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Artist & Designer Features

Dream & Death Inspired Artist Sonya Fu

Sonya Fu next to her work "I love" (2014) at AP Contemporary, Hong Kong

Sonya Fu next to her work “I love” (2014) at AP Contemporary, Hong Kong

Sonya Fu is an artist whose works I feel really drawn to. She has taken inspiration from her dreams visually to a place of solitude. Her work, to me, speaks of the mixture of emotions we feel in dreams and the temporary yet lasting suspension we feel in the dreamworld. Not only do they evoke these feelings in me but she is graphic designer turned artist so her works are done digitally. I think it’s important to share her amazing creations in this age where many contemplate whether digital art is a fine art while it’s so obvious that it is. Enjoy~

You can find more work and information via her Facebook page or her website~

How long have you been creating art?
I started drawing when I was 3 or 4.

What is your preferred medium?
I work mostly with digital mediums. Digital paintings in which I paint brush stroke by brush stroke using a drawing tablet.

Did it ever become your main focus and when?
It’s become my main focus in 2010. I had my first group show invitation when I was still a graphic designer at the time.

What has been your favorite exhibition or event to be involved in?
This is a tough one because I enjoyed all of them!! They are all unique and they are all special! 🙂

What inspires you most?
Dreams. My crazy, wonderful, beautiful, whimsical, disgusting, scary dreams. Also meditation, mindfulness and music.

How do you deal with artist’s block?
I doodle, meditate, look at art magazines/blogs, talk to other artists, do things that I feel good about (when I feel good inspiration flows in faster).

What has been your favorite work you’ve created?
Another tough one! They are all special to me!

Do you have any crazy stories about one of your pieces?
Yes! My work “Tender Stillness”, the giant serpent girl, I dreamed about her a few times, she hovered in the sky and raised tsunami.


Color? Black
Food? Kimchi fried rice served in hot stone bowl (no meat)
Animal? ALL
Music? Space music, Ambient music, Pink Floyd, Portishead, the Silent Hill OST… the list can go and on!
Magazine? Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, Hi-Fructose, Juxtapoz etc. I appreciate all art mags and art blogs, they are always so supportive of the artists.
Movie? Beetlejuice, Alien series
Book? Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

Do you have any advice for readers interested in turning their hobby into their main focus?
Stay focused, believe in yourself, be positive and remember “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” like Bob Ross said.

What do you feel is a recipe for success?
Believing in yourself and what you do, positive thinking, being appreciative and grateful, being a good team player, keeping your commitments, meeting deadlines, good time management, being picky about yourself and your work so you make the best out of it, welcoming and being open-minded about criticism because it helps us improve.

Are you Miseducated?
-I guess yes haha, I am both whimsical and unconventional!






Le Game

Le Game: Install Hello Kitty Online on a Mac



Any Hello Kitty fans (fans + geeks + gamers) probably know that Sanrio Digital only plans to continue making Hello Kitty Online for Windows operating systems. So, if you’re really a geek like you say, you probably have a Macintosh or two in your house just wishing to load Hello Kitty’s Dreamland on your desktop. So what’s a girl to do? Well luckily we don’t have to go to all the trouble of setting up a partition using BootCamp and then purchasing a copy of Windows to install (I use Parallel on my desktop Macintosh which also asks for you to install Windows and to log in/out by shutting down and starting up) because CrossOver cut out the middle man and allows us to install Windows applications through their Macintosh application. Wee!

Want to know how to install the goodies needed to play HKO? First get CrossOver for Mac and start a trial OR purchase the full version. Once CrossOver has been installed open the application and start a new install. Select from the last list of “Unsupported Applications” then open the “Community Supported Applications” folder and locate “Hello Kitty Online” which will install all required files including Internet Explorer (for in-game content such as the auto updater and item mall).

After you finish installing everything and downloading Hello Kitty Online content be sure to click Finish in the installer and then the game will finish installing via CrossOver. After it installs open in windowed mode (I always have had issues with Full Screen mode) and either patch the game to check for updates or create a new account (you need a Sanrio Town email account to play) and start playing!




Share Your Dreams in the Dreamland Journal


When you go to sleep and fall into a dream you get to play around in the amusement park of your mind. Whether you’re a lucid dreamer or not, you probably remember your dreams occassionally and are reminded of them throughout the day. Why not let them live on for others to enjoy as well? Your dreams are as unique as you are!

I was back at this HOOJ kiddiepark that I used to go to near Los Angeles .. I have no idea where it was now, or what it was called. The coolest thing is it was “kids only” – the parents had a place they had to wait and the kids could just run rampant – it seemed to go on for miles. The BEST thing there was the “Dragon Slide” – this GIANT slide where you slid thru a dragons head and down its tongue .. allll the way down a hillside. I dreamt I was there again and was 9 years old, and I was with some girl named Amanda (I have no idea who this was ..) and we were just running around like crazy, and I was healthy and alive again like I was as a kiddie. It felt simply wonderful. We came to the merry go round and they had closed it down, which made me sad because I love those things .. so Amanda and I broke in thru the chain link fence and rode on it ourselves. I cant express how amazing this dream was – it was just beautiful. Cottoncandy-ish, warm and fuzzy, kitten soft ..

I had a dream, that my boyfriend and I welt to a cliff and laid out a blanket to lay and watch the stars on their nightly treck across the sky.. the whole time we held hands and laughed and smiled, telling jokes and whispering sweet nothings.

Ok, ok. This will sound REEEEALLY weird, but I had a dream that I was lost in a bowl of macaroni & cheese. I was about to be eaten by my cat (who was giant & i was in HIS macaroni bowl) when Tuxedo Mask saved me. Weird, huh?
Shampoo Juliet

Chibichibi was chasing me. And the scary part was, she wasn’t cartoon, she was human. She was the scariest little kid I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine a little one-year-old with huge blue eyes, tiny nose, itty-bitty mouth, and pinky-red hair? (Not to mention she’s shouting “Cheebee cheebee!” in that little voice of hers).

I had a strange dream! I was in the mall and I was fighting some evil, thing! I had powers like SailorMoon, but I was me in regular clothes! And after I had finished killing the thing the manager of the store said I could have anything I wanted in the store! I was in there for days trying to figure out what I wanted! Finally I picked an entire outfit out. And thats all I really remember! I think it was from the snow I had eaten that day, b/c on the news they said not to eat it!! lol!
Kiwi Kitten

I once had a really sweet dream that I was in like this grape place (with Grapde vines) and i was with my friend (Trisha) and we saw this lollpop shop and they had the worlds biggest lollypop there and we brought it.. lol I had that dream 3 times and then it happened (we went to this grape vine place and saw a HUGE lollypop – except we didn’t buy it we brought big ones but not HUGE) heehee that was cool

okaie dokie.. i had a dream that i was going through candyland, and there was gumdrop trees and stuff (kinda like willie wonka, but with more cotton kandy. and then, this boy names jash started chasing me, i was scared to DEATH! when i tried to run, my fee got stuck to the ground with a BUNCH of bubble gum.. i couldn’t move! Then, i fought him, and he fell into a zillion different pieces. Then, he turned into a million little TINY JOSHES! (and he’s pretty darmed tiny!!! All the while, that Song Candyman by aqua was everywhere.. like those crazy movies.. (i forgot ALOT of this dream, it was REALLY scary!

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