Today I love…
Baby Leg Warmers, Sophie the Giraffe, Rockabye Baby Beatles Lullabies, Irregular Choice shoes, Lollipops, Ben & Jerry’s, Cherry Garcia, Starbucks VIA Columbia Instant Coffee, Pineapples, Peaches
The cats in our lives are special, that’s no understatement. When people can share their homes with unconditionally loving little characters it’s always a plus. Not only do they improve emotional state but also health and help lower blood pressure. What’s better than hearing a purr lul you to sleep?
mrrrow~ i’m hobbes! i’m a fluffy little house cat. you might think i’m a little feminine but that’s just because i’m a momma’s boy and she happens to spoil me crazy with cute, pink kitty goods.
i was born in september of 1997, the 8th to be exact! a little country cat full of spunk and covered in long, fluffy hair. because of my adorably-unique looks my owners allowed me to stay inside while my short-hair brothers and sisters continued on the country cat lifestyle. my birth mother, squirrelly, was a little bit wild and didn’t stick around too long to see me grow up~ i felt i hadn’t met my real momma yet.. i waited patiently.
when i was 5 weeks old a woman came to the country home looking for a tiny kitten as a gift for her daughter. she saw a lot of semi-wild kitties running around and worried they might be a bit sickly. the gem, myself, was kept inside and when she started to give up she spotted my handsome mane! a bit of pleading later and i was allowed to be adopted by this woman! oh oh oh, i was going to move away~ but where?
i was brought to a strange house, through a door and placed on a yellow, satin bed. a young girl walked in and squealed. oh my! i knew she was my mommy. i immediately started mewing and kneading the soft blanket as my new mommy talked to me. “do you have a name?” , she asked. her mother told her my name was hobbes, it was given to me by my first owners. she loved it and thought it fit me to a T!
i soon got very sick and they took me to the vet to realize i had an upper respiratory infection — very deadly and serious for tiny kittens! mommy to the rescue ~ with medicine and a lot of love i made it through! it wasn’t even time for my baby shots yet, i toughed out surgery as a tiny puff.
i lost a few other lives throughout the years including being hit by a car once when i ran outside and refused to come in and having a tumor removed from my butt! i’m still going strong and my doctor says i’m sooo healthy and youthful! i’m 13 years old and he says i still got a lonnngg happy life to lead, meow meow meow. everytime we come in to the office he says, “My what a healthy cat!”
we moved to the city in september of 2007 after my mommy married her high school sweetheart. oh yeah~ here i come indianapolis! i’ve never been so happy and after every poop i race up and down the spiral staircase. our apartment is soo fit for a kitty and i’m king!
i’ve been famous in the 90s on my mom’s website miseducated and i’ve had gifties sent to me for my birthdays and emails and web friends and have even had websites and blogs! i’m happy to meet you! now give me a pat and let’s share a tuna shake!
If when I’m running a bath Hobbes walks in before I close the door he remains, with worry as the bath fills. When it is time to get in, he edges towards the tub in absolute shock, why would I get in the TUB?!?! Don’t I know it’s wet in there?? He sits on the edge of the bath carefully, watching as though the water may inflict some horrible pain on me. He mews and smells the water, wondering when I’ll come to my senses. If he gets stuck outside, which is most often the case, he continually howls in pain and scratches at the door until I’ve come from the terror tub. Are all cats this scared of water? I’ve heard that Sphyinxs (hairless cat breed) like water, that’s so cute.. they’re adorable.
Cat stories and critter stories are as pleasing to tell between owners as they are to listen to. Have a sweet story about your little one? Go ahead and send it to us along with some photos to be published at Miseducated.
An oldie but a goodie. 😉 We used to plaster this one on our kitty-themed websites along with tons of adorable information — how I miss the old silly days of web pages and graphic design!
by Unknown
You never feed me.
Perhaps I’ll sleep on your face.
That will show you.
You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail! Behold,
elevator butt.
I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! good dog! good dog!
The rule for today.
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.
In deep sleep hear sound
Cat vomit hairball somewhere.
Will find in morning.
Grace personified
I leap into the window
I meant to do that
Blur of motion, then-
Silence, me, a paper bag
What is so funny?
The mighty hunter
Returns with gifts of plump birds
Your foot just squashed one.
You’re always typing
Well, let’s see you ignore my
Sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box
You cannot see me if I
Can just hide my head.
Terrible battle
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What’s a “term paper”?
Kitty likes plastic
Confuses for litter box
Don’t leave tarp around
Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner
Want to trim my claws
Don’t even think about it!
My yelps will wake the dead
I want to be close
To you. Can I fit my head
inside your armpit?
Wanna go outside.
Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!
Oh no! Big One
has been trapped by newspaper.
Cat to the rescue!
Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in the bed, then screams!
My claws aren’t that sharp….
Cats meow out of angst
“Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much”
Litter box not there
You must have moved it again
I’ll crap in the sink
The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
time for “Cup Hockey”
We’re almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?
Maria is a wonderful and talented little lady that’s taken vintage and whimsical collages or imagery and used them as a design element for jewelry and oh-so-cute accessories. Locketship pendants are as unique as you might think and their aesthetic is magical, dainty and sweet!
Locketship is the brainchild of Maria Ewing-Estrada, and like the designer herself, puts a new spin on a classic. Unlike the original locket, which hid its contents, Locketship pendants share their feelings with the world.
All Locketship jewelry is handmade by Maria and her husband Aaron in their Los Angeles home. High school sweethearts, the two married soon after graduation and began melding Maria’s creativity with Aaron’s handiwork.
How sweet and inspiring is that?
Miseducated even selected a few of their favorite items that we might not be able to live without.. when we do a photoshoot with her goodies you’ll be sure to see how pleased we are with the quality and glamour of her shimmery jewels. I know I couldn’t say no to the kitty collection! She knows my weakness! 😉
Monday jokes rain out of people’s ears at offices.. I don’t know how it is where you work but I’m sure whatever day the work week begins on someone’s complaining.
Instead of thinking of Mondays as a bummer, think of them as a beginning to your inspiration overload sessions every week — begin to plan fun and personal growth activities *as well as* work, errands, tasks, etc.
.. and if scheduling seems like absolute hell to you and you have no issues with procrastination.. simply pass to Step 2.
Want more mood therapy techniques like this?
Key to Living the Law of Attraction
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated
ALL Business is Show Business
Schedule your day per hour — Write what you actually do beside it and next to that make 2 columns for you to rate how much pleasure you experienced during the activity and to what percentage you mastered it.
Again, make sure you allow time throughout the day for activities you look forward to.
Incorporate more Miseducated whimsy and special you time into your Mondays.
Instead of taking a shower before you start your work day, take a bubble bath using sensitive Mr. Bubbles or your favorite bubble bath — play some inspiring music that you can hear while in the tub and brew a cup of earl grey tea.
Create your own (lots of recipes here!) or buy a new scented lipgloss to apply throughout the day, not just when lips are chapped! Think of ways to incorporate other new smells into your day such as an aromatherapy candle, nice-smelling lotion, sweet solid perfume, etc.
Master your skills. As you’re working imagine what you might do to keep on task better while still enjoying your day. For me this means the occasional walk-around break, snacks optional and listening to music or inspiring pod casts while I work.
Keep a little notebook in your purse or briefcase especially for inspiring sketches, notes and pieces of inspiring found-items. These little carry-along scrapbooks can be great sources of inspiration and remind you about experiences when you’re sitting down to work and communicate your ideas.
Decide that you’re going to rearrange a room in your home/apartment and surf online for delicious decor in your free time. Find ways to make your environment a little more you, a little more unique and much more inspiring! Sometimes just changing things up is very revitalizing.
My favorite movie since childhood, the delicious 80s glitter rock fest (The Labyrinth) complete with faeries and the rock king himself, always inspired me as everything, even the dirt, was covered in glitter. Sweeping your floor and feeling a little bummed? Sprinkle glitter in with the dust and even dust bunnies become just a little more magical.
It’s off to your local handmade market for you! Purchase some incense that smells great and a little decadent snack. When home, burn the incense as intended and relax near it reading and enjoying the occasional whiff of fragrant smoke. Don’t like incense? Try scented candles!
Write your best friend a good morning letter when you begin your work day. Chances are you’ll brighten her day as she is also at work and it’ll make you smile knowing she’s smiling. You might even get some sweet messages back throughout the day that make you feel wonderful for opening communication.
Grab a pack of post-its in your favorite color and write inspiring and positive messages to everyone signed, Happy Monday. Stick these on electric posts, subway windows, in your lover’s briefcase, on the milk in the fridge, on your coworker’s computer mouse, etc. <3 Don't overdo it, it's more special for those that find the surprises anyway.
Kitty Rave! (both my and my best friend’s favorite way to wind down at night!) At night time when you’re relaxing and feeling a little excited that you’ve gotten through another Monday, turn up the dance music and dance around the house in your pajamas with your cat or dog. (my chihuahua gets really excited about this and bounces around the room) You’re getting exercise, they’re getting exercise and it’s really quite fun.. especially if you’re jamming to Kissy Sell Out. Often my husband even plays his electronic music live on kitty rave nights.
Have a great Monday!
Worried about kitty’s food allergies? ASPCA has the word on those. Make sure you don’t use any ingredients that will harm your krazee kitty!
If you’re having a kitty party and having all the kitties in your neighborhood over, don’t. Kitties prefer having tea parties with their own families and are very territorial, especially when catnip and tuna are involved!
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons of wheat germ
2-4 tablespoons of catnip
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup goat milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of molasses
1 egg
Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350*F.
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, wheat germ and catnip).
Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl (egg, milk, vegetable oil, and molasses.
Mix the wet and dry ingredients together and work it into a dough
Lightly flour the counter or other work surface
Remove a portion of dough and use a rolling pin to uniformly flatten the dough to a thickness between 1/8 of an inch and 1/4 of an inch.
Cut the dough into 1-inch squares using a rolling pizza cutter or a cookie cutter of your choice.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are crisp and lightly browned.
This recipe will make approximately 50 medium-sized cat treats.
Once the treats have cooled, gently remove them and place the cookies into several small freezer bags.
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 can tuna, in oil or 1/2 cup cooked chicken, chopped into small pieces
1 tablespoon vegetable or cod liver oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup water
In large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken). Add the flour, mixing well. Stir in the water, oil and egg, mixing well. Mixture will be sticky.
Shape mixture into 1/2-inch sized balls. Place on greased baking sheets. Press balls to flatten.
Bake at 350*F (175*C) for 10 minutes. Remove treats from oven; let sit 5 minutes and then turn treats over and bake another 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack. Store in an air tight container in refrigerator.
Drain liquid from tuna packed in spring water. Freeze liquid in small ice cube trays (cocktail ice cube trays work nicely, fish shaped from IKEA trays? double points!). Give no more than 2 cubes at 1 time as a treat. Reuse your can of drained tuna by placing in it an airtight container and covering with filtered water overnight for a second batch of tuna-pop water.
tea ball loaded with catnip
1 cup Water
Put the catnip in a bottle, pour in the water. Put the cap on the bottle,and shake until the catnip tea is green.
Since these treats are preservative-free, they will not last forever. So to extend their lives, store them inside the freezer in several small freezer bags. As needed remove a bag from the freezer and leave it out for several hours to thaw. Once the treats are thawed, transfer into a Tupperware container for easy access and store the treats inside the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
“ Hello, my name’s WANWAN and I’m a little deer chihuahua.
I find that only the cutest outfits make their way into my wardrobe and I absolutely adore prancing around and playing in them. My hair is quite short you see, I’m mostly bald! I get awfully shivery without anything on! Because of my bald little body, I also just love standing on the heat vent. Whenever it turns on I hear it and trot on over pretending I’m Marilyn Monroe. “
It’s getting a little chilly here in western-US so I’ve decided it’s time to whip out all of my fibers and create a little wardrobe for my Chihuahua. I’ve composed a pattern to create an easy coat for small dogs and also for cats (although my cat is a thick puffball). The front and mid section are attached by way of your choosing (buttons, snaps, velcro). You can also knit your little one a sweater. My own pattern is simply a small tube with arm holes due to my pup’s tiny size. The coats are so easy to customize! Change up your fabrics and liners, try embroidery, patches, buttons, yo-yos, bows and all sorts of cute. Thing of fun patterns, check a vintage book for inspiration! Fun coat themes include fall, daisy meadows, mushroom forests, snow, winter wonderlands, russia (nesting dolls?), snow bunnies, etc.
Modern Tails, The Pet Boutique, Trixie & Peanut, Calling All Dogs, Paw Palace, Pooch Online, Artful Pups, Chic Dog, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th,Doggie Clotheslines, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th, Doggie Clothesline, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Funny Fur*, G.W. Little, Haute Dog Boutique, The Haute Hound, Ezra Dog
Dogs are a little bit stinky so it’s important to bathe then only in a special shampoo formulated for your dog’s skin. Myself, being the cat person I am found the dog’s natural scent very unappealing in the beginning. After a nice warm bath in her favorite shampoo, she smells like a coconut and as her own scent comes through I find it a sweet match. 😮 She uses an organic oatmeal shampoo for dogs and cats made with aloe, vitamin e and skin-softening nutrients I picked up at the local pet store. They have aisles of pet shampoos at all major pet stores — take a look!