Deericorns live in a land in the clouds, protected by starlight.
Adoptable ‘cyber’ pets.. what are those? The largest agencies took a delight in hightening the imagination and fantasy. They spoke of their pets and the history surrounding them, carfully woven together to produce a cute, pixelated web dream escapeland.
So what do you do with these little images? You add them to your website generally, sometimes even devoting whole pages and areas specifically to them. That’s what we did then. I suppose now you add them to your blog’s sidebar or somewhere on your online profile?
Sometimes adoptables are limited, only one of each kritter to be adopted. When you adopt the website may give you a silly certificate to place with it and a link back from their website — if they’re a big artist, this can even bring similar funloving visitors.
My favorite adoption agency was Starluck’s Sweetwater Valley. The combination of Erika’s art, imagination, fantasy tales and passion for creating fantasy worlds created a very sweet and fun site to explore. I remember I was always so excited when there were new areas updated with new images inside — pixel art was a bigger deal then. haha.
I believe it’s common to trade or sell adoptables now on Gaia, artists create adorable pixelated creatures and goodies for others to buy and place on their signatures. Starluck even created a few! 😉
HERE’S YOUR VERY OWN MISEDUCATED ADOPTABLE to shoddily place somewhere on your little web presence for both protection from webasaurs and to proudly display your support for pointlessly cute things. If you appreciate the love for cute things (no matter what your age!) show it, always. Also remember that these were inspired by one of my favorite artists Ayumi Uyama.
How to Adopt
1. Upload the image to your server.
2. Link it here.
3. Enjoy Deericorn protection.
Dainty Deericorns
Spread whimsy and the love of Miseducated with your own Deericorn!

pink: love & friendship
purple: status & power
blue: happiness
Because you know there are other dorky artists like me, right? These adoptions are simply one of the cutest, most magical and most nonsensical ways to express yourself online. <3