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Artist & Designer Features Visual Splendor

Fly to Happiness with Locketship by Maria


Maria is a wonderful and talented little lady that’s taken vintage and whimsical collages or imagery and used them as a design element for jewelry and oh-so-cute accessories. Locketship pendants are as unique as you might think and their aesthetic is magical, dainty and sweet!


Locketship is the brainchild of Maria Ewing-Estrada, and like the designer herself, puts a new spin on a classic. Unlike the original locket, which hid its contents, Locketship pendants share their feelings with the world.

All Locketship jewelry is handmade by Maria and her husband Aaron in their Los Angeles home. High school sweethearts, the two married soon after graduation and began melding Maria’s creativity with Aaron’s handiwork.

How sweet and inspiring is that?

Miseducated even selected a few of their favorite items that we might not be able to live without.. when we do a photoshoot with her goodies you’ll be sure to see how pleased we are with the quality and glamour of her shimmery jewels. I know I couldn’t say no to the kitty collection! She knows my weakness! 😉

Our Picks

Design Your Life

Adopt your Next Best Friend


Have free time and missing some companionship? Even if you’re not you can incorporate a new friend into your family that lowers your blood pressure and actually improves your health. It gives you a schedule or routine to keep you on focus and you’ll find the payoff extremely more amazing than the work!

… BUT WAIT! Before you run to the pet store you should know that most pet stores are supplied animals through mills which treat them inhumanely and use them solely for offspring and a paycheck — they often live in VERY unsanitary conditions and are sold at a steep price.

There is good news though! Some pet store chains have regulations and encourage adoptions — PetSmart and PetCo both often show local cats and dogs from the Humane Society that need homes. Also make sure to check out Humane Societies and Animal Rescue groups in your area for more lovely animals in need of companionship.

ASPCA has a great guide on adopting and locating pets that need homes as well as lots of features and questions to ask yourself prior to adopting.

Remember to research the pets that are right for you before adopting!

.. and don’t be picky! Looks aren’t everything, this is a chance at a wonderful life for an animal — choose based on need if you want to be choosy!


Artist & Designer Features Design Your Life

Finding Amber Renee, Miseducated Herself


A few years ago Amber and I met online, she emailed me as soon as she saw my cartoon pop on tv. She wrote me to tell me she liked the fun and cuteness of my animation. We realized we like very similar things and quickly became good friends! She also sent me a link to this amazing community site she was working on called “Miseducated”. When I saw it I loved the design and colors soo much! It looks so delicious that I want to eat it. I began to find myself going there when I wanted to see something pretty, or learn about a cute Japanese fad. This site has a sprinkle of everything I love!!!! I knew I had to find out about the girl behind this amazing portal of cuteness……..

I love It’s like the stylish 1960’s blended with Japanese cuteness!! What inspired you to start this?
Well once upon a time in 1996 I decided I just had to make a website or I would burst.. I studied web design, learned html and used MS Paint to create the first version of Miseducated. Since then it got sillier and sillier, more whimsy nonsense and inspiration by the gallon! It seemed only natural to share it with other artists and produce a collected blogzine of deliciousness on this world wide web.

How did you get into graphic design?
Oh.. I’d say it happened when I was a young girl who sketched doodles all day, I could never stop creating these whimsical worlds on paper!

Not only are you a designer but you are also an illustrator! What do you look for, for inspiration when drawing?
Vintage children’s books and Japan of course! I’m always obsessing over something… whether it psychedelic 60s art or 1750s French decor. I’m inspired by the world around me and the people I meet everyday — most of my art is based on icing explosions from my brain.

What are your favorite subjects to Illustrate?
Anything cute, psychadelic, fantasy or covered in sugar!

As a professional designer what kinds of jobs do you normally do?
All sorts of jobs. I dabble in everything so I often get asked to do nearly everything. In college I specialized in print design, magazine layout design and photography, today I usually bring in the bucks with web design and illustration. I sell my original artworks as well when I’m not moving across the country.

You have a very definitive style. What are your biggest inspirations?
Sweets, animals and wonderland! I’ve got this little world I’ve created in my mind which I’m always trying to translate onto paper.

Who is your favorite Japanese character? Why?
MOMO BEAR. A pink bear by Sony. Next to Hello Kitty of course. I grew up watching vintage Sanrio movies so nothing really surpases the magic, wonder and happiness that Sanrio provides.

I have to ask, What was your favorite cartoon show growing up?
Minnie Mouse! When I was really young, I often tried to dress like her and even made ears out of paper plates — haha. You can’t imagine my delight when I found gemed & decorated decora-style Minnie ear headband in Tokyo’s Disneyland! I felt like a new woman. haha

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Daquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins! Or Lollipop Candy from Baskin Robbins in Japan. :9

I know you love Japan. What other cities do you love to visit?
I’ve lived near Chicago my whole life so that’s a big one, I haven’t been to NYC since the black out (ha!), I’ve only been to Paris in the winter but still fell in love, Toronto is one of my favorite cities ever and I adore exploring L.A. with my very best friend and partner in crime. I love cities so I’d love to visit absolutely any city — they’re generally stuffed with art, culture and delicious food. I think the view of city lights at night is one of the most beautiful sites to be seen, it’s a nature that we built with designs made by women and men.

Your fashion sense is also super cute! How would you describe it?
How funny! and my father always commented ‘I don’t think that matches..’ I always mixed and matched everything I liked, colors, styles, decades and cultures — I wear whatever I like and it’s OFTEN a joke with my friends that I always find the ugliest thing in the store! However when I put it together I feel it’s an artwork on my body — it just seems to come together!

If you are not designing, making content for Miseducated or taking great photos on the Amcam, what else are you passionate about?
Traveling, combing thrift stores and boutiques for amazing things that I cannot live without, relaxing with my husband, diy-ing and having fun with the people I love. I adore dressing up and going out, perhaps a little too much.

If you could make any dessert what would it be?
Creme Brulee because it is the best dessert ever and I do actually own a little torch for desserts — haha.

If you ever feel blue, what’s the first thing you do to get you back on track to your sunny self?
I battle the blues quite often! I just try to see it as a problem that I need to sort out.. the anxiety might be coming from an unsuspecting source and rather than surpress it I like to realize it and move on to focus on my work, family and friends.

Favorite music and why?
Dance music; although I generally just listen to my favorites David Bowie, Veruca Salt, No Doubt and Kissy Sell Out.

If you could have a pet that is a mythical creature what would you have?
This has been my dream forever, a Mogwai (aka Gizmo from Gremlins) — haha.

In the future what do you think is in store for Miseducated?
To be honest, I’m really excited that it’s growing more everyday and I adore all of the amazing people I meet because of it — I see very great things happening as more and more get on board with the Miseducated way of life! I cannot thank everyone who visits, comments, emails us — every single word is appreciated and adored! Live inspired.

Self Decoration

Blythe Gets Dressed in Dessert 1.4


No matter how busy you are you should always make time to get dressed-up! Today she’s a candy striper and she’s loving our friends that are new to the dessert party, little odd forest and Mod Cloth.


Now what kind of character model can wear clothes similar to human-style? What model inspired millions and millions of people to create, do, go, wear, buy, sew, photograph… ?

If you thought BLYTHE, then that’s right! I decided my own little milky Amelia would be perfect with some miseducated touches.. So here she is, Miss. Educated on her debut and dressed for dessert. Not only does this bubblegum princess make the rainclouds pour star sprinkles but she has the best taste — she just whispers what she would like to wear for today’s theme and I dress her! With the help of many amazing designers and *soon* diy goddesses.

Would you like to see her dressed in your creations next? Or perhaps you’d love to decorate her apartment with your interior goodies? Want to suggest the next theme? Answer all these questions and more in the little white comment box. It’s just waiting for you to feed it puffy pink marshmellow rope letters dusted with pink lemonaid LETTERS.

Past Outfits

DIY Recipes

Cat and Kitten Recipes for Tea and More


Worried about kitty’s food allergies? ASPCA has the word on those. Make sure you don’t use any ingredients that will harm your krazee kitty!

If you’re having a kitty party and having all the kitties in your neighborhood over, don’t. Kitties prefer having tea parties with their own families and are very territorial, especially when catnip and tuna are involved!

Kitty’s Cookies

1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons of wheat germ
2-4 tablespoons of catnip
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup goat milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of molasses
1 egg

Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350*F.
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, wheat germ and catnip).
Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl (egg, milk, vegetable oil, and molasses.
Mix the wet and dry ingredients together and work it into a dough
Lightly flour the counter or other work surface
Remove a portion of dough and use a rolling pin to uniformly flatten the dough to a thickness between 1/8 of an inch and 1/4 of an inch.
Cut the dough into 1-inch squares using a rolling pizza cutter or a cookie cutter of your choice.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are crisp and lightly browned.
This recipe will make approximately 50 medium-sized cat treats.

Once the treats have cooled, gently remove them and place the cookies into several small freezer bags.

Tuna Surprise Kitty Bonbons

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 can tuna, in oil or 1/2 cup cooked chicken, chopped into small pieces
1 tablespoon vegetable or cod liver oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup water

In large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken). Add the flour, mixing well. Stir in the water, oil and egg, mixing well. Mixture will be sticky.
Shape mixture into 1/2-inch sized balls. Place on greased baking sheets. Press balls to flatten.

Bake at 350*F (175*C) for 10 minutes. Remove treats from oven; let sit 5 minutes and then turn treats over and bake another 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack. Store in an air tight container in refrigerator.

Tuna Pops

Drain liquid from tuna packed in spring water. Freeze liquid in small ice cube trays (cocktail ice cube trays work nicely, fish shaped from IKEA trays? double points!). Give no more than 2 cubes at 1 time as a treat. Reuse your can of drained tuna by placing in it an airtight container and covering with filtered water overnight for a second batch of tuna-pop water.

Catnip Tea

tea ball loaded with catnip
1 cup Water

Put the catnip in a bottle, pour in the water. Put the cap on the bottle,and shake until the catnip tea is green.

Preserving your Cooked Treats

Since these treats are preservative-free, they will not last forever. So to extend their lives, store them inside the freezer in several small freezer bags. As needed remove a bag from the freezer and leave it out for several hours to thaw. Once the treats are thawed, transfer into a Tupperware container for easy access and store the treats inside the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


The Chihuahua and Her Wardrobe


Hello, my name’s WANWAN and I’m a little deer chihuahua.
I find that only the cutest outfits make their way into my wardrobe and I absolutely adore prancing around and playing in them. My hair is quite short you see, I’m mostly bald! I get awfully shivery without anything on! Because of my bald little body, I also just love standing on the heat vent. Whenever it turns on I hear it and trot on over pretending I’m Marilyn Monroe.


It’s getting a little chilly here in western-US so I’ve decided it’s time to whip out all of my fibers and create a little wardrobe for my Chihuahua. I’ve composed a pattern to create an easy coat for small dogs and also for cats (although my cat is a thick puffball). The front and mid section are attached by way of your choosing (buttons, snaps, velcro). You can also knit your little one a sweater. My own pattern is simply a small tube with arm holes due to my pup’s tiny size. The coats are so easy to customize! Change up your fabrics and liners, try embroidery, patches, buttons, yo-yos, bows and all sorts of cute. Thing of fun patterns, check a vintage book for inspiration! Fun coat themes include fall, daisy meadows, mushroom forests, snow, winter wonderlands, russia (nesting dolls?), snow bunnies, etc.

Wanwan’s Picks

running!Modern Tails, The Pet Boutique, Trixie & Peanut, Calling All Dogs, Paw Palace, Pooch Online, Artful Pups, Chic Dog, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th,Doggie Clotheslines, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th, Doggie Clothesline, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Funny Fur*, G.W. Little, Haute Dog Boutique, The Haute Hound, Ezra Dog

Doggy Tip

Dogs are a little bit stinky so it’s important to bathe then only in a special shampoo formulated for your dog’s skin. Myself, being the cat person I am found the dog’s natural scent very unappealing in the beginning. After a nice warm bath in her favorite shampoo, she smells like a coconut and as her own scent comes through I find it a sweet match. 😮 She uses an organic oatmeal shampoo for dogs and cats made with aloe, vitamin e and skin-softening nutrients I picked up at the local pet store. They have aisles of pet shampoos at all major pet stores — take a look!


Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (17207 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (25425 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.

Visual Splendor

A Little Apartment in South Korea Tour


Miseducated loves to see inside the walls of cozy apartment. How is it decorated? What unique features does it have? A person’s home says so much about them, that’s why Miseducated girls come from unique little nooks all over the world.

Now, let’s go on an official tour of Wendy Gould’s apartment in South Korea.

Want to give a tour of your home or your favorite place? Contact Miseducated and we’ll take a look and let you know if we’re interested in featuring your spot!