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MADE WITH CODE: 3D Print a Free Bracelet ala Google


MADE WITH CODE by google and shape ways

I am really into the MADE WITH CODE project. It’s gorgeous and positive. As a once very young coder (11 years old) I would have exploded confetti to see such a movement on or offline. Have you heard? Shapeways (D printing marketplace and community) and Google (you know.. Google) have teamed up to promote the successful design and innovations (AND CODING!) of girls and women around the globe.

Design & Print a Free 3D Bracelet

Not only is this a gorgeous project but you can also make a 3D bracelet on your computer that Shapeways will print (FOR FREE) with their 3D printer (if you live in the US).


Join the Code Community

“Today, less than 1% of girls are majoring in CS. Tomorrow, we can make that number go up.” – Made With Code

Get Future Female Coders Involved

Maybe your daughter will be the next big designer? Let her try these adorable projects and have fun together being creative.

Learn More

Made with Code is an initiative to champion creativity, girls, and code, all at once. The movement is designed to do three things: To inspire girls by celebrating women and girls who are using code to do great things; to engage girls to try coding through introductory projects and resources; and to sustain their interest by creating alliances and community around girls and coding.

Join the movement and have fun. We sure are.