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Visual Splendor

Falling in Love With Soapylove

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Debbie is behind the aesthetically delicious soap design company (so perfectly named) Soapylove.

Miseducated, knowing you would love this as much as I do, just had to chat with her and plan some super special features for you in the future.

Q. How do you think of new ideas for soap themes and designs?

A. I’m very inspired by fashion and craft trends. Graphic design is my latest passion since I can now put dissolving images into my soaps. I love that!

Q. What inspires you?

A. Candy, color, cuteness, anything kawaii, and I especially love Japanese stationery supplies. Deco tape is my newest indulgence!

Q. What are your favorite scents?

A. I LOVE super fruity scents like watermelon and strawberry jam. I could smell those all day long!

Q. What’s the most exciting memory you have experiences because of soapylove?

A. Definitely when my soaps were featured on the Etsy homepage for the entire Thanksgiving weekend! That was my first year in business and the orders came rushing in. So many new opportunities came from that lucky break. It was beyond thrilling!

Q. What’s next? Can you give us a sneak peek?

A. There are so many new things coming up in Soapylove! I have amazing cupcake fizzies that I’m getting labels designed for right now, and a new collection of printed soaps featuring adorable kawaii characters! You can take a sneak peek here. I am working hard to get them ready for my shop. Stay tuned!


Now sink your eyes into this sugar surprise, a gallery of Soapylove creations~