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season 2 recap


Orange is the New Black Season 2 Character Recap


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After Season 1 came out on Netflix I was working for something to watch.. I saw it was a prison show about WOMEN and I decided to give it a try. I watched the first episode and laughed a lot. Then I watched it again with David.. then I proceeded to watch every other episode until I was dying to know that there would be more.

Season 2 I watched as soon as it came out. Season 3? I’ve been watching it. I waited a bit because my kids are on summer break and I needed adult time… and now I’ve started watching it. But I’m scared to binge watch because then it’s just over as quick as it started! Ha.

I did skim through Season 1 & 2 again to see what went on before I jumped back in. The main updates on our favorite characters have been listed below. Short and sweet. (So you can get back to watching.)


Season 2 Character Recap

Fiance (Larry) slept with her best friend Polly.
Engagement called off.
Almost got transferred but got to stay.
Realized she’s changed after attending her grandma’s funeral on the out — she’s accepting that she deserves to be in prison.

Officially out and coupled with Polly.

Got released from Prison and realized real-life is more dangerous.
Planning on skipping parole but Piper ratted her out.

Got beaten (almost to death) by Vee.
Her nemesis Vee got ran over and is assumed dead.

Crazy Eyes
Used by Vee and again betrayed and left alone.

Deputy Warden achieved with probation.
Given everything that happened including escapes it’s likely he’s not going to hold on to the job.

Saputo discovers evidence that Figueroa is embezzling money from the prison.
She gets blackmailed into resigning (after giving him a blowjob).

Healy’s feelings are hurt after no one shows up for his Safe Place group-therapy session.
Because he’s a jerk.

Fired for being framed for raping Daya.
Believes Daya loves him and her baby is his.
He will not be on Season 3.

Morello let terminally ill Rosa escape.

Miss Rosa
Chemo treatments aren’t working for her terminal cancer.
Drives off in the van, sees Vee escaping and hits her.
She speeds away as sirens blast.

He confessed to Caputo that he is the father of Daya’s baby.
Caputo didn’t care.

Hid the heroin — will she fall off the wagon?

Stuck in a tight spot with the heroin she and Nicky were smuggling in.

Soso is still adjusting to prison life.

Yoga Jones
Loses her cool and punches Janae for saying why she got incarcerated.

Ousted Vee.
Reunited with best friend Poussey.

Admits she has romantic feelings for Taystee which made things weird for awhile but it seems they’re friends again.

New, gold teeth.
Lost her crew and cut her hair (to join the “gay agenda”).

orange is the new black candle