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bee and puppycat art

Visual Splendor

Youtube Only: Bee and PuppyCat on Cartoon Hangover



So I’ve fallen into the Youtube rabbit hole that I so carefully walked around for so many years and it’s never ending! The amount of good content is immense even if you have to search around to find it! I’ve really enjoyed that Cartoon Hangover has released new Bee and PuppyCat episodes and they are adorable. I’ve watched them all maybe 10 times haha. The cat reminds me of Calvin, sweet, dog-like, entitled and cute as heck! I give it 5 stars and 4 paws way up!

What is Bee and PuppyCat?

According to their Kickstarter fund:
“Bee and PuppyCat” is a very popular original cartoon created by Natasha Allegri. In it, Bee, an out-of-work twenty-something, has a life-changing collision with a mysterious creature she names PuppyCat (“A cat?… or maybe a dog?”). Between space and time, Bee and PuppyCat take on an intergalactic babysitting gig to pay another month’s rent.


bee and puppy cat love letter

bee and puppy cat art print