I’m thankful for so many things this crazy week but if I had to choose just five…
♥ Fondue
One of my absolute favorite types of food that I very rarely get to enjoy. For my birthday my best friend took me to a delicious restaurant, The Melting Pot, where we had coffee liqueur and creme brulee fondue for a select time. There were cakes, strawberries and a plate full of sweets for us to plummet into the creamy-crackly, velvety white chocolate bliss. I wish I could share our dessert with each and every one of you, I’ll never forget it.
♥ Tiny Cactus
As you know these are one of my favorite things, I talk about them enough. When I lived in Japan the cactus displays left me permanently obsessed so I always make sure to check supermarket cactuses here. On a late night adventure with Pajamie I spotted a tiny cactus tray and grabbed one with a closed bud on top. Upon bringing it home I repotted it in cactus soil and placed it under a sunlamp. It bloomed immediately and continues to bloom each and every morning. Such a small reminder of the wonderful and beautiful world we live in.
♥ Painting
Lately I’ve taken up painting again to help relax and calm my nerves. I, already anxious, drink a lot of coffee throughout the day as I work then end up in a shaky mess when the day is through.. I’ve been stealing short breaks into my bedroom to paint macarons and rainbows and it’s been making me feel so much better. I missed painting after about a year.. I want to get back into creating art with my hands more, I’ve been getting a little rusty.
♥ Web Design
Many people hear around that I do web design on the side and I find fun little projects to complete during the weeks for new artists and indie businesses. It’s really getting to be a great way to meet new talented artists, even when I don’t have time to be hired for a design job I’m able to find new and interesting designers to feature here at Miseducated. You’ll be excited to hear about some new features coming in the future..
♥ Colette
Of course, the number one thing I’m thankful for in the whole wide world is my princess, Colette. Everyday she learns something new, she’s in such a fun stage. She’s standing, crawling and learning to be mobile.. she’s finding wonder and excitement at every turn. I cannot stop being inspired by her. She changed my life as far as my work and inspiration goes, being pregnant kicked me into gear and being reminded of how special she is daily continues to give me so much to work for. I’m so lucky I get to spend everyday with her!
What made last week magical for you? ♥
1 Comment
My week was macigal becouse of all the love.
The love of my parents, who take care of me even when I am in hospital for things I caused myself. 😮
The love of my boyfriend, who loves me even tough I am so hard girl to love sometimes. 😛
The love of my dear doggie, who is always so happy to see me. 😎
The magic of my friend singing beautiful songs for us.
Her voice is magical.
Even tough my week was full of misery and anxiety, I am happy I could find this many things so good in it 🙂