
Your Hostess Has Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole


My pride! My joy! Miseducated, I have missed blogging inspirations and hearing from you. I’d never leave weekdays without posts unless life has taken me for ransom.

It just so happened this weekend that my never-ending morning sickness had finally gotten ahold of me. I was dehydrated and having cramps and contractions — how scared was I!

It’s 2 months early, Colette still has quite awhile to bake in my stomach.

So I was rushed to the hospital and ordered to stay while they pumped me full of fluids and monitored my little stomach dweller.

The bad news is I had to stay.. the good news is all the time spent monitoring Colette paid off because she’s *very* active and healthy for her age! It was music to our ears.

Now, as for the wonderful world of Miseducated..

We have quite the inspirational, diy, career-inspiring AND GIVEAWAY goodies coming to you very soon! I’ve been collecting some of the sweetest handmade items from artists around the world to offer you in our Spring Giveaway.

This is yet another way for Miseducated to support handmade artists. Did you know you can apply to be featured in a future giveaway? Miseducated will purchase your handmade goodies and give our wonderful readers a chance to get ahold of them.

So stay tuned for new ezines and newsletters arriving into your inbox (you can submit your email in the ezine space in the sidebar!), inspiration and of course tons of color and unconventional Miseducated fun.

I speak for all of our contributers when I say, you make everything worth it!

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  • Reply Tweets that mention Where have I been? The hospital? A rabbit hole? Missed you, xoxo. -- Topsy.com 04/27/2010 at 1:14 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amber Renee Amick. Amber Renee Amick said: Where have I been? The hospital? A rabbit hole? https://www.miseducated.com/?p=7918 Missed you, xoxo. […]

  • Reply Angie 04/28/2010 at 11:47 am

    I’m glad you and your tummy dweller are okay. ❗ Take it easy!

  • Reply Valerie 04/28/2010 at 8:23 pm

    I’m glad that you are ok! Personally I think that she just wanted all of the attention on her before she became really active. 😉 Get plenty of rest, we’ll still be here waiting for you. 😀

  • Reply Amber Renée 04/30/2010 at 12:18 pm

    It’s great to hear from you! I have more blood testing for diabetes on Monday but after that I should be on a roll again. Missing all of the fun and nonsense! <3 xox

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