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Luna moon

Crafts DIY Vlog

Artist Trading Cards DIY: Make and Collect


Inspired by the many trading cards of the past, artist trading cards (often called ATCs) are another fun way to trade with a personal flair. I have a feeling that even non-proclaimed-artists should create ATCs — what a cool way to revive aged-pop cultures? I plan to attach bubblegum to mine so let me know if you’d like a bite~

The cards must be 2.5in by 3.5in or 64mm by 89mm (no exceptions ^^). They are also generally made as limited editions (it’s a time to relax and handmake something small and exclusive) and should probably contain your name, theme, contact information and anything else you’d like to include! If they’re part of a series you can also number them, ex. Moon Cats 3/6. It might be a cool idea to use different themes or criteria for each series to keep it fun~ challenge yourself and be creative!


ATC envelope pattern.

Swaps & Collecting

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Swap Bot
Altered Art Swap List
Etsy ACEOs


Show your Luna from Sailor Moon Love


Luna, is a moon cat from the lovely world of Sailor Moon created by Naoko Takeuchi. Magical girls and magical cats light the silvery night sky, saving all from doom by way of rainbow prisms of heart*star*moon shine. This gallery aims to please the moon cat lover in you, that was the reason you watched the show, right?? Myself, I adore Luna in human-form. She has my same hair style except for being purple! Hairballs and everything. You’ll notice she also has double odango atama (meatball head aka Sailor Moon), a little something I like to call heartball head.

Luna Sprites

Show your love for Luna by placing these game sprites on your website. <3