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Show your Luna from Sailor Moon Love


Luna, is a moon cat from the lovely world of Sailor Moon created by Naoko Takeuchi. Magical girls and magical cats light the silvery night sky, saving all from doom by way of rainbow prisms of heart*star*moon shine. This gallery aims to please the moon cat lover in you, that was the reason you watched the show, right?? Myself, I adore Luna in human-form. She has my same hair style except for being purple! Hairballs and everything. You’ll notice she also has double odango atama (meatball head aka Sailor Moon), a little something I like to call heartball head.

Luna Sprites

Show your love for Luna by placing these game sprites on your website. <3


Miseducated Once a Website, Now a Blog


Hey there! Do you feel like an alien in this new and strange world? If you are a previous visitor of and you’re not sure where to start — we’ve simply changed into a webzine and community with more interactive rainbowlicious content, just for you! New things are always on the way for you to enjoy~

Miseducated (previous to now) had been a personal website since 1996. Exuding color and a childlike personality as well as view of the world around (wonderland, if you will). In the mid-late 90s tons of these same websites dominated the underground web. Inspired by Japanese personal pages, they popped up like mushrooms in dew. They actually do exist nestled away in their mushroom forest.. you can find a few within the links here! If you’d like to have your website linked here or would like to communicate about ‘old skool bizness’, here you go!

In Memory of…

Other personal pages you might remember from the late 90s: Rainbowlicious 😮 , Pixi’s Cotton Candy Thrill, Itty Bitty Kitty Trailer, Love Revolution, Luna*C, Diana’s Divine Designs