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Still Miseducated and Becoming a Mommy


Hello everyone!
So sorry for the lack of updates lately, I bet you’ve been wondering where we are! We still have lots of DIY goodies (summer DIY!) coming, new articles and of course our super special giveaway is still in the works for you. You’ll be able to join in shortly!

Just so you know I’ve had my baby — she was premature but she’s doing pretty well. Learning to eat and breathe at the same time! She’s staying in a children’s hospital, which is TORTURE, but we’re hoping she’ll be home in a week or less! We visit her all day everyday which explains for the lack of updates around here — but I have not forgot about Miseducated (you’re still one of my top priorities!).

If you’d like to stay updated you can follow me on twitter or join the Miseducated fanclub on Facebook. We’ll keep you posted!

Stay tuned for many more rainbows in the future! Thank you for understanding!


Day With a Camera Visual Splendor

Spend the Day With a Camera


You don’t have to have a reason to add some cute relaxation into your day! There are millions of reasons to celebrate each and every day.

My dear friend and I were missing the magic of childhood days so we hid eggs from each other and drew things that make us happy on the sidewalk. These are just a couple of very easy ways to relax, smile and remember why life is so great.

Spend your day with more color and creativity for the smiles that follow!

sidewalking it

i paint hearts

bunny eggs

Who is Colette?

Well my wonderful visitors that is my little belly dweller’s name. We found out that she indeed is a girl and were able to give her the name we had held in our hearts for so long. We’re still so indecisive about the middle name though, feel free to make any suggestions! We’re being slow and picky! Little Colette will be making her appearance around July 12th ~ we can’t wait.