It was music to our ears.

Now, as for the wonderful world of Miseducated..

We have quite the inspirational, diy, career-inspiring AND GIVEAWAY goodies coming to you very soon! I’ve been collecting some of the sweetest handmade items from artists around the world to offer you in our Spring Giveaway.

This is yet another way for Miseducated to support handmade artists. Did you know you can apply to be featured in a future giveaway? Miseducated will purchase your handmade goodies and give our wonderful readers a chance to get ahold of them.

So stay tuned for new ezines and newsletters arriving into your inbox (you can submit your email in the ezine space in the sidebar!), inspiration and of course tons of color and unconventional Miseducated fun.

I speak for all of our contributers when I say, you make everything worth it!


This is Getting Too Personal


Things are changing so fast these days I can hardly keep up — I’ve had to become a new person (mommy) in 5 months and all the while planning an entirely new life, career goal, place I call home. There’s no room to be selfish and lazy anymore — all of my time is now precious as it always should have been, it wasn’t until now that I’ve realized LIFE IS GOOD. You can do what you want, be what you want, have what you want. It’s all just waiting for you to work for it. I used to think working for it was impossible, I shied away. However now I see that if you devote your life to your passion it can really pay off in a whole lot of ways.


Speaking of which.. Did you see I’m actually posting everyday now? That’s right! I schedule them all in advance now so that I’m on top of all of the art/design I need to create and so you’re sure to get your post every morning.


I’ve started joining my lovely staff and contributers here in the wonderful activity of guest posting. I’ve finally began opening up and devoting much of my free time to blogging/design/marketing. My life is filled with purpose again and I’ve found that I am doing what I love. If you start seeing changes around here this is what is happening because of this realization.. I’m making small changes so that I can devote more and more time to you and your wonderful creativity. If I could eventually offer artist scholarships and grants I would be a very thankful woman, this is one of my dreams. Helping you wonderful women artists achieve your dreams with me.

Do I regret the extreme dry spell as I devoted my time to restudying marketing and all of those hidden goodies in media law and other journalism classes my life was filled with once upon a time? Sometimes I feel I wasted a lot of time and wish I would have realized all of this sooner, but it happens with time.

A sweet friend once said, “You’re preparing for something big in the future.”

I never forgot that and nor should you. What is it you’re preparing for? All of the unique lifestyle experiences you’ve had are shaping you — what you do with it will steer your life.


To show you how passionate I am, this was GOING to be an awkward, silly, too informative post about my recent discovery in the journey to becoming a mother. My breasts have stopped feeling quite so sore, in fact they were beginning to feel a bit cold. I quickly noticed I’ve started into the wonderful world of breast milk and things are going to get a lot worse. 🙄 However, I cannot wait because my obsession that tops even work is my sweet little girl, Colette. I’ve been collecting the most adorably cute items I can find and storing them for her. I cannot wait to meet the little pixie who stole my heart and pushed me into my passion.

East Meets West Maternity at pingmag