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cotton candy

Day With a Camera Visual Splendor

Day With a Camera: The Indiana State Fair


I’ve always quite a fan of the fair. Something about the red candy apples and the lights of the Ferris wheel sends my heart a flutter and my eyes sparkling like prisms in the sun. Add fancy chickens being shown like prized trophies and I’m in.

So there you have it, this is the fair through the kaleidoscope eyes of Miseducated’s colorfully skewed looking glass.

That was very Warhol of this supermarket sculptor..

This Polish chicken is patiently waiting her time to go home.

As a kid this was always my must-play game.
It was once around $1 for 20 balls and the bowls were all side to side so you won a new pet fish every time.

Esra and I adored the pineapple whip.

Esra and I had a wonderful time and seeing as our fairs are just a bit different than they are in Turkey, it was entertaining for her~ The fair is always a mixed bag.. it’s over-priced, crowded by many people you don’t want to be around and filled with delicious junk food. The lengths I go to for the fair specialties and a few glimpses of chickens is laughable.

Also, pst! If you’re going to be at the fair next Tuesday you’ll be able to see my David Cunningham’s photorealism painting demonstration in the Fine Arts Building.

Design Your Life Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Feeling Wonky


Hello, candylanders! Fear not for I did not and could not forget you. *majorsensoryoverload* My time is much more precious with baby girl around, I feel she deserves every waking moment and I seem to have no problem at all giving them to her!

hair bun
I’ve started a new artist project and have been scanning my old sketch/inspiration book.


Life always changes.. and the past sometimes seems amazing when you try to reminiscence about it.. but in reality you had problems then too. When you’re thinking about how wonderful things used to be you’re probably only focusing on the negatives now.. what what about the positives? I have to say I love changes because although I think I hate them and would want to be a child of the 80s forever — they’re amazing. Life changes all the time and you just have to enjoy each and every part… You only live them once!

You're my Candy Bunny
A print I made for Colette before she was born.

Japanese Fashion Magazines

So I’ve been away from all of my goodies (aka: loot) for quite awhile now.. it’s all still boxed and labeled nicely in storage until we move. I miss it so much! I’m probably going to do an *obsessedwithjunk* post when we move and photo-shoot everything I always took for granted!

I again remember why I miss Japan and the life I had there.. so amazing and filled with health, good food and happiness. The magazines take me back to a time when I surrounded myself with everything adorable, bright and colorful so that I wouldn’t focus on the bad. I tried to focus on cute things that made me feel happy (my Hello Kitty and Sanrio goodies go back to 1981!) and squeal. Japan makes that world of cute lifestyle real to me, I feel so at peace and home when I’m sleeping there.

On a really materialistic note I miss the stores, clothes, magazines and food a lot, too. These magazines are like rainbow soup for my candy-lovers soul.


I love sketching once more. When I started painting again recently for a show I found my sketching skills as shaky as ever and I decided to start perfecting them again for this artist feature I’m participating in. I cannot WAIT to show you because I have some great ideas!
😉 I’m doing a sort of a scrapbook in my notebooks as well.

Cotton Candy

I think that with a name like fairy floss this candy pretty much speaks for itself. It’s sweet and flavored (if you’re lucky) sugar melted and dried by a cooling fan. Usually it’s melt-on-your-fingers pink and lick-your-lips blue. I had to go to the local fair recently to snag a monster-sized bag, no questions asked!


The little family I have makes me happiest of all. If I didn’t have them I would be a lot crazier than I am now! 😉 Ben has always been amazing to me and Colette makes me smile more than I ever thought I could! Everyday with them is the best day.

Old inspiration sketch.
Design Your Life

Finding More Love and Happiness


These are not tips meant to be solely taken for happiness, you can find tons of happiness inspiration nestled within all sorts of magazines and websites! However.. these are tips I have found to be true. Accept them and make them work for you and you’ll find some delicious new happiness.


Taking inspirations from other artists and making them work in a way that is very you and your style can be ok but make sure you’re aware of where you got it from. If what one person is doing inspires you, also make sure others know about it. Recognize and honor those who inspire you, they wont forget you as easily when they’re rising to the top.

It’s important to realize we do not live in a box closed off from the outside world and everyone’s work is everywhere. I used to get really upset about this. Still do sometimes.. but what’s the point?

Be aware that if you’re using another artist’s work without their permission in any way to benefit yourself or to gain profit, you should be strung by your shoelaces to the nearest tree until you come to your senses. The importance of the world and the internet is that we all have an opportunity to express OURSELVES. Not our neighbors.


Let go of your superiority complex if you have one. People are going to copy you if you’re doing something groundbreaking, it’s not a new tale. Instead of trying to monitor the whole world (impossible even for Bush), accept that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Can you imagine if Andy Warhol exerted energy making sure no one copied his work? You’re inspiring others. Be proud of yourself. Artists have inspired other artists since the beginning of time. That being said DON’T COPY. Find inspiration but BE YOURSELF.


Study daily, anything you have an interest or passion in. Continue learning about it and never stop — let your passions guide you and your dreams. Live your life doing what you love and enjoy everyday you have alone and with those you adore to the utmost. Share your passions and research, in this way we’re always learning about new things from each other. Master your craft and you will find true happiness and satisfaction inside.

Flamers & Trolls

Everywhere that there are amazing and positive, creative, successful people you’ll find a group of jealous and conniving. They feel that instead of working on their own dreams they’d prefer to shatter yours and inspire you to fail. Don’t ever give up and let them win — be true to yourself and you’ll attract friends that are true to you, too. Everyone has people that do not like them, everyone clashes with someone. Don’t ever beat yourself up for it, focus on those you love and that love you. Always be open to new friends. You only live this life once, spend it with and thinking about the positive relationships you have and move on from the negative. They’ll only cause you pain in the end and it’s usually taking away from your family and friends that stood by since the beginning.


Or souvenirs of the mind. Collect good memories and let go of hurtful ones. Be aware that you cannot change the past and your new life starts today. If you feel there is something missing from your life that you see in your memories — realize that is a charm to be shared with only you and whomever you may experienced it with. If you can locate them let them know what they mean to you, if you cannot mentally thank them for the wonderful adventures and move on to have new ones. When people separate it can be for a million reasons, all that matters is the memories they shared. Don’t focus on what you had, focus on what you have. It’s nothing but a Polaroid to hold sentimentally in your mind, let it inspire you to spend new amazing times with the people you care about now.


Be a little bit more compassionate! Not only will it improve your happiness but it will improve the receiver’s happiness as well. Even if you feel fake, like you don’t mean the help you are extending, keep offering and building character because soon you will feel it. You’ll feel better for being reliable, too. 🙂


It also doesn’t help to take a trip to your nearest carnival and grab some cotton candy or a candy apple or saltwater taffy! If you were really feeling indulgent you might get all three, haha.


Ponies and Cotton Candy Tea

Sweet Sugar Pink

As important to me as any adorable childhood hero.. and as adorable as.. My Little Pony carried me into a land of friendship, rainbows and smiles. I absolutely loved the cartoon because it swept me away into a sweet-filled land of sundae houses and happiness.

For this reason I have many more 80s goodies planned for the future and waiting to be uploaded. What’s your favorite 80s toon? I’m thinking it’s about time for 80s toon style catchers.. (like star catchers only they catch cute 80s creative ways of inserting whimsical nonsensery into your wardrobe)

If you have an 80s toon you feel is not being represented here in Miseducatedland, let us know! In fact, why don’t you write an article about the said toon and submit it?

Now for the sweets!

Ice Cream Tea

3/4 cup black tea
1 scoop milky ice cream (any flavor you love that mixes great with tea!)

Pour the tea into a cup. Add ice cream. The ice cream melts quickly into the hot tea, slowly in cold tea.. depends on how flavorful you’d like your tea and how sunny or blustery it may be. This can be quite a treat on both occasions!

Cotton Candy Tea

2 teaspoons rooibos tea
2 teaspoons mixed-fruit herbal tea
1 teaspoon oolong tea

Heat water to just before boiling and steep the teas and blends for 2-3 minutes. Add rock cane sugar (or use a rockcandy lollipop to stir!) while cooking to sweeten to your liking. Pour over ice. Top with a colorful fluff of cotton candy for extra sweetness.