These days even if you have a good-tasting, innovative product, it’s all the more reason to have a gorgeous brand identity and packaging design to match! How spot-on are these packaging designs for chocolate?
Let’s start at the very beginning (it’s a very fine place to start!)… So when starting most projects I prefer to create (with my client or coworker) an inspiration board. Which usually translates into a 5-6 page PDF booklet with imagery, colors, patterns and elements that myself and the client have selected to communicate their brand, project or idea. For brand identities this is the very first place I start (after you fill out the new client questionnaire of course!) and it ensures we’re both on the same page as far as design goes (and I’m a very visual person, aren’t you?).
Here are a few inspiration boards I’ve done in the past (I haven’t gotten to work with any clients who favor pastels yet! I’m waiting.. Is this you?).
Brand IDs

Canary Rock (1 page)

Polished Perfect (1 page)