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health food

Design Your Life

Maintaining a Healthy Brain While Working Online


I’ve recently had the pleasure of chatting with the media-proclaimed “Poker Barbie” Lacey Jones about playing poker on and offline and actually making a living doing it. It seems rather strange to me to rely on a chance game to supply your income but I suppose many people feel the same about freelance design work and professional blogging (sometimes you have tons of jobs and advertising opportunities, sometimes just a few) and so, having had several friends that seem to successfully live this way, I had to learn more about how they are able to make the most of the unconventional (Miseducated) lifestyle and career they chose.

One topic we kept coming back to in our discussion is how to stay healthy while spending the majority of our time sitting down doing mostly brain work and very little body work. In being a blogger and artist I can definitely relate to my body getting the short end of the deal and began to realize that our work actually holds many more similarities than I had previously thought.

So what exactly is needed to run both a healthy brain and a healthy body while sitting for long periods of time? I thought you’d never ask! Let’s take a look at some brain foods, unhealthy foods and health tips used by professional poker players around the globe and use this information to our own benefit whether we be playing poker for money or blogging for fun.

“Add these ‘superfoods’ to your daily diet, and you will increase your odds of maintaining a healthy brain for the rest of your life.” ~ WebMD

Brain Foods

Wild Salmon
Nuts and Seeds
Whole Grains
Dark Chocolate // Cacao

“Whether you play live or online, poker guarantees one thing; you spend plenty of time sitting in a chair. In order to be profitable in the long run it’s crucial to revitalize the body and mind with exercise and healthy food.” ~ 9 Essential Health Tips for the Online Poker Grinder

Health Tips

Ergonomic and Comfortable Chair – Make sure your chair is supportive to your back, your monitor is at a comfortable height and your wrists are relaxed.
Take Breaks – Take 2-5 minute breaks every 30-60 minutes to maintain high brain performance and productivity and don’t forget to take a 30 minute lunch in the middle of your work day.
Rest Your Eyes – Remember to look away from the monitor throughout your workday and focus on something farther away for a short time.
Use Routine Exercises and Good Posture – Don’t simply melt into your chair and write away, be sure to keep moving throughout your work day even in the smallest of ways. Roll and stretch your wrists, contract and hold your abdominal and gluteus muscles, exercise your calves by pushing up onto the balls of your feet. Utilize a routine which allows you to be habitual in your seated exercise regimen.

“By reducing or eliminating the foods that should be avoided you will optimize your brain power today and reduce your risk of developing brain related diseases in the future.” ~ LIVESTRONG

Foods to Avoid

Processed Carbohydrates
Trans Fat and Fried Foods
Fatty Dairy
Sugary Sweets

DIY Recipes

Get in a Dandelion Daze with Recipes and More


With spring just around the corner, you may find yourself longing for the childhood days of frolicking in flowered fields and making wishes on dandelion puffs. And why not? You may now settle for city parks in place of flowered fields, but you’re never too old or too urban to enjoy a fluffy dandelion.

But did you realize your favorite sunny weed has more uses than just wishful blowing?
Read on and stock up, but don’t worry, the supplies are located in your own backyard.

dandelion days


Yes, dandelions can be eaten. Full of vitamins and minerals, the leaves of the dandelion flower can be tossed in salads or layered into sandwiches for a healthy boost to your meal. However, these greens are best picked before the plant has flowered, otherwise they tend to be bitter in taste.


While your salad uses the leaves, dandelion wine uses the tiny yellow petals to create a unique beverage for your next picnic. Up for the challenge of making your own? Try this unique recipe courtesy of


Dandelions are chocked full of antioxidants, make wonderful diuretics, and act as amazing liver cleansers. Brew a cup of dandelion tea to ease stomach problems and detox your liver after overindulging in that dandelion wine.

Skin care

The juice of the dandelion plant has been used throughout the years to treat skin rashes and ailments. It’s said to have antibacterial properties and can supposedly clear warts and sooth eczema. Meanwhile, dandelion supplements have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. The roots and leaves of the plant in pill form detoxify the blood and can help clear up acne.

Good Luck

Feeling crafty? Weave yourself some sunshine accessories in the form of a dandelion wreath and you’re on your way to a lucky day. Just make sure it’s one you’ve crafted yourself, superstition states that wearing one from a friend can actually take luck from you.

And if all else fails: find a fluffy one, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow.