Let’s get pinned. My mood board for the day is whimsically spiced like a cup of my favorite tea, Amandine Rose, which has sadly been discontinued from Teavana (so I’m hoarding my filled tea tin like I’m hoarding the inspiring photos you see below all over my pin boards). Drink a cup with glittery eyes and relax with visions of sugar dolls dancing in your mind.
So we went shopping for some cute, whimsical radiating deliciousness for your home recently and you seemed to have quite a lovely time. I’ve decided to take another shopping trip but wanted to go more hi*design.. incorporating in some afforableness, of course..
Hi*design? That’s high! When you go up, where do you go next?
That’s right! To the moon!
Now let’s shoot to the moon and window shop through the windows to the world wide web with eyes open and mouths drooling, hands grabbing stars along the way.
While landscaping in the blazing sun today with the shrubs and flowers we picked up (by landscaping I mean sticking my hands into the mudded dirt (I just can’t use shovels! I have to use my hands!) and becoming lightly splattered in watery mud) I realized how much I want to really focus on my design intent next time I move into a home, as it will probably be my home for quite some time! I’ve started to grow a little tired of moving for awhile, but since I am the most indecisive person *I’ve* ever met you could ask me again in a year…
The great thing about A HOME is I can renovate and change it anyway I see fit to create my ultimate paradise. Don’t you agree? Home is your palace, whether it’s in an apartment in a lighted city or a cottage by the sea.
Dream your ultimate paradise, what do you adore about places you visit that inspire you? What aura do you want to create in your own home? What feelings and memories would you like your home to evoke? Consider that when selecting colors.. don’t just focus on neutrals, incorporate some extremes into the mix. Give it your own signature.
Some of my favorite stores online have got me twisting in my chair and drooling into my hair! If you like clean lines and bright candy-coated shells then you’ll have a blast around today’s mews. Did I also mention bunnies? Was that a given?
LAMA, Dutch by Design, Brocade Home, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, 2modern
Todays inspirations are as random as todays events are. I decided it was finally time to clean this little cave I’ve set up residence in.
Cave, you ask?
Well.. it’s an office room and as I work from home again I find it very hard to *remove* myself from the area thus clutter erupts around me consisting of candy-covered cuteness, sketches, notes, lighters, incense, photos, letters, everything a lady needs by her side, you know. :p *grabs a paper from the stack*
Ahhh yes, here it is! *blows powdered-sugar dust bunny dust off of the paper* Today WE (meaning myself and the cat on my shoulder) are going to give shouts to our sweetest friends online for the wonderfulness that they do.. and we’re going to dig up just the right inspiration to get us motivated to organize our junk!
Window Shopping
Let’s go window shopping at our favorite store, Sanrio Japan!

THIS is a bouquet fit for CAT*E, add a happy (rainbow dyed) rose and you have the best bouquet evereverever in existence.
Now for those of you who DON’T understand the Hello Kitty thing… you might be getting a little overloaded with cute but I still would like to skip around the colorful, cuteness of fredflare. They *always* make me drool for something!

Have you seen these around here before?
That’s right! They were used the my snow icecream tutorial here at Miseducated, haha.
This should be great kitschy-cute inspiration for you diy-ers! <3
It’s always a good time for ice cream.. so why not let ice cream be your timer?
Cotton candy toothpicks? Perfect Idea!
This is something my best friends and I would die to find while shopping in the dental isle. When I say die what I really mean is, have an excited attack with rushes of happiness.
I’m planning much more window shopping but the sheer magnitude of my drool-list today is overwhelming.. since the rest is more furniture and interior items, I’ll save it for the next time! Want more? Let me know. .. and if you’ve found any kitschy cute deliciousness don’t forget to show us here! We love hearing about your great finds!
Free Love
Now for some shout outs to amazing dears in my life~
Kumako (my darling soul*sis in Japan), The Paris Apartment Blog, Creature Comforts, Pretty in Bleu, Dormia, A Little Stranger, Papercakes
Have a great blog or website you’d love to show us? You know the drill, plug it!
A Woman is a Woman (Une Femme est une Femme’) is a 1961 French new wave film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. It’s colorful, quirky and adorable in it’s imagery and story. I found the interior shots to be clean, bright and simple, yet quaint and kitshy-cool. Reminds me of the delicious interior eye-candy to be gorged on in each of the Jeu de Paumes books.
The film centers around the relationship of an adorable exotic dancer Angéla (Anna Karina) and her live-in boyfriend, Émile (Jean-Claude Brialy). This films requires little-to-no serious thought, all of the discussions are completely trivialized and cute to watch. For instance they use book titles to argue and debate issues, pointing to titles that communicate the response that they would like to give.
Angéla wants to have a child while Émile does not, all the while Émile’s best friend Alfred (Jean-Paul Belmondo), constantly insists that he is in love with Angéla. It must be that every woman’s biological urge to have (bear, adopt, get a cat or chihuahua instead of) children kicks in at some point in their lives (even if just by passing thought!) no matter how much fun they may be having. *wink*
Have a taste!
I recently had the fun of re-watching the 1973 movie edition of Tales from the Crypt. An absolute design gem in my opinion, you can find lovely mise-en-scenes in most old films (especially in Hitchock’s). Try watching some of your favorite old films for inspiration when designing anything. You’ll find as many tacky, funny goodies as you will absolutely sensational ones. Mind not the knives, terror-stricken faces and gore — as my grandmother LaVera once said, murder is necessary to tell a story.