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Visual Splendor

RAW: Natural Born Artists presents AWAKENING


RAW Indianapolis Awakening

I was recently called about being selected for RAW: Natural Born Artist’s art event coming up in Indianapolis on a date that is to be announced. I was instantly very excited and a little nervous. Apparently they had found my digital collages online and thought they would be amazing for a showcase there. As you may know I’ve been a little behind on making any work for “myself” as I mostly work for clients online these days and take care of my family and my health. However I felt like this was the universe telling me, “It’s time” to renew my work, make some new work and get back into the swing of being a more active artist again. I’ve sat in a cocoon for over a year now rebuilding my life and truth is, it’s scary no matter when you step back out! So here I come..

Support My Work

If you would like to support my work and help the universe push me in the right direction please purchase a $15 dollar ticket for RAW. If you aren’t in the area and can’t make it I’ll send you a free signed $30 print for your support along with a million digital hugs, just let me know you got a ticket so I can send it out. I have to sell 20 tickets for the event to both promote it and learn to force myself to promote my own work to friends and family (I’ve always been shy about it, believe it or not!).

Now are you ready to see some new and revamped collages for the event? I must say that my collages are obviously mostly filled with photos of my kitschy artifacts found while rummaging through antique stores both here and in Japan. They are not the taste of everyone but they are me and my voice. If artists tried to please everyone then they would in turn lose their voice and nothing is more sad than communicating something you strongly do not believe or agree with.





Design Your Life

How Well Do You Know Yourself?


Your relationship with yourself defines so many aspects of your life. So how is it? Do you know what you want and who you are? Do you have a strong sense of self? How do you know?

Think about your morals and values. Where are your limits and boundaries in life? What do you cherish or hold valuable?

What about your personal relationships? Who do you hold close to you and why? What traits do you value in a person? How do you interact in these relationships?

Picture your ideal life. What’s in it? Who’s there with you?

Think about your past, especially focusing on crucial events. How did you react then? How would you react now? How have you evolved as a person? Are you still hung up on something that happened in the past? Why? How will you get past it?

What goals do you have in life? Where do you want them to and what do you hope to learn?

What influences you in your life? The opinions of others or your own? Who inspires you? Why?

Think about your childhood and how you’ve been shaped as a person. How were you influenced as a child?

Where do your passions lie? What do you love doing? How can you do that for the rest of your life?

What should you do if you can’t answer these questions?

It’s time to do some soul searching and self analysis. One thing I find helpful is to make yourself a “Self Exploration Notebook” where you can write down all these questions and start to answer them as you think about them. Think of it as making a map of yourself. You can even go further and start to ask yourself different questions that really make you think. Try to take time to write in it every day and see what you come up with.

Consider yourself as the world views you. Think about what kind of an impact you’re making and how those closest to you view you. Think about how a complete stranger views you. Is it how you view yourself? If not, what’s different?

Take time to evaluate all of your relationships. Think about family ties, romantic relationships, and close friends. Are these healthy relationships? How do they impact your life?

Consider the endless possibilities that you are faced with in your life. You can do anything and with all those options you’ve got to sit down and think about them. Think about your happiness and the path that leads toward it.

Continue to get to know yourself better every day. Think about your actions and the drive behind them. Think about your choices and the reasons you make them. Think about your daily interactions and how they affect you. It’s never time to stop exploring. Your map is constantly changing.

Don’t give up. Even if you’re a stranger to yourself the benefits of finding who you are as a person are endless. It’s one of the most important things you’ll ever do.