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Design Your Life

Living like a 5-year-old


When I was five years old, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have stated, very specifically, that I was going to be a pony rider in the circus. Apparently, riding horseback in a tutu with a tent full of people watching was my greatest aspiration. Nowadays, you’ll find me working odd jobs waiting tables, organizing office files, and ringing up sale items to pay my rent, but in my heart, I’m still a performer. True, my dreams have moved beyond the circus saddle to in front of a movie camera, but actresses love their audience too. There are those who find my aspirations foolish, childish, and unrealistic; naysayers who feel it’s time for me to grow up and settle for something more sensible. So far, I’ve refused.

Why is it that we are expected, even encouraged, to have ridiculous ambitions in childhood, but realistic goals as adults? Let’s find ways to keep the magic within us alive even as we grow older. To find out how, I set out to discover what we can learn from the dream jobs of our five-year old selves. Through discussions with friends and family, I’ve compiled a few themes within common childhood dreams and ways to never let go of them.


Creativity is important to us as children. We want to color. We want to create. We want to let our imaginations run wild. Perhaps that’s why the vast majority of the people I asked remembered wanting to do something artistic or entertaining when they grew up. If we’d all had our way, today’s world would be filled with ballerinas, writers, artists, movie stars, and even a few ‘In Living Color’ Fly Girls. Maybe it was the glamour that attracted some, but I think most of us just wanted to express ourselves. That instinct doesn’t have to die with age. Ballerinas and fly girls can take a dance class or volunteer to teach dance to children. Writers can still express themselves in blogs or webzines dedicated to their subject of choice. As for the movie stars, there’s actually a lot more local film opportunity than you might know, find your way in and you can ham it up on your weekends off.


As selfish as some children may seem, there are quite a few of us that still care about the rest of the world, even at a young age. A large majority of former five-year olds that I talked to wanted to be veterinarians. As children, we sense the importance of having furry friends in our lives and want nothing more than to help them. Oftentimes this dream falls to the wayside later in life when the reality of a long veterinary education sets in. But fret not; you can still have a taste of your Dr. Doolittle dreams by volunteering at local shelters or adopting your own menagerie of pets. After all, adults need furry friends too.


For every dream that’s set aside, there’s another dream fulfilled. While my research revealed that perhaps superheroes and cowboys are aspirations best left in childhood, there are still several inspirational stories of those who are making their dreams a reality: lawyers just graduating from law school, writers working nightly on their novels, and animal lovers plugging through pre-vet exams. Anything is possible, if it’s what your heart truly wants.

Quick Tips for Making your Dreams a Reality

Be realistic about why you want what you want. Do you want the reality of your dream or the fantasy?
Don’t let television dictate what you think is real. Find out what the job is really like before deciding it’s your ideal.
Start small. No one makes a career happen overnight. Find ways to participate in your dream field, even if they’re not bringing in the big bucks.
Surround yourself with people that understand. You need support to follow your dreams. Nothing picks you up after failure like the voices of those who believe in you completely.
Never stop dreaming. Make a list of new and exciting dreams annually and don’t be afraid if your goals change, just always be honest about what you truly want. Follow your heart and you can do no wrong.

Self Decoration

Dye Your Hair Lovely-Locks


Today you can dye your hair almost any color of the rainbow, permanently, semi-permanent or just clip/braid it in for the day. (Lady Lovelylocks style) If you dig color, be creative. If you don’t, search the mushroom patches and cotton candy trees for some pixie tails to color your hair in a swirl of delicious 80s palettes~ To get a true POP of color be sure to bleach your hair white (this is tough so get professional advice or study it before attempting) first.



See an adorable video done by ‘bipolarbears’ on youtube — she shows the steps from dying your hair black to pink.

Self Decoration

Graphic Makeup


Does makeup matter? It matters as much or as little as you want it to. It can be as lovely, nude and natural as you like.. or it can be as out loud exciting as an lighting bolt. I like love it when people take things to the next level when using graphics and design to decorate their faces and bodies. YES PLEASE. YESYESYES.

Be sure to check out the step-by-step makeup tutorials in the Japanese magazine scans as well as some artist photos and tutorials below~

Makeup is a magic mask of color just waiting for you to get creative and change the rules. Wear it to a rave or, if you like to march to the beat of your own drum like most of us do, wear it to get groceries whenever you feel the need!

Decadent Makeup Here & There

From all around the world, cartoon, model or artist.. we like our makeup loud and clear.

Merci to the wonderful Audrey Kitching for her own love of the Miseducated lifestyle. She makes us so proud we could burst.

80s-inspired Magic Makeup

Courtesy of the amazing Bethany.

Colorful & Creative Makeup

This last colorful and creative makeup tutorial is by the wonderful Rebecca. Living a Miseducated life to her means, “Be yourself, never stop learning & never hold back on your creativity.”


Self Decoration

Let’s go to the Nail Salon!


Imagine your fingernails sparkling when they are typing on the keyboard or flipping the pages of a book! Pretty fingernails really make one feel very happy! Think Sanrio, “Small gift, big smile.” In times like these it’s the sweet, inspired things that really go a long way.

So let’s go on a trip to the nail salon I frequent in Hong Kong! I’m planning to get some gel nails with 3D acrylic nail art and Swarovski crystals.


Amazingly the nail painter accomplished my rough sketches to wonderful gel nails!

I found the patterns in some Japanese nail art magazines which the nail salons provided.

But if those magazines can not satisfy your crazy thought about nail art, it is surely more fun to design your own cute nail tips! Miseducated girls are all about inspired lives and diy — I’m sure you have many ideas to use.

You can change your nails in honor of a holiday or occasion; how about a Christmas version with snowman and Christmas tree?

Just draw whatever you would like on your nails and simply write some descriptions about the colours and what kind of stone you prefer.

Use the ideas in magazines as an inspiration, but most importantly, have fun and create whatever you like!

Crafts DIY

Create your own Nail Art


Fingernails.. Toenails.. they’re like mini canvases waiting to be painted (or collaged!). I used to have such a love for nail art that I devoted an entire website to it, complete with fanlisting! The fanlist grew large, the discussion about Japanese fashion, makeup and nail art was booming.

Now thanks to the rad Japanese fashion magazines people scan and share and Gwen Stefani, Japan fashion is even more prevalent today. (yay!)

Japan has a hand up in life design.
Design is a process that we can take to every level.
Let’s not ignore our nails! 😉

So how will we get this decadent inspiration without scanning bookstores for Japanese fashion magazines and nail salon listings? Here of course!

Below are some cute nail tips and tutorials from Japan, I’m absolutely digging on the strawberries.

No matter what you decide~ enjoy life to the fullest while you design your world.

Nail art scans are from Japanese fashion magazines such as ecocolo, CUTiE, CUTiE Book, melon, egg, Kera, BLENDA, JILLE, ku:nel, Nail Up, etc and, my favorite nail salon, PinkyNail.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today in Kiddy Land


Now it’s time to go to one of my absolute favorite shops to visit in Japan, Kiddy Land. I love going there with friends and wondering through the 7 floors of toys, color and fun. I can never get enough and I usually don’t leave until my basket is overflowing into my arms. Small weakness: cute and whimsical characters.

It’s a great girl date *and* a workout too, especially if you climb the stairs and oogle the gashapon (capsule machines) along the way. They capsule machines taunt you with miniature collectables, keychains, toys.. all of them are cuter than the next (if possible). All limited edition, once they’re gone they’re gone.. so if you happen to be a huge fan of a certain character you might purchase a number of capsules to get your favorite. Absolutely addictive. As are the arcades. Prizesprizesprizes. Collectcollectcollect. They’re trying a new thing in Japan (new in the USA) and it’s called offering high-quality prizes that people actually want. Haha.. to be fair I’ve noticed Japanese capsule machines popping up around our malls as well but the selection must have been tailored more for American kiddies.. no Sanrio!

As with any shop-a-long you get my gab to accompany you as well as the sometimes painfully-bright rainbow colors of Miseducated’s world.

Did I mention I recently seem to have become a fan of RUN-ON sentences? According to my writing the sentences. articles and explanations get longer and longer. I apologize for that. *bonk*

As we’re shopping remember to grab a cold drink so you don’t get too tired gazing at everything you want to play with! It’s easy to get fatigued here. Best to have a sugary drink or coffee for a more speedy trip (burst of energy). Or you could be healthier than I happen to be.

What was it you said you were looking for? Hot pink toenail clippers with your initials on them? 😉

I’m currently addicted to the girly-style boy briefs! The waist bands are adorable.. !! Check out the finds below and see what I mean.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Japanese Lifestyle Goods


Mmmmmm.. what’s that smell? Is it rice cakes? Deliciously sweet and fruity shaved ice? Perhaps Lollipop icecream from Baskin Robbins? Flavors stacked in neat little balls to the sky? We must be shopping in Japan.. I often spend as much of my money on the arcade, treats and nonsense junk than I do on anything that anyone else would appreciate.

.. but who cares! It’s my life right?

I know the love for adorably cute things doesn’t translate well to everyone.. I know I’m expected to finally grow out of pigtails at 24.. have I? No.. but I know what’s expected of me and I choose to be myself because I am miseducated and I am inspired by all sorts of funny, little things.

One of my favorite past times would have to be skipping around Japanese department stores alone when I lived in Tokyo.. I used to escape the busy chaos of living and find hours upon hours I could spend visiting each little section of the wonderland lifestyle playgrounds we’ll call, Japanese department stores.

The department stores in Tokyo tend to be an accumulation of colorful masses (selectively arranged, mind you) of little shops and stands in malls — in these shops you’ll find delicious interior accessories, diy inspirations, office supplies, health and beauty goods, it’s unending! A maze of wonder!

You generally have to check your purchases out in each shop/section and will receive a bag containing your purchases nicely taped shut so that you may take it on your continuing store journey.. when I say stands I mean exquisite stores, Vivienne Westwood scarves and Shisheido makeup, San-x, Sanrio, Daisy Lovers, the top products in Japan for display and sale. It’s like a museum of lifestyle inspiration.. it makes me feel invigorated and creative after a visit where many American stores leave me feeling drained and exhausted. I just had to pass on the favor to my wonderful readers and inspire their day in even the littlest way. 😉


Note that these, are Japanese wedding favors and absolutely adorable yet still aesthetically pleasing. Not to mention very easy to match with any chosen color palette!


My absolute favorite type of balloons ever! Reminds me of cute, kiddy, popadelic 80s Valentine’s parties; it just so happened my birthday was the day before Valentine’s day so I never had a shortage of cute heart decor to choose from!

Self Decoration

Harajuku Hearts and Street Fashion in Japan


When living in Japan it’s difficult not to notice the much appreciated time and effort that people put into their wardrobes. As you probably know you can find an array of fashion and culture movements throughout Japan. Because this society views team-driven existence, others find release in creating a creative, unique appearance.

If you’re looking for the parade of the Harajuku heartthrobs, you’ll have to visit the park on Sunday when they’re prancing around with their outfits in tow. Enjoy the hearts and take a tip from them, if you go out why not transform your body into a character canvas?

eyes shut

hats off

causing color

mushroom mat

decora cute

shadow squad

up close and purple
Crafts DIY

How to Create the Perfect Polymer Macarons


I believe many girls love macarons. Tell me who can resist the delicious and cute looking French macaron?

macaron diy

Besides the edible macaron, macaron accessories are also very popular in Japan and all around the world. There are may ways to make macaron accessories for yourself or for your little Blythe. The simplest way is to use air dry clay or polymer clay. In this tutorial, I choose to use air dry clay because I don’t like to use polymer clay that has to be cured in the oven.

macaron diy

You Need

Acrylic paint (any colour you prefer)
Clay cutter and measurement spoon (size is up to you)
Embedded crystals (any colour you prefer)
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly or hand lotion
Air dry clay (you can use polymer clay which needed heat up in oven to cure)


1. Apply the Vaseline (or hand lotion) on the tools and surface that will contact with the clay. This step is important to avoid the clay stick at the tools or surface.
2. Apply the Vaseline on the surface and your hands too.
3. Cut this amount of clay (enough to make two macarons).
4. Put a little red acrylic paint on top of the clay (I chose red because I want to make a pink macaron).
5. Twist and rub the clay until the colours mixed evenly with the clay.
6. Then put the measurement spoon on top of the clay.
7. Press down so to get a shape alike the shape of the measurement spoon
8. Please see if it looks like the photograph above.
9 Then use any flat surface to press it down until it looks like this.
10. Repeat the step 6 to 9 for the bottom piece. Some embedded crystals are put on top of the top piece.
11. As shown in this picture.
12. Cut this amount of clay.
13. Put a little bit dark brown acrylic paint on top of the clay (to add some colour to the filling) then twist and rub the clay until the colour mixed evenly with the clay.
14. Then use any flat surface to press it down until it looks like this.
15. Sandwich the white clay in between the top and bottom pieces of pink macaron.
16. If you want to make accessories with it, you have to add a 9-pin. Enter the 9-pin from the side.
17. Set aside the clay macaron for two days for completely air dry.


1. I recommend you to trim your nails first before handling the clay, because clay tends to stick to long nails.
2. Make sure all the tools and surface are dust free to avoid any dust twisted or rubbed into the clay.
3. In case the clay become dry, add a few drop of water to get back the flexible feeling.

Business Features Self Decoration

Spank! Japanese 80s Revival Fashion


Spank! fashion! It’s a shop promoting the girly, sweet clothes most of us wore in the 80s and reviving and reworking them into new outfits for fun and raving. The shop is owned and opperated Tavuchi and her cute friends. If you’re ever raving in Tokyo, you’ll surely spot Spank! girls frolicking amongst the colour and lights making everyone’s night a little sweeter.



Try this style by pairing frilly mini-skirts and eighties toon nighties. Don’t forget to LAYER, as this is also important. If you view decora (or FRUiTS) fashion you will notice many differing layers. Colour, texture and pattern all differ creating a rainbow of color upon every cutie and toys are used as accessories and more. However instead of the many different decora colour palettes, Spank! uses the soft, feminine pastels of the 80s girl’s fuzzy companions and cartoon favorites.

Spank! Video