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Crafts DIY

Create your own Nail Art


Fingernails.. Toenails.. they’re like mini canvases waiting to be painted (or collaged!). I used to have such a love for nail art that I devoted an entire website to it, complete with fanlisting! The fanlist grew large, the discussion about Japanese fashion, makeup and nail art was booming.

Now thanks to the rad Japanese fashion magazines people scan and share and Gwen Stefani, Japan fashion is even more prevalent today. (yay!)

Japan has a hand up in life design.
Design is a process that we can take to every level.
Let’s not ignore our nails! 😉

So how will we get this decadent inspiration without scanning bookstores for Japanese fashion magazines and nail salon listings? Here of course!

Below are some cute nail tips and tutorials from Japan, I’m absolutely digging on the strawberries.

No matter what you decide~ enjoy life to the fullest while you design your world.

Nail art scans are from Japanese fashion magazines such as ecocolo, CUTiE, CUTiE Book, melon, egg, Kera, BLENDA, JILLE, ku:nel, Nail Up, etc and, my favorite nail salon, PinkyNail.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today in Kiddy Land


Now it’s time to go to one of my absolute favorite shops to visit in Japan, Kiddy Land. I love going there with friends and wondering through the 7 floors of toys, color and fun. I can never get enough and I usually don’t leave until my basket is overflowing into my arms. Small weakness: cute and whimsical characters.

It’s a great girl date *and* a workout too, especially if you climb the stairs and oogle the gashapon (capsule machines) along the way. They capsule machines taunt you with miniature collectables, keychains, toys.. all of them are cuter than the next (if possible). All limited edition, once they’re gone they’re gone.. so if you happen to be a huge fan of a certain character you might purchase a number of capsules to get your favorite. Absolutely addictive. As are the arcades. Prizesprizesprizes. Collectcollectcollect. They’re trying a new thing in Japan (new in the USA) and it’s called offering high-quality prizes that people actually want. Haha.. to be fair I’ve noticed Japanese capsule machines popping up around our malls as well but the selection must have been tailored more for American kiddies.. no Sanrio!

As with any shop-a-long you get my gab to accompany you as well as the sometimes painfully-bright rainbow colors of Miseducated’s world.

Did I mention I recently seem to have become a fan of RUN-ON sentences? According to my writing the sentences. articles and explanations get longer and longer. I apologize for that. *bonk*

As we’re shopping remember to grab a cold drink so you don’t get too tired gazing at everything you want to play with! It’s easy to get fatigued here. Best to have a sugary drink or coffee for a more speedy trip (burst of energy). Or you could be healthier than I happen to be.

What was it you said you were looking for? Hot pink toenail clippers with your initials on them? 😉

I’m currently addicted to the girly-style boy briefs! The waist bands are adorable.. !! Check out the finds below and see what I mean.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Japanese Lifestyle Goods


Mmmmmm.. what’s that smell? Is it rice cakes? Deliciously sweet and fruity shaved ice? Perhaps Lollipop icecream from Baskin Robbins? Flavors stacked in neat little balls to the sky? We must be shopping in Japan.. I often spend as much of my money on the arcade, treats and nonsense junk than I do on anything that anyone else would appreciate.

.. but who cares! It’s my life right?

I know the love for adorably cute things doesn’t translate well to everyone.. I know I’m expected to finally grow out of pigtails at 24.. have I? No.. but I know what’s expected of me and I choose to be myself because I am miseducated and I am inspired by all sorts of funny, little things.

One of my favorite past times would have to be skipping around Japanese department stores alone when I lived in Tokyo.. I used to escape the busy chaos of living and find hours upon hours I could spend visiting each little section of the wonderland lifestyle playgrounds we’ll call, Japanese department stores.

The department stores in Tokyo tend to be an accumulation of colorful masses (selectively arranged, mind you) of little shops and stands in malls — in these shops you’ll find delicious interior accessories, diy inspirations, office supplies, health and beauty goods, it’s unending! A maze of wonder!

You generally have to check your purchases out in each shop/section and will receive a bag containing your purchases nicely taped shut so that you may take it on your continuing store journey.. when I say stands I mean exquisite stores, Vivienne Westwood scarves and Shisheido makeup, San-x, Sanrio, Daisy Lovers, the top products in Japan for display and sale. It’s like a museum of lifestyle inspiration.. it makes me feel invigorated and creative after a visit where many American stores leave me feeling drained and exhausted. I just had to pass on the favor to my wonderful readers and inspire their day in even the littlest way. 😉


Note that these, are Japanese wedding favors and absolutely adorable yet still aesthetically pleasing. Not to mention very easy to match with any chosen color palette!


My absolute favorite type of balloons ever! Reminds me of cute, kiddy, popadelic 80s Valentine’s parties; it just so happened my birthday was the day before Valentine’s day so I never had a shortage of cute heart decor to choose from!

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today Café 1.0 and Fresh Cuteness


Todays inspirations are as random as todays events are. I decided it was finally time to clean this little cave I’ve set up residence in.

Cave, you ask?

Well.. it’s an office room and as I work from home again I find it very hard to *remove* myself from the area thus clutter erupts around me consisting of candy-covered cuteness, sketches, notes, lighters, incense, photos, letters, everything a lady needs by her side, you know. :p *grabs a paper from the stack*

Ahhh yes, here it is! *blows powdered-sugar dust bunny dust off of the paper* Today WE (meaning myself and the cat on my shoulder) are going to give shouts to our sweetest friends online for the wonderfulness that they do.. and we’re going to dig up just the right inspiration to get us motivated to organize our junk!


Window Shopping

Let’s go window shopping at our favorite store, Sanrio Japan!

Hearty Stew

Cuppa Burnin' Love

Bouquet for Cat*e
THIS is a bouquet fit for CAT*E, add a happy (rainbow dyed) rose and you have the best bouquet evereverever in existence.

Kitty Clips Kitty Camp

Kitt-chen Crystal Kitty WareKitty's on the Pot Bathroom fit for KittyCat's on the Kettle

Now for those of you who DON’T understand the Hello Kitty thing… you might be getting a little overloaded with cute but I still would like to skip around the colorful, cuteness of fredflare. They *always* make me drool for something!

Cup o' Love
Have you seen these around here before?
That’s right! They were used the my snow icecream tutorial here at Miseducated, haha.

Golightly Mask Lashes to Sleep
This should be great kitschy-cute inspiration for you diy-ers! <3 5388_D

Time for Icecream
It’s always a good time for ice cream.. so why not let ice cream be your timer?

Tea for Two

Cotton Candy Toothpicks
Cotton candy toothpicks? Perfect Idea!

Cupcake Dental Floss
This is something my best friends and I would die to find while shopping in the dental isle. When I say die what I really mean is, have an excited attack with rushes of happiness.

5-Minute Happiness

I’m planning much more window shopping but the sheer magnitude of my drool-list today is overwhelming.. since the rest is more furniture and interior items, I’ll save it for the next time! Want more? Let me know. .. and if you’ve found any kitschy cute deliciousness don’t forget to show us here! We love hearing about your great finds!

Free Love

Now for some shout outs to amazing dears in my life~
Kumako (my darling soul*sis in Japan), The Paris Apartment Blog, Creature Comforts, Pretty in Bleu, Dormia, A Little Stranger, Papercakes

Have a great blog or website you’d love to show us? You know the drill, plug it!


Happy 35th Anniversary Hello Kitty!


Hello Kitty fan? YES please! So she might not exactly be the most mature idol to have but she sure is the cutest. Hello Kitty has made my world bright since I was born in the 80s (she’s been kicking it since 76′) so it’s about time I devoted a little space in Miseducated to the fantastic feline herself.

I say feline loosely because I really mean the kitty cat, sugar*puff, white marzipan saccharine sweetie and thief of hearts worldwide.

Miseducated wants to take a chance to wish Hello Kitty (and one of the greatest companies ever, Sanrio) and all of her friends a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and all the delightment and rainbow glitter dust in the world! We have dedicated a place and shrine for you, Kitty White. You inspire us to no end and will keep doing so until the end of time!

drawing kitties

Official Kitty

Sanrio Town
Hello Kitty Online
Sanrio USA
Sanrio Japan
35th Anniversary: Hello Kitty Colors
Harmony Land

Kitty Goodies

DIY Crafts
Sanrio Art Center
Seed Bead Kitty Pattern
Kitty Pony Bead Pattern
Keroppi Pony Bead Pattern

Kitty Fanpages

Hello Kitty Fanlisting
Hello Kitty Fan
Sanrio Salon
Twin Star Haven
Pink Sugar Ichigo
KT Sanctuary
Hello Kitty Food Flickr
Hello Kitty Tea Party
Hello Kitty Minutiae

Kitty Mail Free E-Mail
user name

New User? Sign Up Now!


Submit your fanpages, goodies and anniversary gifts for the Miseducated Kitty shrine! Just attach to your comment below.

Stay tuned for more Kitty goodies in the future!


Customizing a New Home


CUTiE BookTurning your apartment, house or beach-side bungalow into a home? I’ve moved a lot only recently. After being smothered in a small-town, for way too long, I was ready for new adventures and surroundings. First I lived with a family in my heart*throb, japan. Then we moved around in Indiana’s capital delicious wonderland city Indianapolis, from downtown apartment to east-side apartment. During the summers, I shack up with my lovely best friend in California and always find new places and friends to love. I’ve found amazing people I want to forever keep in my life (there are still many years for us to end up together) and I knew if I explored to find my own paradise in the US I would be truly at peace with my world. (I still plan to visit Japan always until I finally accept a job there -why don’t you???- and live my dreams)

delicate & sweet a balcony for me shoes in a row

So we’re picking up and moving again! This time to a paradise we fell in love with together, Nevada. Now Las Vegas is a kitschy tourist attraction, mind you, but there are always amazing things going on that you can be involved in, it’s not far from L.A. and the sunshine replenishes your body with Vitamin D as well as inspires your mind to produce melatonin.

The most important thing about a new home is what new whimsical world will unfold as I place items around and attempt to customize my surroundings (this gets tough in city apartments!). In case you need a kick start or just a push in a new direction, enjoy the inspiration and let your home drink it up!

Let’s Get Started!

Need some furniture or decor inspiration? Take a look at the resources listed at the end of the article.
Be sure to hit up local thrift stores and flea markets, you could find delectable art-deco, mid-century and antique goodies to paint/ design for your home for a fraction of the cost of most designer deco. One of a kind items are always smile inducers while lounging in your quarters.

With some sanding and a few coats of glossy enamel you can turn a sad, chipped and rusty 60s wall shelf into a new sleek treasure.

paint it~

Starting to see endless possibilities in creating your ultimate wonderland on earth?

Yummy Inspiration & Boutiques

Urban Outfitters: Apartment
Brocade Home
Mason Reve
The Paris Apartment
Espirit Cabane
Jeu de Paumes Books
Three Potato Four
Decor8 Blog

Miseducated Articles

A Spare Roomedy
Apartment Seventy-Seven
Pretty on Penn St
Home in South Korea
Interiors of Amelie
Gwen Stefani’s Chic Space
Lala’s Kitschy Paradise

Visual Splendor

Pretty on Penn St Apartment Tour


A gem hidden downtown was this adorable little city building. Upon entry the antique tile floors, mail room, paneled walls and arched ceilings made way for a lovely place to collect your mail from the original mailboxes.

Inside the hardwood gave way to seats and built-in walls waiting side by side for someone to take a rest and gave up the staircase to the chandelier above. Four of the bottom apartments were 2-story with staircases inside, it happened that ours had a spiral staircase just waiting for Hobbes to run up and down every step. The staircase curled into a small, basement living room and kitchen, above, by the entry door, was a bathroom to the left and a bedroom to the right. The bedroom was complete with vintage, original window facing towards the spiral stairs that lead below. A landing facing built-in shelves and windows with plenty of sill for plants and kitties to sunbathe on. This was my favorite apartment because it was absolutely made for us! Without ample storage it was nearly impossible to grow in the teeny, tiny adorable apartment (we are now with Chihuahua!).
















Self Decoration

Harajuku Hearts and Street Fashion in Japan


When living in Japan it’s difficult not to notice the much appreciated time and effort that people put into their wardrobes. As you probably know you can find an array of fashion and culture movements throughout Japan. Because this society views team-driven existence, others find release in creating a creative, unique appearance.

If you’re looking for the parade of the Harajuku heartthrobs, you’ll have to visit the park on Sunday when they’re prancing around with their outfits in tow. Enjoy the hearts and take a tip from them, if you go out why not transform your body into a character canvas?

eyes shut

hats off

causing color

mushroom mat

decora cute

shadow squad

up close and purple

Take the Pledge to Buy Handmade


To learn a new recipe or diy project, just explore around the DIY pages of Miseducated and within the links section above for some of our favorites!

I’m sure many of you crafty girls have your own shops so please post your shops and urls here! If you have your own idea for a project you’d love to share, simply email us at [email protected] as always! We love to hear from you.

Why buy handmade?

Buying Handmade makes for better gift-giving.
The giver of a handmade gift has avoided the parking lots and long lines of the big chain stores in favor of something more meaningful. If the giver has purchased the gift, s/he feels the satisfaction of supporting an artist or crafter directly. The recipient of the handmade gift receives something that is one-of-a-kind, and made with care and attention that can
be seen and touched. It is the result of skill and craftsmanship that is absent in the world of large-scale manufacturing.

Buying handmade is better for people.
The ascendancy of chain store culture and global manufacturing has left us dressing, furnishing, and decorating alike. We are encouraged to be consumers, not producers, of our own culture. Our ties to the local and human sources of our goods have been lost. Buying handmade helps us reconnect.

Buying handmade is better for the environment.
The accumulating environmental effects of mass production are a major cause of global warming and the poisoning of our air, water and soil. Every item you make or purchase from a small-scale independent artist or crafter strikes a small blow to the forces of mass production.

Learn more and take the pledge at


DIY Interior Ideas for Your Spare Room


Those of us who are fortunate to have a spare bedroom know that figuring out what to do with it can be tricky. More often than not, this room is a sight for sore eyes – full of random “keepsakes” and loads of junk. Either that or it’s a combination of an office and work out area (that just so happens to have a bed in it).

spare rooms

Here are a few ideas to help jump start your thinking process. See if any catch your eye!

An at-home Gym

How many times have you intended to work out after/before work but didn’t end up making it to the gym? Well, a home-gym is a great way to motivate you to work out. After all, it’s hard to get up early enough to drive to the gym and the last thing you want to do after a long day at work is head off to your local work-out facility.

An at-home gym is convenient for many reasons and you’re more likely to use the machinery if you’ve got a nice room designated for such activity!

A quiet/relaxation room

This room should whisper “serene” every time you walk inside it. Paint the walls a muted color that’s easy on the eyes. Fill it will soft, plush furniture, candles and lots of books or drawing/painting supplies. An indoor water fountain would be a great addition, too. Allow yourself to melt away in this sacred space with books, crafts, meditation and even sleep.

A toy room for children

If you have children who frequent your house, this is a great idea. Paint the walls a cheery color and even add some bright/child-like decals on the wall. I remember my grandmother’s playroom had several dresses filled with dress-up clothes, jewelry and accessories. Add a few books shelves and lots of stuffed animals/games. Another benefit of having a special room for children to play in (aside from you playing in the room and pretending you are a kid again) is that the mess stays there. Also, everything has its place so it’s easier to tidy up when they are finished playing.

spare room

A bar lounge

Turn your spare room into a bar/lounge, especially if you like entertaining company! It’s completely utilitarian and inspires you to invite guests, too! Make sure you have seating (be it around a table or casual lounge chairs/sofas) and plenty of sturdy tables to place drinks and food. Create a room that allows people to move freely, schmooze and relax. Avoid placing a TV in this room as it’s not conducive to conversation!

A gaming room

This is targeted to the gentlemen reading, but even a woman can enjoy a game room! Add a pool table, air hockey or a foosball table as your main feature and then add other games, too. Be sure to include a nice table for playing board games! You could go retro with arcade games or old Nintendo or you could jump into the future with more up-to-date gaming consoles (like the Wii). This is great for entertaining and sure to be a hit with friends and family.

A movie room

Whether you’re a movie buff or simply like to watch movies, go all out with this one! If you have the means, purchase a nice television and surround sound system. Add (really) comfortable sofas or chairs that are great for movie-watching and a few tables to set food/drinks. As for decoration, you could go with a genre theme. For example, a 40s theme with lots of movie posters, quotes, etc.

A library

This is great for those of us who always have our nose in a book! It’s also nice for those who wish their nose was in a book more often! Make this room one that you can relax in. Soft colors, plush seating and great lighting. Then, add lots and lots of bookshelves and fill those babies with books! You can even organize the books however you like: by genre, by author, etc. One thing that may be interesting for decoration is framed book covers or pictures of your favorite authors!